
The Chronicles of A Transmigrant

Archibald "Archie" Rivers is a medical student who experiences vivid, recurrent dreams that become more intense with each passing night. Little did he know that these aren't ordinary dreams; they are windows to another world, a realm far removed from the modern comforts and scientific rigor that define Archie's waking life. On the day of his most crucial medical exam, he boarded a train that catapulted him into the very world he had visited in his dreams. He soon realised that he had gone mad by studying too much!

IoriIroh_Clover · ファンタジー
25 Chs


A tranquil forest encircled the center of an oasis and enveloped the idyllic and pastoral land. A small quant village in this lush and peaceful setting was home to a race of people known for their fair skin, platinum-blond hair, and striking blue eyes. Their lives were simple, provincial, and in harmony with nature.

In the middle of this picturesque landscape was a family of four, living among their race but away from the villagers, isolated further from the oasis, perched just above the hills. The gentle and nurturing mother was currently heavily pregnant and was anticipating an additional family member.

The father, a well-respected figure and muscularly built man who appeared physically capable of winning a hundred battles against orcs and goblins, was known for his skilled craftsmanship as the village carpenter. His reputation for quality work and dedication to his craft was well-known among the villages.

The children, a son and a daughter, embody the innocence and simplicity of their surroundings. The boy, who was the elder of the two, was often seen tailing his father to learn the art of craftsmanship.

The daughter, young and carefree, full of youth exuberance, spends her time playing in a clearing just outside the humble cottage. This clearing, a natural playground, was her domain of imagination and freedom, where she can be seen frolicking and enjoying the simple pleasures of childhood.

A poignant moment that captures the essence of this carefree family. The mother slowly paces out of the cottage with an empty wooden pail, which looks too heavy for her to carry with one hand, walking towards the well just beside the cottage. While she was tying the wooden bucket at one end of the shadoof and attempting to draw some water from the well, her son stopped his work at once and hurried towards his mother, lifting the picot tach as the bucket was now filled with water, which would be too heavy for his pregnant mother to finish her task without straining herself.

The son demonstrated an act of filial piety and care, touching the mother, whose proud gaze upon her son towards his maturity beyond his years speaks volumes of her appreciation and love. His father pats his son's head when the boy arrives to continue the task that he abruptly halted earlier.

The boy swatted his father's hand away from his head and said, "I am not a child," to which his father replied, "You are about to be a fine young man." The boy blushed as he heard his father's applause, trying to conceal his happiness from receiving his father's praise.

The little girl then runs eagerly towards her mother with a newly made sculpture of clay in her hand, ready to amaze her mother and later her father. "It is very beautiful, my dear," said the mother.

"It needs improvement; the hand gestures were out of place," commented the father. The wife gave her husband a harsh glare, as if telling him that their daughter was still too young to receive such a harsh critique. The father quickly carried his daughter, who was about to burst into tears at the unsatisfying comment and said, "You are more beautiful than the clay sculpture." The daughter giggles as her father lifts and twirls, like dancing in the sky.

The scene beautifully encapsulates the simple life of a family whose lives are filled with joy, love, peace, and care, which are central to life in Elysium.

The young father, who has platinum blond hair and deep purple eyes, goes into the woods in the late afternoon with his replica son to look for food and gather wild mushrooms. Their daughter hurries the mother, a platinum blond with slight pink hues and eyes that resemble the blue sky, into the cottage to start making the bread to prepare for dinner.