
Woman to Woman

Becca looked Alan in the eyes, leaning toward him ominously. Her eyes were a striking red that contrasted her very pale skin. It was beautiful in a very creepy way.

Becca let out a small chuckle. "You know, Anita was actually very worried about you. She even offered to give up her room to help you out. She just has a tough time projecting these feelings."

Well, Alan couldn't tell. So far, the goth girl vibe did not hit I'm too positively.

"She's a real softie at heart. Don't get mad at how she acts. Please." Becca said.

Alan slowly nodded his head. Tsunderes were not his cup of tea to deal with, but he could manage. 

"Now sweetie, if you're comfortable with it, please tell me your story," Becca said.

Alan didn't fully trust her, so he decided not to reveal too much. He knew how evil people could be if they wanted.

"I woke up one day like this. It seems I have the ability to control and manipulate the cold," Alan explained. He wasn't too sure about the extent of his abilities. He wasn't too keen on even finding them out.

Thinking back at it, he did seem like quite the oddball. Compared to many other "demis", his abilities did seem quite strange. Not only were his powers an anomaly, but his appearance changes were not like any others that he had seen. Many others seemed to have become mythical or animalistic creatures, but he wasn't too sure as to what he had really become.

"That sounds interesting, child." Becca said. "Please tell me more".

After much contemplation, Alan decided to reveal another part to his story to the Woman.

"Some people ... they took me. They wanted to use me. I was lied to by somebody I thought had good intentions," Alan continued. "So I decided to make a run for it, and made it here."

"Oh dear, that sounds rough. I had a similar change happen to me. You'll always be safe here though! Whenever you are in any sort of trouble, just know that we can always help you." Becca said, smiling.

Alan hoped that was the case. For some reason, he found himself trusting every word that came out of Becca's mouth increasingly. Something about the way she spoke made everything she said sound reassuring and kind.

"Thank you very much" Alan said, smiling lightly.

"Now sweetie, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Becca asked suddenly.

"Umm, I'm 16. Why?" Alan responded, jarred by the sudden question.

"Oh sweetie! Your parents must be worried sick about you!" Becca exclaimed.

"I'm not totally sure about that," Alan responded in a doubtful tone.

Becca took a short pause before asking, "Can you not go back to them?"

"Not yet atleast. I'm not totally sure what to do with myself at the moment," Alan admitted.

They both were quiet for a few moments. The silence was freaking Alan out, who wanted some response to his previous statement.

"I don't want to bombard you with questions too much at the moment. Why don't you go upstairs and relax for a few minutes. Call Anita down while you're at it," Becca said, breaking the awkward silence. 

Alan walked to the staircase, where he saw Anita standing on the stair's railings looking at her phone.

"Your mom is calling you," Alan said.

"Ugh," Anita groaned, making her way down the stairs.

Climbing up the stairs, Alan found the room he woke up in and entered it. He took a seat on the bed, and suddenly found a wave of drowsiness hit him. It seemed as if he had not fully recovered from the journey he went on previously. 

Lying in the bed, he suddenly heard a loud voice from the living room.


"Don't speak like that with me young woman!"

A baby started crying suddenly, possibly woken up by the yelling.


Alan was slowly falling asleep, even through the ruckus.

"We can't not do anything for her!"


Alan fell asleep before he could hear any more. He wasn't sure what the future had in store for him, and he didn't want to really find out.

Here's the plan. I update till chap 15 and see where this goes. If the algorithm picks it up, I'll also pick it up.

TheDominator43creators' thoughts