
The Chronicle's of a Foreigner

It doesn't happen often that one wakes up in another world. Especially a world that you thought was just a video game that you played in your free time. I know it might sound far-fetched and made up but I assure you, these journals will show you my story and of the many people I have met since waking in the world of Tamriel.

NaxisNeok · ゲーム
13 Chs

Riften- Meridia's Champion

Day 79

"This blade is Meridia's, a daedric prince." Kiera looked over the sword and gave it a few test swings. "You said you prayed to Akatosh?" She looked at me with a doubt clear in her emerald green eyes.

"Yes. Then there was something banging, like a drum. The sword just flew past my head afterwards." I rubbed the back of my neck, still nervous after the close brush with death. Lately I had become used to slaying undead creatures, them I had a slight fighting chance against. An enchanted blade coming at my face from out of no where?

"If you prayed and this blade appeared, it is yours then." She sheathed the blade in a leather scabbard that Zaynabi had stitched together and handed it to me. I grasped the shining sword and held it in both hands. It was slightly heavier than the steel blade that Kharjo had given me but it felt warm, almost as if it was alive. Why would Meridia's sword appear to me when I prayed to Akatosh? Did it mean something? No daedra prince would ever answer a prayer meant for one of the divines would they?

"This could turn the tide for us." Jarl Laila said in awe as she stared at the shining stone by the hilt of the blade. She was probably right, this sword alone might destroy a great number of undead. Even if it's wielder was a novice like myself.

"It could change the outcome of the next few days perhaps. But the danger is still at large." The dragonborn remained the leveled headed one here. She tapped tapped her mask with an armored claw. It made a slight rapping sound as the mask hit the piece of armor it hung by on her belt. "This also means that there are more eyes on you than you might feel comfortable with." Her gaze pierced through my very being. Those Emerald green eyes shone with a fierceness I didn't think possible. "Why though, I cannot say."

"Have you had dealings with Daedra in the past?" Mjoll looked at her quizzically.

"I have had a few skirmishes with their worshipers. Nothing more than that though." Though Mjoll seemed confident enough in the dragonborn's words I wondered if that where completely true. After all, she wore the ebony chainmail that you would get in the game after doing a quest for a daedric prince. The dragonborn wore a red hood that would normally frame a dragonpriest mask, now hanging off her belt. Black metal and chains adorned her torso. Her gauntlets however where clawed with a red and black hue, a trait that daedric armor held. She noticed that I had been looking at her and glared menacingly.

"What's our next move?" I asked the jarl, trying to get on task.

"With that sword we could drive the undead from our walls and give us a little reprieve." She rubbed her head with her fingertips as she spoke. She held many lives in her hands in a more precarious way than before. Her face looked slightly sunken in, heavy bags under her eyes. She looked almost double her age. "Daedra or no I want you to use that thing. I will not have anymore people dying."

"Let us handle it. You should try and get some rest. Mjoll, please make sure she does." I bowed my head and took my leave. It took some time to gather everyone up and get the ready but luckily no more undead had showed up. Instead of opening the gate, Marsh-Walker suggested that we lower a rope from the wooden part of the wall. There where fewer undead around that area and we could make our way around to clear the gate.

Ryona and Farian had volunteered to be lowered first and take out the three that had been pounding against the wooden frame. But as Shavari was lowering Farian her hands slipped and he plummeted onto the flailing bodies. Ryona dropped the nine feet to help her brother, Marsh-Walker following suite. I also attempted to follow the same way, ignoring the ropes. But as I landed my armor made the fall more difficult. I landed hard and fell forward, face hitting the dirt. I would think the situation almost comical where it not for the walking corpses around us. Ryona had helped her brother on his feet, slicing into one of them as it had tried to grab onto her sibling. Marsh-walker finished off the other two but our scuffle had attracted more of them that had been roaming around. Shavari dropped down next to me and grabbed onto my arm.

"Best get up. More are coming." Her claws reached for her quiver and notched her bow. It continued to shamble forward until her daggers bit into it's neck. I stood and drew Meridia's sword. It shone brightly even in the sun, humming as the undead grew near. It emitted an almost joyous like feeling as I held it. Was it excited at being used against the undead? I remembered only a little of the quest to get this sword, DawnBreaker I think it had been called? You had to slay a necromancer as Meridia hated undead of any kind. Meridia must be hating all of Tamriel at the moment.

I hefted the sword up and held it in both hands. Charging forward and brought it across the two shambling creatures before me. The slice that formed on both their chests began to shine brightly then they burst into flames. It took only seconds for them to be reduced to ash where they stood. I looked down and almost smiled, this sword definitely could change things for us. After the rest of the group finished off the stragglers we made our way around the fort where the major group of undead rammed themselves against the gates.

Minutes later we rested over now still corpses and piles of ashes. Marsh-Walker wheezed while leaning heavily on a great-sword that he had just recently procured from the armory. Ryona and Farian tended to each other's bruises while Shavari surveyed the area.

"Shadr! Open the gate!" I huffed out as I tried to catch my breath. The gate lurched inward and a single door moved open.

"We had barred the other one shut, this way it'll be more sturdy." The redguard reported when the gate opened.

"Everyone get some rest. I'll have Mjoll post some of her men as guards for the rest of today." The others where happy with that, marching their way back into New Riften with smiles. We all were tired but we had survived an attack on our position. We even had survived against one of the necromancers who commanded these things.


Day 90

"Shadr! Report!" Shavari behind me yelled across the courtyard as I walked out from the barracks. My body ached and popped as I stretched. I had yet to put on my armor for the day but I couldn't pass up wearing some comfortable clothes for once. The green tunic and brown pants fit nicely with the brown leather boots that had been provided for me by one of the people working at the smith.

"Mam! The outer wall has just been finished! Their currently working on adding walkways to it!" The redguard had upgraded his armor to a full set of iron, the helmet fitting nicely on his head. He almost looked like a redguard version of the "classic" dragonborn that I had seen in commercials a long time ago.

"Almost three months now." I whispered to myself and smiled. Rubbing the back of my neck I saw that Shadr and Shavari where both staring at me with puzzling looks. "I mean, that's good news. See that the preparations go well. Marsh-walker and the siblings are down there I assume?" Shadr nodded and I dismissed him to return to the inner wall.

"We should make sure everything is ready for when the jarl and Mjoll return." I nodded and looked out over the courtyard where two nords worked at the forge, trying to make the large nails and smaller nails that where needed for the wooden wall outside. The jarl had taken a risk by asking for volunteers and heading back to see what was left of Riften. Mjoll had taken her ten soldiers with her along with ten volunteers. That left us shorthanded but it was only for two days. Today they were set to return and everyone worked hard to finish that last push needed on the outer wall. With it complete we could add on a walkway to make it better defendable. The citizens of New Riften all couldn't wait to begin work on constructing new homes.

"There's not much room out there is there." I had made my way to the tower and looked down over the work that was being done. It looked as though you could squeeze in five houses or so inside the layer that the wooden wall created around the stone construct that used to be Fort Amol.

"It's enough to matter." Shavari stated as she followed my gaze. "Hope is returning to this place." The Khajiit smiled at me when I turned to her.

"It's thanks to the efforts of everyone. If the dragonborn hadn't shown up when she did." My thoughts drifted to the khajiit who had left us just a few days ago. She had said something about needing to check on her home before she got in trouble. Was she married? If so then who was she married to that made even the dragonborn frightened?

"Everyone did something, even you." She placed a hand on my shoulder and tried to comfort me. I hadn't been myself lately. I had strangely put my faith in Akatosh. I had never been a religious person but since coming here I felt as though there had been something watching me. I had prayed and prayed and even cast blessings on people. Something I had never thought possible, I had seen magic, I had lived in Skyrim albeit shortly. Then a daedric prince answers my prayers where Akatosh remained silent. Was I being tested? What was this? I couldn't think of anything in the elder scrolls games I had played that could help me in this.

"Thank you Shavari." I turned and looked back down to the people working, then to the shining blade strapped to my hip. For some reason, Shavari has been staying by my side. I only had five under my command but they where all strong willed and had purpose. The siblings lived for each other, Marsh-Walker enjoyed teaching others, Shadr loves horses and Shavari seems like she wishes to help others in any way possible. Did I have a purpose in this world? I had only ever just thought of my own survival and now I had the survivors of an entire town relying on me.

"I'll go check the supplies. I'll give you the report when I return. Get some air, it should help." She turned and headed down the steps.

"Some air huh?" I laughed and sat down on a nearby chair. Looking out over the woods I could see the fruit of our labors as there were chopped trees all around us. No places for undead to hide. We still had a large forested area North of us that we could use to help build houses and other large pockets of trees dotted the landscape as far as I could see. As I continued to take in the cool air my thoughts drifted to Zaynabi and Kharjo. They had both gone with the jarl in order to help salvage what they could. Kharjo's recovery was coming along nicely and Zaynabi believed she could heal his ligaments so he could wield a blade again. "If she could pull that off she would put most restoration magic users to shame from what i've heard." I laughed and looked down at my own hands. My prayers could be considered a type of restoration magic couldn't it?

"Maybe I should take a look at some of Zaynabi's books." I had wondered what it was like to wield magic. Zaynabi had a slight affinity for it but she still couldn't channel the magic without the aid of the book, maybe I could do the same? It was as I was standing up that a thought struck me. That conjuration book that I had found near me. Had the person not been strong enough to cast it without the aid of the book? Had using the magic contained in the book erased it and left it useless? I had found a similar book inside of Mistwatch Keep, also empty. Had they summoned what they had intended to this time? The group that had brought me here, were they behind this like I had originally thought?

Though it may be only one answer to the many questions I had, it still gave me some peace. I stretched and made my way down the steps and into the courtyard, thinking that I should probably get my armor on just in case.

"Sir! Marsh-Walker, Ryona and Farian are fighting!" Shadr ran up to me and began breathing heavily. 'I should have done it sooner.' I thought to myself.

"More undead?" I drew my blade and motioned for him to follow me to the open gate in front of us.

"Yes, their few in number but I could see more coming this way." Shadr drew his new axe and grabbed a shield that was lying near the smithy. I led the way where the volunteers where moving to open the forward gate for us.

"Close it as soon as we're through. Shadr, I want you to stay by the gate." I ordered and helped them pull the large wooden posts open.

"Yes sir!" Shadr moved in front of the gate when it was opened enough for him to squeeze through. I did the same and told the others to close it once more. I looked around and could see Marsh-Walker and the siblings fighting off a group of gray corpses. They seemed to be doing well but I could see another group of ten shambling their way towards them from the extended tree line. I charged forward with Meridia's blade in both hands, bringing it to my side to swipe at the nearest monster.

It burst into flames, the heat hardly affecting me anymore as I had gotten used to using the blade these past few days. I moved on and slashed at two more, the cuts that formed on their gray chests exploded in flames, engulfing the rest of the body. I had to jump back as three more came up behind the charred corpses.

"How many more of them?" I tried to get a quick count but noticed more coming out from the tree line. "Another attack?!" I grimaced and cursed our luck. If this was another coordinated attack then we wouldn't last with the majority of people gone from New Riften.

"Pull back! Back to the gate!" I shouted and ran over where the others where finishing off their attackers.

"What is it?" Marsh-Walker hefted his large blade and turned to look at the gathering horde behind me. "Ah. This can't be good." He huffed and motioned for Farian and Ryona to head to the gate. "What's the plan?" Marsh-Walker wheezed as he readjusted his grip on the two-handed sword.

"Getting old there?" I laughed and looked back. The undead I had seen coming out of the woods now looked to be doubled.

"Maybe I should just leave this fighting to you all. Maybe take up cloth mending." He laughed and looked to make sure the others made it to the gate.

"We'll follow them into the gate. Try and do what we can from the walkways they've managed to put up." I started back stepping towards the gate, still trying to count the numbers.

"Their not stable at all. The best we could do is try and funnel them through the gate by holding it open only a little." The argonian had been advising me more and more lately. His ideas always landed us out of hot water. Just who had this guy been before? The sudden need to question him would have to wait though as our situation hardly called for conversation. We both made it back to the gate and slammed it shut.

"I want everyone back behind the main gate. Marsh-Walker, go with them and tell Shavari to head here as soon as possible. I also need a new sword, can't have our new walls catching fire." I sheathed Meridia's sword and turned to the siblings. "Catch your breath while you can, I need you to be ready." They both nodded and went over to a corner and sat down. "Shadr, we're going to funnel the undead through the gate. We'll need to be quick and end them as they walk in. I'll need you ready to slam the gates shut in case anything goes wrong." He nodded and headed over to the gate to get himself ready.

I turned and saw Marsh-Walker enter the inner courtyard, a few minutes went by and Shavari ran out, her bow and an extra sword in hand.

"Behind you!" She tossed me the blade, notched an arrow and sent it flying above me. I turned and saw the arrow make it's mark in a small gray head peeking over the wall. "We made it high enough! How are they doing that?" She yelled and fired another arrow as another one tried to make it over. The others where gawking as the undead began to crawl their way over the walls and land in front of us in heaps.

"Don't let them near the Keep! On your feet!" I held tight to the steel sword that Shavari had thrown me and ran towards the gray-skinned monsters that where trying to get up. I swooped down and be-headed two of them then turned my attention to another that had just fallen down. I didn't have time to think about how they where doing this. Farian and Ryona where back on their feet as two undead dropped from above their heads. Marsh-Walker was back with two more people wielding swords, I recognized them as the people who worked the smithy.

"Aim for the heads!" I slashed down and ended another undead monster. I was able to move much faster without my armor and I didn't feel myself getting worn out as fast as I normally did. Moving around I was able to help everyone as they battled on.

"More coming from the woods!" Another person shouted from atop the tower.

"Hold out! We need to end them here or they'll get to the keep!" I shouted and continued to slash away at the undead that fell from the walls. Everyone was tired, I could see it as they tried to continue fighting. At this rate we would all die. I drew Meridia's sword and switched so it was in my right hand. "Everyone back to the keep! Now!" I yelled and ran over to the inner gate. "Close the gate when they get in!" I yelled to a young women trying to help the others with the gate.

"What about you?" Marsh-Walker protested when he came up behind me.

"I have a plan, just go!" I shouted and shoved him inside the gates before he could protest again. I motioned for the others to follow, each hesitated before following my orders and going inside. They shut the gate behind them, leaving me with the undead that continued to pile up.

"I can't believe i'm doing this." I shoved the steel sword in the ground by my feet and held Meridia's blade in both hands before me.

"I don't normally pray to daedra but I need to kill them. You hate undead and i'm wielding this sword in your name. Give me the power to kill them, allow me to do your bidding and end these monstrosities." Sounded cliche as I spoke it out loud, before coming here I would have chuckled at the words that came out of my mouth. Something clicked though, he sword felt even hotter in my hands than normal as if it was waking up from a deep slumber. It felt alive, excited and accepting of the hands that grasped it. The gem on the blade began to shine brighter than before. "Everyone back away from the walls!" I yelled as loudly as I could and shoved the blade deep into the ground. Fire poured out of the blade, engulfing me before I knew what I had done. The sound of an explosion rang around my ears as I held firm to the sword the fire not affecting me at all. My eyes shut tightly as a warm feeling washed over my entire body, as if all my aches and pains where gone.

"You have done well. Accept my blessing, my new champion." A women's voice came from all around me, as if from the fire itself. I held tightly to the sword, not wanting to let go for fear I'd be engulfed by the flame as well. "Rest now, there is much to be done in my name mortal." With her last words my grip loosened and everything went black.


Day 95

Four days had gone by, my body During that time the Jarl and the others had returned to a smoldering outer wall and cowering citizens. The inner wall was also largely scorched, the gate barely had held against the flames. How I had come out unscathed, most people don't know. I haven't said much since waking, I just sit here and stare at the wall, wondering what everything could mean. I was a champion of Meridia? I had a dream, a vision almost while I had slept. Meridia had come to me like she had in the game, a shining ball of light that floated high above the clouds. It felt as though my body was no longer in existence, that I just floated there in a corporeal form like the daedric prince.

As I tried to remember what happened specifically in the vision my head began to hurt and my body ached. What was happening to me? More questions, more issues for me to take care of. Had I been terrible to puppies in a past life or something?

"Darius?" A voice could be heard outside the door. I had been moved to a lower room that used to be the dungeon of the fort. We had remade them into small rooms that had lamps for lights and wooden frames in front of the iron bars. "Darius it's Zaynabi." The Khajiit opened the two doors and made her way in to sit by my bed. "How are you feeling?" She placed a mug of water and bread on a nearby table. I felt as though I was some sickly person that needed to be cared for.

"I'm...alright." I sighed and stared down at my hands. My voice was low and hoarse as I hadn't used it in some time.

"We both know that's not true. While I don't know much about you, I've traveled with you long enough to understand some things." Zaynabi brought the water to my lips and I drank.

"Why...are you helping me?" I asked after gulping down the water and clearing my throat a little. Some of the others had voiced their discontent with how I had saved them, the power I had wielded. Others said I was no better than the monsters they faced. Why they said these things I don't know. Dark times make people do strange things.

"Between that sword and the way you saved everyone, they believe you are in league with a daedra. Even if Meridia is not considered all evil, they still have many doubts about ANY daedra." She explained and brought the food over to rest on my lap. I took a few bites of the bread and drank some more water afterwards and looked up. "The jarl is against these opinions but it spreads all the same."

"Then I need to leave. We can't be at each other's throats like this. It will only hinder everyone's ability to survive." Zaynabi stood and stared long and hard at me after what I said.

"Then Kharjo and I will come with you." She sat back down after a long while. It looked as though she had been about to slap me!

"I appreciate it. But I'm sure these people need-" I was cut off with a slap to the face.

"These people need you too! You saved their lives, despite what their saying I believe they're happy for that." I held my hand to my face and watched as the Khajiit stormed out of the room, tail swishing wildly behind her. Zaynabi had hardly spoken to anyone when I had first met her. Even those in the caravan knew little about her. But somehow all of this had changed her. She wasn't open about her past or anything but she spoke more and expressed herself more. A little differently than Khajiit in the games spoke as well.

"Times like this though can change anyone." I muttered to myself and finished the bread. After standing up for the first time in days I tried to put on my clothes. I grasped Meridia's sword and held it before me. It was different somehow. The blade seemed sharper, shinier even. The gem on the hilt grew brighter as I held it. "Dawnbreaker." I whispered and it seemed to come to life. I felt a warm pulsing from the sword as I strapped it to my side. I was right about the name but the game had never explained anything else about this sword.

As I went to leave the confines of the dimly lit room my head began to spin. I fell to my knees and grabbed my ears as a loud ringing began to come from all around me.

"You took your sweet time to come around." A female voice echoed around me through the ringing. "I take it your mortal mind couldn't grasp the task I bestowed upon you in your dreams?"

As I tried to rise to my feet I was pushed down by an unseen force. The ringing stopped but my body continued to remain in pain. I tried to remember the dream I had when I was out. I had been floating in front of the orb of light that I assumed was Meridia.

"S-something about an amulet?" I asked out loud to the voice.

"You must gather the pieces of my amulet. The nine pieces have been scattered across Tamriel, one in each of the provinces." The voice stopped a moment as if doing something else. "I have sent some of my followers to the mortal world. They are all I can send without the amulet. Find them and they will aid you." With that the pain subsided and the voice stopped speaking.

"I-I will do as you ask, Meridia." I whispered solemnly and rose to my feet. My body felt lighter after the pain had stopped, even better than before. I sighed and placed my hand under my chin. I would need to prepare if I was to travel all over Tamriel, I didn't even know anything about the other provinces! I groaned and ruffled my hair in aggravation. Why was this happening?!

After taking some time to gather my thoughts and my belongings into the satchel I had used before, I walked out of the room and made my way up the steps to the supply room. I grabbed a few furs to put into a pack that I would carry on my back. Though I would be weighed down by two bags, I would need all I could if I was to traverse the different lands. I also wrapped up bread and a few fruits to put into the bag.

"So, you are leaving." I heard the familiar voice of Jarl Laila Law-Giver behind me. I stood from my bag and looked at her with a sad smile.

"I believe this could work, I'm going to save us. To save everyone." I wanted to believe in what I was doing. If I needed to get this amulet then it would surely do something to help us be rid of the undead wouldn't it? Meridia hated them more than anything and with a whole world filled with them she must have been going crazy since it started.

"In times like this I wish I could use my position as Jarl to command you to stay and help us here. But despite being looked to as a leader, I don't think being a jarl has much standing right now." She looked down at the ground with a sad sigh. "Does this have something to do with Meridia?"

"It does. I know people don't trust Daedra. But she saved me, saved everyone."

"Daedra always want something in return Darius."

"She wants the undead gone. She hates them beyond anything else doesn't she?" I only knew of Meridia what I had read in the game. Other than that my knowledge of Daedra was limited.

"That might be so but I'm sure there will be something else later on down the road." Her face was serious but her eyes had a sad look.

"If it gets rid of the undead and saves everyone then isn't that enough?"

"There will always be a threat to us mortals. We're frail and weak but we can use that to be stronger." For a Jarl of a hold she had deep philosophies. I wonder if there had ever been a chance that she could have been leader of Skyrim.

"If I can end this one. Then I will." I was getting frustrated. I had enough to deal with right now as it was let alone her arguing with me on weather or not I should go. "Besides, now that I've used this sword and her power. I can't go back."

"You're right. When you get back, we'll be here. I don't think we'll be heading anywhere else. Riften was leveled after our retreat." I had heard about this from Shavari when she had visited me. After seeing what was left of Windhelm however, I hadn't been surprised. Whoever these necromancers were, they weren't taking any chances. She left after placing a hand on my shoulder and saying goodbye. I turned my attention back to packing.

After packing the bags I went to make sure I was ready for the journey. I took the gauntlets and shoulder pieces of the armor that Kharjo had given me. I strapped the shoulders over a fur cloak I had put on top of the green tunic I was wearing. My satchel and sword rested under the lengthy cloak and my pack over my shoulders. After preparing myself I opened the door and walked out into the courtyard. The cold night air greeted me as I walked past the smithy and towards the gate where three figures waited.

"You think to be rid of us so easily? You'll find that Khajiit are loyal companions to the end friend." Kharjo laughed and stepped forward to place an armored hand on my shoulder. Wait, armored?

"Did Zaynabi's spell-?" I didn't even need to finish as Kharjo had reached under his cloak and drew his steel blade.

"Far better than either of us had hoped." He grinned and gave a few practice swings. Zaynabi had a large pack on her back and a book strapped to her belt. Her cloak rested behind her until she wished to pull it around herself.

"I told you, we're going with you." She smiled and turned to the other companion. The older argonian flashed a grin and grasped my shoulders.

"Going to save the world eh? That's a big responsibility." He then moved a hand in front of him in a spinning motion. "Now I could get all wise or say something mushy. But just make sure you don't die got it?" His smile turned to a serious frown and he glared at me with dark eyes.

"Not planning to." I replied and he patted my back, almost sending me forward with amount of weight I had on my person.

"Good to hear. Don't worry about things here, I won't let those things in so easily. I'm too old to be running around Tamriel. I'll just stick to being the new guard-captain instead." He laughed, waved and made his way to the barracks.

"So, where are we headed?" Kharjo asked when we had made it past the gate.

"I have to find the pieces of Meridia's amulet. Their is one in each of the provinces." I explained when as we made our way to the main road.

"We'll get to return to Elswyr? This is some of the best new i've heard in a long time." Zaynabi cleared her throat after Kharjo had finished his sentence. "O-other than hearing that I could be healed of course." I laughed at the two and looked on to see a shining pillar in the distance.

"Do either of you see that?" I asked and pointed to the light pillar. The both shook their heads and looked confused. "Must be Meridia then."

"So would that be where the first piece is?" Zaynabi asked and looked at the area where I had pointed.

"She had told me of the first piece." I tried to remember my dream, it hurt my head to but I could barely remember her saying something about a shrine in skyrim. More than likely the shrine that you had to visit in the game. "She has a shrine near Solitude. We'll have to make it there first before heading to any other regions." Surviving in Tamriel is a hard enough feat as it is. Now throw in a perilous journey and oh, don't forget the undead threat! "How had things escalated this much?" I groaned and steadily trekked along the main road.