
The Changing Fate

"Life is Boring" One day, a man who supposedly says those words nearly every day is given the one thing he wanted, Change. But with this single change of fate comes even bigger changes, not only in the people close to him but also the world around him. Will he be able to deal with the changes that happen to the people around him? What will he decide to do when the changes to the world he lives on make it unrecognisable all because of the so-called 'God' that gave him the change to his boring life.

JackTwo · その他
9 Chs

Demon King | Unlucky Bread

It's currently 3:15 pm on a Thursday afternoon. Exactly one day after I got the System.

After waking up after my trip to the casino yesterday, I've been thinking over a plan to easily complete the new mission I just got. More precisely about the item that would be essential to its success. A piece of bread.

Lucky Bread: 1000 IP

Lucky Bread! A godly item from the novel I'm Really a Superstar. All it does is increase your luck by an extreme amount but that in itself makes it great. If it wasn't for its one downside, it only lasts for one minute.

I researched a bit about that Powerball Lottery and found out that it happens every Thursday night. You can buy an entry either online or at a newsagency at any time before 7:30 pm and the lottery is finally drawn at 9:30 pm the same day.

Considering that all I have is cash on me with nothing in my bank account, I realise that I have no option other than going to the nearest news agency.

"The nearest newsagency would be... The one across from my hou- ugh!" (Harry)

Realising that it's opposite my house and I freeze in fear. I quickly put my hand on my head and search around a bit and find it. A scar left from our neighbourhoods demon king.

Opening the blinds in my room, I get surprised at how bright it is but quickly ignore the sunshine and look across the street. I see the news agency across the street and find what I'm looking for right in front of it. A lone tree sitting there by itself. On that tree is my arch enemy, an Australian magpie. A terrifying bird of mass destruction that swoops down on anyone that gets near it.

I get everything ready for my grand battle and go outside the house. The first thing I feel is not the sun shining directly into my eye but the sweltering 40-degree summer heat hitting my body.

Stepping out of the puddle of sweat that formed in no time at all, I make sure no cars a coming and walk to halfway on the road. At that point it turns it's head. I can feel it, if I take one step forward it'll swoop on me and that'll be the end of me.

(A/N: I'm going to try something here)

[Old Man]

I've been working at this newsagency for 20 years now. There's not a lot of customers so it's a perfect job for an old man like me.

People that aren't from this area would say that this shop is in a perfect location, but the locals would say otherwise. There's a tree located at the front of the shop with a permanent resident as of 10 years ago. A magpie that swoops at everyone that gets near.

With all the days I work here, if it wasn't for the back door I probably would have lost an eye by now.

As I'm contemplating about the bird outside I see it's next victim. If I remember correctly, he's Harry who lives across the street. I see him walk across the street until he's standing right in the middle and perform a stare off with the magpie. If I remember correctly I think he got attacked by it when he was 11. Unconsciously touching a scar on my hand I got from that bastard bird, I automatically add him as a member of the magpie survival alliance inside my head.

As I'm about to head out to distract the magpie for him, I see him sprint right past the tree, trip on a rock and land face first on the carpet of the newsagency. I stand there for a second dumbfounded before I go and help him up.

"Hahahaha, Are you ok Harry? I've never seen someone move so fast that it that it doesn't give the bird enough time to attack!" (Old Man)

"Hahahaha, Thank you. (Harry)

(A/N: Back to the MC)


I'm surprised I had so much power in my legs. I have literally no stamina at all and I get out of breath from walking a meter let alone running one, yet I'm completely fine right now. Completely confused as to why I'm more fit the usual, I quickly open my status menu to check if I can find an answer.

Unit: Harry

Level: 3

Ability: None

Equipment: None

EP: 2000

IP: 2000

AP: 1000

SP: 1000

I don't see anything different apart from the added level. Ah, that's right, the level! I completely forgot about it. It should have stood out since the original MC didn't get levels from completing missions but I just ignored it. I'm guessing the system added it in since there wasn't a way to normally get levels due to the way my world works. If I remember correctly, there's a big skill jump every 10 levels, so I guess I won't feel all that different until I get to level 11.

"I'm guessing that came here for a reason so what do you need?" (Old Man)

"Ah that's right, I nearly forgot!" (Harry)

Asking to buy the most expensive entry for the lottery tonight, I hand the money to the Old Man and walk out in glee at my earlier finding completely forgetting about a certain demon king. After taking a few steps out the door I hear two noises. A loud warning and a birds screech.

"Harry! Watch out!" (Old Man)

"Caaaawwwwww!" (Demon King Magpie)


Back in my room after the near-death experience from earlier, my head still aches in pain from the repeated attacks of that magpie. It's now 9:29 pm and about to click over to half past 9 so I quickly by a piece of lucky bread and eat it.

I wait for a few minutes and notice that I don't get any notifications about the mission completing. Thinking back to last night, I definitely got an early notification before I collected physical money at the casino.

I start thinking that I wasted the bread or it didn't work so I open up google on my computer and go to Twitter looking for an answer. I think their twitter is 'theLott' so I go there and the first tweet I see makes me sweat.

`Due to some reasons beyond our control, the 850 million dollar lottery will be delayed by an hour`

Did I buy unlucky bread by mistake?

I tried to add a different pov to the chapter today. I won't do it often, only when I feel like a scene is better looked at from another person's perspective.

I'm also trying to add some small things to the system so that it can fit with the current world since the original was made in consideration that there was constant fighting and monsters nearly everywhere.

Anyway, hope you liked the chapter :)

JackTwocreators' thoughts