
The Closet : We All Have Secrets We Never Tell

Every teenager faces hardships in highschool but life has planned to give bonus to Bo. Dealing from the trauma of her father's untimely death, saving her mother from depression meanwhile trying to have a normal highschool life. She discovers secrets all the while being unknown of her own. Bo's life takes a turn when she returns to her hometown Shinpi. Struggling to keep her life on track when her past keeps interfering with her present. The longer she stays, the stronger the urge grows in her heart to find about her father's death. Will she be able to find out the truth? or will she run away?

i_am_niam · 若者
8 Chs

A Friend

Darkness. It was pitch black, but I could not see a thing.

I could hear faint footsteps, which sounded like they belonged to more than one person, uncertain I decided to run in the same direction, the footsteps got louder, then I heard a loud bang and then it all stopped. Was that a gunshot?!

There was utter silence. After a few moments I heard a groaning voice but I couldn't make out what it said or who it belonged to. It sounded like someone was in immense pain.

The footsteps started again, but this time they felt like they were coming towards me.

"S-Stop... Don't do.. thi-" the voice was interrupted by a loud pang. It sounded like it belonged to a man. Do I know this man?! What should I do? I can't see anything!

"...Don't do this", he bearly spat out the words. I could feel the pain in his voice. "...I ...have ...a family..."

I woke up panting. 'huh where am I?' I didn't know where I was, my vision was clouded and my head was spinning.

"What's wrong dear?" I heard a familiar voice. Soon someone, a woman, entered the room while I was still trying to figure out my surroundings.

"Another nightmare?" the woman asked worriedly, my vision was getting back and it all started to fall in place. I was still in my room and the woman in front of me was my mother.

"No... I think it's because I watched some horror movies last night" I lied. After all, I didn't want her to worry more than she already does.

"Okay sweetie, now go get ready for school, breakfast is almost ready," she said smiling cheerfully showing off her dimples. She was working hard to provide for us. I still remember that awful time when I yearned to see her smile. I would do anything I can to keep her happy.


As I entered, the classroom fell silent, everyone was looking at me, some even started to gossip to their friend, pointing fingers at me, there was nothing new, nothing that I haven't experienced before, though the circumstances might have been different.

Soon the teacher entered and he wasn't alone, with him was a girl who had a complexion paler than mine, she had short brown hair about shoulder length, she was shorter than me, she had this innocent aura around her. I could see she was a little overwhelmed by the stares she was getting, it was kinda cute to see her fidgeting with her fingers and waiting for the teacher to introduce her to the class.

"Everyone, we have a new transfer student," he announced.

"Hello everyone! I am Pepper. I hope we can be friends " She said as her face wore a light pink shade of blush. She had the most carefree smile I've ever seen. She reminded me of my mom, how mom used to smile before... never mind.

"Hey! Can I sit here?" she said pointing to the seat next to mine.

"Yeah sure, why not. It's Pepper, right?" I said giving her a hand with her stuff. "Hi! I'm Bo".

"Nice to meet you, Bo," she said giggling like a little girl and her eyes disappeared into crescent lines as she smiled brightly.

"What?" she asked me, I guess she could tell that I was mesmerized by her beautiful innocent smile.

"Um... Nothing" that was all I could say. The rest of the lectures flew by in her company and the bell rang signaling that it was time to hit the cafeteria.

"Is this seat taken?" I was about to dig in just then I was greeted with a familiar voice. It was Pepper's.

"I like to eat alone. Did you think just because I let you sit with me that now you can talk to me whenever you like? Girl, you think too highly of yourself." I spat those words at her.

"Oh... is that so?" Her smile disappeared within a second.

I could see that she was disappointed with what I've said. I didn't mean it, I didn't want to send her away either but I had no other choice at the moment.

A few minutes ago; As I was hungry I ran to the cafeteria hoping there were fewer students because I was not in the mood to deal with it. I was just a couple of stares away from losing my patience. Don't these people have anything better to do?

"I heard the seducer has a new friend"

"Seducer? who?" I was passing by a group of girls, and they went quiet as soon as they saw me. I ignored them and went in.

"It's her, the one who tried to seduce our senior!" all three glimpsed towards me. Does every girl who goes to this school knows only how to gossip?!

"Yeah and you know the new transfer student, I think her name is Pepper, someone told me she and the seducer are friends." she continued "She seems quite ordinary to me, she'll be an easy target" and the trio started laughing.

"Well, this is gonna be interesting. Let's see how the seducer will react when her favorite pet is teased." another girl joined the gossip crew.

"Hey, Ito! Don't tell me you're gonna-" I somehow controlled myself from giving those three raccoons a piece of my mind. oh so her name is Ito. I'll make sure I remember that.

"Why not? Maybe then I will catch his attention" she said smiling and nothing about her smile was cute or sweet.

Those words were still lingering through my ears as I saw Pepper leaving the cafeteria. She didn't eat a bit and it was all because of me. I'm sorry Pepper, but if I don't want to cause you any trouble. I tried to control myself, not to let it affect me.

Eating was out of option, I didn't do anything wrong, it's for the better, I kept telling myself that it was okay, everything was alright. But it was almost unbearable for me I was getting worried about her so I emptied my tray and decided to go and look for her.

I searched through all the places I could think of and there in the infirmary, I found her crying. I made her cry and that broke me.

"Pep-" before I could say anything my words were cut off.

"Why? Why would you say such harsh words to me?" she said between her sobs.

"Pepper, stop crying. I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said earlier" I quickly sat down next to her and wiped her tears.

"Huh? I d-don't understand. Why would you do that?" she said giving me a confused look with moist eyes. Thank God at least she stopped crying.

"Look, Pepper... it's better if you don't get involved with me. If you'll be in my company you'll only end up getting hurt" I tried to warn her but I didn't want to scare her either.

"Isn't that for me to decide?!" she snapped at me.

"You don't understand" I was running out of options. Pepper was far too innocent to be involved in my messy life. I didn't want to see someone like her get hurt because of me.

"I don't care what people say about you. I'm your friend and I believe you" I was overwhelmed by her answer. She chose to believe me over those rumors, for a moment I couldn't believe what I heard.

"Friend?" I was shocked and happy at the same time, but I was worried too.

"Yeah," she said wiping off her tears and giving me her cutest smile that flaunted her perfect dimples.

Then I remembered we both didn't have anything to eat and lunchtime was almost over. I searched my bag to see if I had any last-minute snack in it and thankfully I did as I found a chocolate bar inside my bag.

"Um... I know you must be hungry and it's not much but I think it'll be enough to get you around the remaining time. Here, eat this" I said offering her the bar of chocolate I had found inside my bag.

"Thank you. Let's share," she divided the chocolate bar into two pieces and gave half to me and that's how the lunchtime ended. Everything went smoothly afterward.