
Fast and Furious

At the chapter four was fast and furious. The challenging moment, her mind and attention was occupied on achieving things and growing as a woman. She was hoping to be a better person physically which people won't annoyed her from the judgements and discouragement. Unexpected just as the last chapters, Miranda saw the unknown man again talking with his mother standing at the front of a store. His white shirt fascinates her, his fashionable eye glasses appears gallantly and his tallness was bearing. Near, she was gazing to her endearing man in a slow motion but how could be everything turns too fast, the vehicle slipped just like a blink of an eye. And now, she couldn't even get any clear recollections about the man' s look but sure thing she knew that he glanced at her too. Both of their eyes connected as if they knew each other for a long time. At this moment, she was furious to the driver for speeding his vehicle, there might be possibilities that the man would looked at her longer. And in an instance, thinking for uncertainty, curious about his name, age, address and everything. This is all facetious, being inlove someone you don't even knew. The real stranger love story. Miranda is a little fool but behind every chapter, there was happiness, so much dopamine increase and adrenaline rush she felt. There must be an answer for everything she is asking for.