
Curse Of The Wendigo (A Cold Country's Tale)

The dark night. The pale deathliness of the full unblinking moon. A dark forest filled with unpleasant trees. "Huff.... Huff... Huff... Huff," A figure stomped quickly through the woods running, panting and interrupting the silence of the dark as she did so. The figure ran for a long time until it came to a stop at the edge of the clearing. "Ebbey!" The thickness of the trees muffled the echoes. "Ebbey! You there!?" She called out again. Where was he? They'd only gone out here for a walk and had both bolted when they thought they heard a growl and now..... He was missing. 'Gosh I hope he's alright,' She looked down at herself. Right down from her neck, dripping her clothes and soaking into her shoes, was blood. No, it wasn't her blood. It most likely was animal blood, but that was most likely or even maybe, I'm not sure how she got that much blood on her. I think she knew but she wouldn't allow herself to believe it. She kept calling out. "Ebbey!" She stopped at the sound of shuffling in the bushes nearby. She walked slowly towards it, to an angle where she could see what was going on there without having to part it open. She could see something, a few rodents hunched over a dead animal. The animal seemed to have been half eaten by a larger animal and all that remained were the unrecognizable remnants of it remains. She looked a bit closely at the dead animal on the ground and noticed that a large trail of blood led away from it, across the clearing and beyond the forest. The wild animal could be anywhere. She bent beside the carcass, shifting away from the eating rodents and picked up a bloodied cloth. No! No way! She was probably just over thinking things. But she never over thought things. She fell on her knees and searched for more evidence through the carcass and it's close surroundings. There she found what she'd hoped she'd not find. Pieces of clothing all torn out from one whole and stained with blood and one more thing. Elliam picked it up slowly and enclosed the cold bloody human index that could only belong to Ebbey, slowly standing after doing so. She suddenly felt sick in her stomach as she took in all the signs. She looked once more at the blood staining all of her clothes, the blood on her hands, on her neck, on the floor, trailing into the path she had just come out from. A tight knot was forming in her stomach. Why had she been running from that part of the forest? Where they'd run..... They'd run this way, and...... And what had happened after that? She'd originally thought she'd blacked out but suddenly she saw flashes of what had trangressed in the clearing. Her knees buckled and as she fell she suddenly opened her eyes and practically jumped from her bed sweating buckets despite the sudden cold temperature in the room. The population rose and it became a well known country. In its heart, young Elliam, a girl with a dark past, after being given another opportunity in life struggles to forget her past and focus on her new life, a new country, her new parents, her new school, her new friends, but is the past and the curse inside her just as ready to forget about her? How could Elliam live with her human friends and family with the hunger for their flesh haunting her? Simultaneously in her city, multiple persons have started to go missing. Pursued by her mad dreams and her Windigo Psychosis, Elliam would deal with her problems alone and decides to research more on her predicament. In doing so, she found something shocking. She wasn't the only person cursed in her city, there were 3 others and 2 were right in her school! There was something sus about this, people going missing without a trace and three no four wendigo hybrids in a city at once. She tries finding their whereabouts but only succeeds in finding one, whose whereabouts was surprisingly very obvious... Warning: Explicit Description of Death! Warning: Body Horror!

MuteRivals14 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Good.

I held my breath just then; there was some moving across the grass.

I opened my eyes immediately and with sudden agility, got off the swing and crouched, immediately a rock that was as large as an adult's fist flew swiftly through the swing where my head was positioned a few moments ago.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I saw the large stone.

But as soon as I looked up, a foot kicked on my face, so hard I spat out blood.

I fell again and crawled backwards.

"You dodge fast for a rich useless snob,"

I stood up to see the psychopath trying to kill me; it was a blonde boy who seemed a little older than me.

I felt liquid trickling from my nose and raised my hand to touch it and found traces of blood.

I widened my eyes.

"What the heck, dude?! Why are you trying to kill me!"

First, traumatizing kids all in the name of discipline, then stuffing an alien inside a child then this psychopath?! This orphanage just keep getting more and more amazing and wonderful.

"That's nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you here, your life is already awful coming here but for the reason of me being here, it's going to be hell for you,"

He said, his face emotionless and his voice full of hate.

I looked at him frowning then took some deep breaths and asked, " Did I owe you money in my past life, because I have never seen you before and don't know how or if I offended you?"

The boy laughed a short cynical laugh then leaped off the swing.

"How are you so sure you didn't fought with me?"

"Well, I always remember the faces of those I fought with," With his extremely punchable face, I would have left a scratch or a colorful purple eye.

"Funny, thing is I knew your parents,"

I frowned and stayed silent and stared, waiting for him to continue his chivalrous hate speech, but he too kept quiet and just kept staring at me..... Until I started feeling awkward and choked and hungry and said, "Wow...."

"And I knew that they conned people, driving them to bankruptcy and driving them to their deaths, that's how my parents died, in a car accident because of your parents, all that cash that stupid uncle of yours used to build this place, make you a fancy bedroom is the money amassed from people's blood,"

Well obviously he was waiting for me to respond before continuing. It's like he practiced this in front of a mirror or something.

" It's rich snobs like you that corrupt this country, bully the weak and take from the poor and make kids like us hungry, and then you kill those whom stands opposing,

"And when I'm done dealing with you, the world would be glad of being free from one rich gold digging snoot like you,"

He said with a bitter hiss.

The sky was getting dark, and the temperature dropping.

Well it is something, being accused of being a rich killer that steals from thr poor and adds to her own.

I was annoyed that he said those things about my parents but not angry, enemies of my parents had repeatedly said this to my face and I'd retorted to violence and adding the fact that they were older and undeniably stronger me, plus they didn't like anyway, it wasn't a pretty beating I'd taken.

But my parents had taught to respond with calm, even if that wasn't what I was feeling.

"Brrrr, I don't even know you, boy? So could we first reverse this and start again at the introductions, I'll go first, who are you? "

The boy only started apparently about to burst in anger.

" Hmm, I'll guess, are you uh?" I snapped my fingers trying to remember the words.

"Yeah, you're uh, one of those kids that needs mental counseling, right?" I asked.

The boy stared at me, his jaw ticking.

" Ha, you really have no idea who your parents were, do you?"

I haaaaa'ed.

" Huh, of course they'd want to protect their precious little daughter from the their evil identities,"

I sighed, my parents had many enemies including my teachers in school, whom when trying to get to me, 'exposed' my parents 'secrets' assuming they would keep it away from me. But my parents the personification of not normal so they told that they were loan sharks, but not sharks, dolphins, that was their company's name, loan dolphins.

They loaned money to middle class citizens at low interest rates and gave them a long period to pay back depending on the amount loaned.

They did had a pretty good reputation until when they refused to loan money to an experienced but failed reporter.

And for good reason too, the failed man was an incessant gambler and had owed the company 5 mil, for seven years and somehow still had guts enough to borrow more, it was probably because he knew they were the only ones agreeable enough to give him money.

They refused and he used his sources to ruin their reputation and ruined the company.

"Oh, you mean the fact that they were loan sharks? Yeah, yeah I knew, well they weren't loan sharks but Loan Dolphins, that was actually their company's name,

I also knew that most people whom borrowed from them were gamblers and the lots,"

I paused.

" Were your parents on of them?"

The boy, apparently caught off guard by the question, bent over as he gasped for air while saying, "No no no, of course not," he seemed he was having a nervous breakdown.

I looked at him and asking, "Are you okay?"

"Shut up!"

The boy suddenly burst out.

"You don't know anything about my parents!" He lashed out angrily.

'che'yeah! No duh!'

" Rude....." I started.

"But you're right, I don't know your parents and probably you don't either, because you seem like someone that even a person strangled someone brutally in front of you, you'd still preserve your mind-made image of that person as a white innocent angel,"

" Okay, can you just shut up..."

" No, you just shut up, listen,

" I used to be an incessant bully in my former school and I'm trying to curb that bad behavior, your weak threat is no going to help," I said and turned and walked into the backdoor.

As soon as I emerge from the other side of the door, a dark tall shadow cut off the light from my face.

I looked up to find staring at my the face from that night. The evil face that was the inception of my nightmares.

It was Mother Essyher, with her usual snake like mien, with an incredibly displeased expression.

The blonde boy came in through the door just then.

The two children sighed simultaneously, knowing trouble was looming.

Mother Essyher's office.

"Dinner is exactly at 7:30, yet you were outside from 6:45 until 8:05, explain, "

" Forgive me, mother, "

The boy spoke first.

While he spoke I looked around, I'd never been inside her office and wow, does it fit her aura.

The room was brown and dark and the only light was a yellow old fashioned bulb that hung from the ceiling above the the table.

There was a very old looking grandfather clock whose 'tik tok' rang incessantly at my ears. Near it was a black olden day music cassette player.

The walls were filled at every corners with roundish, naked and unnaturally looking statues and sculptures that made my skin crawl by just looking at it.

'these are even weirder than the ones in the hall,'

I thought, cringing.

High on the walls were portraits, pictures and paintings of dark and grotesque looking people, landscapes and things that have one a feeling of bloody detached ghostliness.

" It was Elliam who was on the swing, I was just trying to do the right thing by coaxing her come inside, but she didn't want to so she pushed me and I scratched my knee, "


I stopped looking around and looked at the boy incredulously, gasping.

"How dare? You are the one who literally just walks up to a person who doesn't even know you, threw a rock at my face, pushed me off the swing, kicked me in the face and insulted my dead parents," I retorted.

The boy glared at me.

" You're.... Are you glaring at me? Mother Essyher, do you see what he's doing?" I said to hasten this boring reprimanding.

Mother Essyher sighed and dismissed the boy with a wave of her hand.

"Thank you, mother," the boy said with more relief in his tone than expected.

"First thing tomorrow morning, off to Father Peter,"

He froze then and replied shaking, " Y-Yes, mother," then left.

I shrugged.

It wasn't my business.

I made to follow but mother Essyher said, "Not you, Elliam,"

My heart nearly stopped.

'oh no! She's onto me,'

I felt so nervous and afraid that I felt if I raised a foot I would float away into the air.