
The Codex Eternal

Their duty is to record the story of the various worlds in the multiverse. Explore the unexplored in search for an explanation. They keep records of all that happens, however, they can never interfere in the lives of mortals unless directly related to such an event. They possess power far above even the greatest of Gods as they are objects of worship even for the gods. With the Codex in their hands, they shall remain omniscient. They are the Akashic Librarians. .... Ascending into a whole new plane of Existence, Richard finds himself in a situation far above his pay grade. Follow as he tries to defend his Universe from the powers that may be... If he can.

king_frosh · ファンタジー
39 Chs

A month later

Within a large office, several people could be seen sitting in front of their desks, each on their computers as they typed away. The atmosphere was busy and tense, only comparable to the early days of the company.

"Sir, Bug number 10 confirmed," a voice shouted from one of the seats.

Immediately after, several footsteps were heard as a group of people, led by a middle-aged man, could be seen walking as fast as they could to the location of the man.

"What level?" the man in the lead asked.

"Low, sir."

"Good work. Now get to work patching it," the man ordered.

This was the situation throughout the entire space; the pressure on them was so immense that it was almost tangible.

Meanwhile, a certain someone who could be said to be the cause of it all could be seen within his small room drinking 'groceries with some floating berries.'

"Guy, did you manage to get me those VR goggles?" he asked his friend, who could be seen sitting by the door.

"O boy, those people wanted to kill me with waiting, but I still got it, sha," his friend replied.

This was Richard and his friend, Gabriel. Sitting in his room, Richard could only pray that all would go as well as he had planned.

"Thank God. I would have started crying if you told me they duped me," Richard replied.

His account was bleeding, way more than he needed it to at the moment, and had long since entered the minus stage. He had now gained much more knowledge, but that wouldn't automatically save him from debt.

Well, his knowledge and plans were what had thrown him into debt in the first place, but what could he do? He was just at that stage of his life.

"What do you plan to do with this thing?" Gabriel said as he handed the package over.

"For now, nothing, but I will eventually use it… By the way, I heard that there is a test on Monday. Do you have the notes?" Richard replied as he set the package aside.

He hadn't bought the VR goggles to play games on them; they would be used in the near future, and when the time came, he would be ready to take the world by storm.

"What kind of witchcraft is that? These people don't allow anyone to rest anymore… Every day, a test," Gabriel complained as his smile immediately turned to a frown.

This was the life of the average university student in Nigeria. Thankfully, though, in a week or so, he would surpass all this. In the meantime, though, who has extra garri (cassava flakes)?

Soon after, Gabriel left for his own house, leaving Richard alone. It was an astonishing feat that he lived alone despite how broke he was, but this was only possible because his parents were paying his rent for the year.

With his 'groceries' finished, Richard finally had enough energy and motivation to begin his work. An entire month had passed since he was first drawn into that God Space, Olan, as it was called, and he had been to the Akashic Library only twice so far.

Each time was for only sixty hours in-library time and a minute in real-world timing. However, despite the short time he spent there, he saw that each time he came out, he was a different person.

He was much calmer than he used to be and could say that his intellect was increasing bit by bit.

Of course, there was no way to confirm this, but it was what he felt, and each time he thought about it, it brought him great joy.

However, that wasn't all that had changed; he had finally turned that Divine Language into a programming language. It was costly but far more efficient than he thought. Three sentences were all it took to create an operating system.

Well, technically, it took three words to do so; the others were simply cosmetics and additional features to bring the OS to higher standards.

The operating system, which he had named The King OS, was used both on his phone and his laptop. Of course, it still supported the standard apps from the Play Store, which was surprising.

Apart from that, he could now be considered a very competent programmer. By the Codex's standards, he was a Class B Programmer. Considering that the ranking went from F to S+, and Class B was only three levels below Class S+, he could proudly say that he was very competent.

Naturally, he had used that to his advantage. He had gone into debt and owed a lot to microfinance banks just for his plans, but at the same time, he also had plans to elevate himself out of it.

One such plan was the 'Bug Bounty Program.' This was a program where many companies paid programmers to find and report security vulnerabilities in their systems. It was something he had heard about multiple times in the past but had never considered his programming skills strong enough to do.

"It will probably take a week before they respond to me. Anyway, today we do…" Richard said as he trailed off before getting busy on his laptop.

The goal was to discover as many security vulnerabilities within a company's security as he could, and his actual goal was a hundred of them. It might sound astonishing and impossible considering that these were walls and securities that many expert programmers spent their time reinforcing.

However, he had come to learn that a Class B Programmer was far above the regular 'expert' programmer, the difference comparable to that of a dragon and an ant.

He got into the most secure sites in seconds. Well, he was sort of cheating on that due to his programming language, but even so, just looking at their codes, he could tell all their errors, even some that weren't normally considered vulnerabilities but were still one either way.

As he had done three times before, he compiled 25 Critical bugs, 25 High Severity bugs, 25 Medium Severity bugs, and finally, 25 Low Severity bugs. Altogether, they made 100.

However, it wasn't that easy. The 25 Critical bugs were vulnerabilities that wouldn't normally be vulnerabilities unless an extremely powerful hacker with powerful means hacked them.

The High Severity bugs should, by normal world standards, be Critical Severity. Essentially, he stepped the grade of each bug up.

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