
The Codex Eternal

Their duty is to record the story of the various worlds in the multiverse. Explore the unexplored in search for an explanation. They keep records of all that happens, however, they can never interfere in the lives of mortals unless directly related to such an event. They possess power far above even the greatest of Gods as they are objects of worship even for the gods. With the Codex in their hands, they shall remain omniscient. They are the Akashic Librarians. .... Ascending into a whole new plane of Existence, Richard finds himself in a situation far above his pay grade. Follow as he tries to defend his Universe from the powers that may be... If he can.

king_frosh · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Divine Language

With that in mind, he immediately focused on the tests that had been generated for him.

Even with just a glance, it was obvious they covered all the areas he had read, so without any further hesitation, he picked up the newly generated pen and began writing.

In seconds, he was done, but the tests didn't seem to be coming to an end as the Codex shone brightly, causing what he could only describe as a hologram to appear.

The goal of this was to engage in a conversation with the hologram. Richard did the best he could, and several seconds later, he was back to reading again.

However, there now existed a hologram that accompanied him in his new endeavour.

The Codex, through the hologram, helped him learn even faster than he had expected.

At the thirty-hour mark, the last task or step was accomplished as the area around Richard was filled with illusory fireworks.

This was a minor celebration of his accomplishment, but in order not to forget it, he was forced to communicate in such a manner.

With no one around, he could only talk or discuss with the hologram, whose only purpose was to help him learn and nothing else.

"Well, that's done," Richard said in an unknown but weirdly familiar language.

It sounded too weird for him to even think of it as a language. To him, this was on the same level as Xhosa, which was filled with a lot of clicks.

At the same time, though, it was vastly different from it. Now he needed to speak, but according to what he had read when he had mastered the language, he wouldn't need to.

Such was the Divine Language; it wasn't a language but a communication of wills or intent.

It breached the physical barrier to reach the soul or, from his understanding, the mind of the recipient.

This allowed for quick and easy communication since the user could outright ignore any language barriers.

It was a fascinating thing to know, even if Richard didn't believe that the will or intent transfer was possible.

However, he did know how to write the language now. It had over 500 alphabets, but each alphabet was also a word on its own.

Each word had a complete meaning, which made it almost impossible to lack a word to describe a situation or emotion.

The language was strange, but Richard didn't care; with it, he could see a future bank account filled with zeroes. Fame and wealth would be his.

"Now Codex, let's learn programming… specifically how to create a programming language," Richard said with a smile.

Like he had once said, there was no way he would go through all this without gaining anything in return.

Acknowledging his words, the Codex immediately generated a new set of tasks; however, he could find some weird introductions to it.

The branches to follow were much more immense and tied to many different subjects. At a particular task, the options were divided, and one of them led to him learning engineering.

"Would thirty hours be enough for all this?" Richard questioned.

<<No. >>

A line of text appeared on the Codex, much to his surprise.

"You can reply and answer my questions?" Richard asked, hoping for an answer, but none came.

He had yet to truly understand how the Codex functioned, but thankfully he now knew most of its functions.

"Can you at least lead me to the books I will need?"

As soon as he said so, the Codex turned into light again as it flew off into the distance. Having no choice, Richard followed it until they came upon a shelf.

It floated in front of a book on the shelf, so Richard immediately picked it out. Just like with the language book, it was titled [Introduction to Programming].

He didn't know if this one, too, had the magical ability to multiply into many others, but he still took it out.

"Is that all?"

<<No, >>

The Codex replied, before flying off to another shelf.

There, he found another book before being led off to another shelf. This continued for a while until another mountain of books was formed around his table.

The mountain was even bigger than the original and was segmented into different parts.

Looking at it, Richard knew that no sorcery could allow him to finish all this in thirty hours.

All this had started with creating a new programming language, but there was a whole mountain of books that were solely focused on quantum physics and mechanics.

He didn't even understand how they were related but had no choice but to accept the route plotted for him by the Codex. He may not know much about it or what it was exactly, but he did know that it existed to help him learn.

Grabbing hold of the floating Codex, Richard picked up one of the hefty books in the pile and tapped them against each other.

As soon as he did so, he noticed a small flash of light before he saw a new line of text appear on a new page; it was the title of the book.

It should be nearly impossible for him to borrow any book from this library and bring it into reality. There may be a way, but Richard didn't want to get his hopes up.

However, no one said anything about copying down the contents of the book. That much was not an issue. Thankfully, he had access to a book with infinite pages.

With a smile on his face, Richard immediately sped up his actions as he began 'absorbing' the contents of the books into the Codex.

At the fifty-five-hour mark, Richard began to return the books to where they came from. Even though he had help from the Codex, he still felt as though this was wrong.

It wasn't allowed for readers to return the books they borrowed from the library to the shelves. This was to avoid misplacement.

If the mortal world had complicated classification schemes and orders of arrangement to facilitate easy retrieval, then a library as grand as the Akashic Records would surely have the same.

Yet here he was, returning books to where he had found them, because even if he was still a first-year student, that being had accepted him as a full librarian.

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