
The clever stag (Game of thrones)

It is about a person who is reborn as Lyonel Baratheon the trueborn son of Robert and how he is trying to survive in Westeros, and try to make things better. My first fanfiction, English isn't my first language. I do not own Asoiaf. Support me at https://www.patreon.com/Iron_wolf852 (Abandoned)

Ironwolf852 · 書籍·文学
24 Chs


Tyrion POV

It has been a day after the battle, Lyonel has still not woken up, without a maester, only acolytes could help with taking care of him. The wound on his right shoulder was gruesome if it was even a little to left, he would have died. Now he is only in so much pain that we need two men to hold him down from throwing himself off the bed.

It was a shadow that had emerged out of nowhere and stabbed him from behind, Jaime has told me. Whatever the truth is, the city is without a King and with only a thousand men, guarding it and with several thousands of men imprisoned that are still waiting for the judgment. As the Hand of the King is my job to take care of all this, it is bloody hard work, with Stormlanders and Crownlanders coming in a few days.

The Hound already started to recruit new men, but at the first look, people will know that it is their first time holding a sword. With the lords coming to the city, many will want to take some power over others, and we do not have the strength to not let them. If Lyonel does not wake up soon, it will be a chaos of petty lords and knights who will come for glory and find that there no battle to fight anymore.

"How is, his grace, ser Barristan?" I as one of the few Kingsguard that have survived Stannis attack, there are four of them left,

"He has calmed down, but still asleep." Report the ever-vigilant knight.

"At least he is not in the pain anymore, tell me when he is able to receive visitors," I reply to him and leave to do my duty.

Jaime POV

Only he, ser Barristan, ser Preston, and ser Mandor is left of the Kingsguard, and ser Mandor is too injured to do his duty. Even when we somehow won the battle we lost almost all our forces in the city. The king is still resting from the wounds he sustained, people are starting to wonder if he is still alive. Panic will sweep the city streets if the King doesn't show himself in the public and put their mind to the rest.

There are only a few red cloaks left in the red keep, and we need to be ever vigilant, If Joffrey and Stannis tried to kill Lyonel, who else will want to do so? How many enemies do we have? Will it be Renly next or maybe one of the noble that are still loyal to the Targaryens. There no way to find it out and only three men standing against them.

I was replacing ser Barristan and taking my position at the King's chamber doors, he looked tired even if he is still one of the best fighters in the known world, he is getting old and can't stay long nights without getting tired. Was my thoughts when I hear a silent scream from the inside of the room.

"Your grace, are you alright?" I ask as I rush to the room and see the King trying to sit up. "You should rest, your grace, your wounds are still not healed."

"Water." He asks with a raspy voice.

"There, your grace," I say and hand him a cup with water.

"Sigh, how long was I out?" After drinking the water he asks.

"A day and a night, your grace," I answer him and stop him from rising.

"I see, damn it hurts. Tell me, what happened after you killed Stannis?" He asks.

"Most of the forces had surrendered, but a few groups of sellswords had fled with the remaining ships," I answer and see him think about something. "We have won, your grace."

"I see, but now we don't have a fleet." He says with a tired voice.

"You should rest, for now, your grace." I try to advise him.

"There no time to rest, call for Tyrion, there are many things to do." He orders me with a wave of his hand. "And uncle, thank you for saving my life."

"That was my duty, your grace" I reply with a smile on my face, it was the first time he called me uncle.

Joffrey POV

The journey to the north this time was hard, being locked down in the wagon, I never left it, not even once, and won't until I reach the Wall. I wonder why I complained so much when I traveled to the North first time. The past month gave me a lot of time to think, when I think about it I always had everything I ever wanted. Now all alone without any friends or family, but did I truly have any friends, Lord Baelish had fled the moment his plan failed, leaving me alone. Family, my mother always loved me but did not even come to visit me once, while I was imprisoned and I always bullied Tommen and Myrcella, they are probably happy that I am gone.

Lyonel, now that I think about it, he was right, he always was there for me, listening to my complaints trying to teach me. I just had to throw it away, well what it matters I just die at the wall, someone like me could never survive in that cold place. Why have even listened to Baelish in the first place, at that time he sounded so right, how could he stand beneath his brother, I was the golden lion after all. Now thinking about it, what was my gold even worth? I knew Lyonel was better with the sword, grand maester always praised how smart he was and I should try to be like him.

The question was, how? How can I possibly be like Lyonel he is big, strong, and smart, what am I? Just someone who liked to complain and now look where I am in the wagon locked in the cage, just like an animal, maybe like a lion would be. Was this always my destiny? I look at the driver and then at the guards.

"Tell me how long till the Wall?" I command for an answer.

"Till we reach it, now be quiet or I make you." That was all I get for an answer.

I would have pestered him more, but he was quite a big man and I saw how he beat other prisoners. Will that be my future, being too afraid to resist and being beaten down every time I complain about something I don't like. Well maybe that why Lyonel had not killed me, he knew what my fate would be like, so he gives me to the Wall to suffer for the rest of my life.

Oberyn POV

It was a good day when the ship from Kings Landing show up and the captain said that he got a gift from the crown, I didn't imagine I will get the man who I dreamed the things I would do to him. When he was brought out of the box that was too small for him and saw his body, I do not know how I could have felt about, on one side he suffered if the burns on his face said anything, but on the other side, I want him to inflict it.

"There is a letter, that my prince wanted to be delivered to your brother, Prince Oberyn." The captain interrupted my thoughts and give me a letter with a seal still attached.

Well, there still some body parts that were not damaged on the body of the Mountain, but first I should bring that news to my brother. My brother was probably in the water garden looking over the children.

"Thank you." It was all I say to the captain and take the letter.

After I explained to my brother the gift we have gotten and after handing him a letter, he was quiet, so we traveled back to his room in silence. When we were left alone, he reread the letter and closed his eyes for a moment. Now I have never seen him like this like he was defeated and did not see a way out of his predicament.

"He knows, that what he has written, he knows of my plan." He informs me. "He says it does not matter even if we brought Viserys to the Westeros, he would get even more support from other lords when they see that Viserys is more of the mad King.

"What? How could he have known?" I ask surprised.

"It does not matter, he says that he figured it out by himself, that my silence was all he needed to know that I was planning something." Fuck in its way he is right, the silence from my brother was too suspicious.

"What now? What has he commanded to do?" I ask, will usurpers son use this information against us?

"That what is surprising, he said that you should go and help Viserys sister, before is too late or do nothing, it doesn't matter, in the end even if we bring the Dragons back he will just hunt them down." After explaining it to me he gave the letter to me.

"He is too proud," I say after reading the letter.

"Yes, and intelligent and right, with the Dragons why would Daenerys need us and without them who would follow her." He informs me.

"So what will we do nothing, again?" I raised my voice a bit too much, even for my liking.

"No, we do as he suggests, you will leave for slaver's bay she should be close to it." He tells me, but I can hear a tired voice.

"When do I leave?" It is still better than nothing.

"As fast as the ship is prepared." He orders me. "It seems they're no reason to hide my plans any longer, call for Arianne on your way out.

The end of the second volume. Close to a 100k views, never imagine my first story will be this popular, so thank you for reading it. I started my second story, this time it is an ASOIAF AU with an oc character from a minor house in the North, the prologue is available on my patr3on.

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