
Chapter 2 : The Emotional Sister

Meanwhile Becky noticed that her sister has been quiet since they started discussing.

Becky:Hey sis,Are you okay (then she stood up and went to sit beside her).

Beauty:(she hug Becky tightly and started crying) I am gonna miss you big sis . can you do me a favor.

Becky: sure what's up.

Beauty: (hug her tightly again) Please don't go.

Becky :(Hug her back and stroke her hair) I too gonna miss you but I have to go or who gonna pay for your fees and other expenses for the family so I have to go.

The two sisters hug each other tightly for few minutes.

Mr Gabriel :By the way Dear who pay for your ticket.

Becky : Dad it my boss I told him that I don't have money for my flight then he sent me some money and asked me to use the money for expenses .

Mrs Gabriel : Is your boss a man.

Becky : Yes he is a man.he is the CEO of RMK Universe at London.

Beauty : Wait sis you mean Mr Williams James. The powerful and richest man in London.

Becky : Yes Yes you know him how did you know him.

Beauty :He was interviewed on the TV last week and I also remember his face it's very cold like coldly demon.

( Both laughed. )

Becky : you mean he has a coldly Aura that means I have to be careful around him.

Beauty :Yes he has and be careful around him.

Mrs Gabriel :(scolded them ) Dear never judge people at their behavior . Everyone has his / her own understood.

Both chorded :Yes mom we understand.

Mr Gabriel : Now you both go to bed it's late.

Becky : okay Dad , goodnight Dad and Mom.

The Couple's : Goodnight sweetie.

Beauty :( Y awning ) Goodnight mom and dad.

The Couple's : Goodnight sweety.

Becky : Goodnight sleeping heady.

Beauty :( Yawning again ) Goodnight big sis.(Then they went to their room aiso the couples also went to their room).