
Tell Me What You Know

Wahooooo! Let's celebrate 400 chapters of the CHOICE crew! THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE ALL THIS TIME! You've made this book a joy to write, so thank you!



When I walked into the living area of the suite, Fireknight was standing in front of the fireplace, frowning into the flames. He had dark circles under his eyes and his cheeks seemed a little hollow. But that wasn't what struck me.

The expression on his face, the hollow fear in his eyes was, I realized, very similar to the look Erik had when he had been pleading for me to give him Emory, to release her from the dungeons.

Why was it I was the one who everyone had to come to for their reassurance about their wives, or loves?

Then it struck me…

What a blessing to be in that position. To know that I had been entrusted by God with such control in the lives of others.