
The Gathering

The USA army has lately been experiencing strange disappearances of navy ships in the middle of the ocean. Sending about 3 ships daily for exploration and supportive purposes rarely any come back or answer the radio after about 1 day into the sea. A rather strange event that has lately been happening in the sea. There are records of such things happening before as well but they have been getting more and more often as time passed. Strangest part is the fact they all disappear on the same spot but when some other ships pass from there, they end up completely fine. The USA army has been getting more and more worried for the strange events that occur to the point where they even called for a meeting with the leaders of all nations. On that same meeting all plans of the USA have been reviewed but that didn't bother them because the sea problem was way more important. Soonly after that meeting and world leaders and the leaders of all nations have decided its a good idea to investigate further but so they don't have to send in the strongest men they have instead will send a few groups of normal people that either specialize in exploration and research or have great leadership tactics.

About 6 months after the first team was sent, multiple others followed them but all seem to have failed and just like the ships they all lost communication within one day. A lot of scientist's researches are unable to explain the happening. Some suggest that they are teleported or transported to a different dimension and some even say they transcend to a higher plane of existence. But of course no one believes these theories, after all a simple human can't just transcend into a higher plane of existence or travel to another dimension from the middle of the sea. But it is now well known that maybe the idea of sending people into pretty much sure death is not good.

There really seemed to be no hope of finding out exactly what's happening. The best explorers and researchers have been lost in the middle of the sea. No one wanted to waste any more of their people after all of those failed attempts so they decided to stop trying and start thinking for a way to prevent entering the zone its self. That would have been the case if a balkan leader didn't offer help for a last try. Since no other country than some balkan countries would be loosing their people everyone agreed to this last useless try.

It took a little bit but at the end a group of 4 friends ready to dive into the unknown was formed. Alex, Josh, Maria and Ana were the brave people that wanted to try. They all know each other and have been friends since almost birth so once they heard the balkans are making a last try for a deep dive they thought it might be a fun idea. So after telling the the Leader they were all sent to the USA for a proper training and to be given information on what exactly happens and what could they expect from this bizare place but since no one knew much it was pretty short. The theories of the scientists were also included and told by themselves.

Dr. Jeff: "So my theory is based on the idea of higher planes of existing which we have been researching for the past 10 years. The idea of being able to transcend onto another dimension, a dimension with higher plane of existence such as the fourth dimension but we can't be so sure about it. I suspect that area is the sea to be a portal to a higher dimension and that's why we loose communication with the people the second they disappear" said Dr. Jeff while pointing at the white board to which multiple pictures of strange schemes were shown. No one really understood what he was saying because it didn't make sense to them but they acted like they do.

Dr. Vinius: "Excuse my friend here he has been very intrigued in dimensionality since he was a kid..." explained Dr. Vinius while stepping in front of Dr. Jeff and taking over the white board. "He is somewhat right though. The communications that were installed even in the brains of some people of the crew cut off which is quite literally impossible unless they have really disappeared from this dimension. But nothing really suggests its a higher plane of existence." Said Vinius with a slight laughter in his tone. "But what you must know is that once you enter this new dimension it is very likely we loose communication again for which you will have to rely only on yourself for any further actions. There will be a crew with you but we never know what really could happen. There might be creatures of absolute terror out there that are ready to kill you within just your entrance."

The team knew they were at a very high risk for their lives by taking this mission but if its for the good of the world and the possible further human evolution they were ready to take the risk. They had nothing to do regardless so this was the perfect opportunity for them to have some fun even if it may or may not be their last moments together. But as they were discussing the situation a new scientist came into the room. Others don't like him as much due to his ideas being a little abstract to any other ones and often even sounding blatantly impossible or unrealistic. He went up to the white board and started explaining his theory of this mysterious dimension.

Dr. Krenus: "Blah blah blah higher planes of existence blah blah blah" said Dr. Krenus in a way mocking the theory of his fellow scientists. "Let me tell you what's most likely yo be the case" once he said those words the other scientists seemed pretty mad at him for thinking he knows what's really out there and even dare mock the theories they have worked hard on.

Dr. Krenus: "What if it's a dimension, a different world, something abstract from our own world. It doesn't matter if it's a higher dimension or not but it is definitely something no human eye has seen. A huge world with all types of beauty being protected by some mystical creatures. Maybe even just like ours it has gigantic seas and strange little monsters the people there eat or tame."

The other scientists were absolutely amused by his theory no one, as always, believed his theory and even called him out for being insane or undeserved of his rank and job. But little did they know a different dimension could be anything imaginable and for the minds of the explorers that theory was the most believable and the thing they hoped to see after crossing the area.