
The Changing Fate

"Life is Boring" One day, a man who supposedly says those words nearly every day is given the one thing he wanted, Change. But with this single change of fate comes even bigger changes, not only in the people close to him but also the world around him. Will he be able to deal with the changes that happen to the people around him? What will he decide to do when the changes to the world he lives on make it unrecognisable all because of the so-called 'God' that gave him the change to his boring life.

JackTwo · その他
9 Chs

Annoying Guy | Brawl

Right now I'm in a precarious situation.

I was supposedly supposed to be going to the headquarters of The Lottery but I'm somehow surrounded by four guys with weapons in a dark alleyway. Two of them have metal pipes, one has brass knuckles on his fists and the last with a knife.

I feel like I should go back to how I got into this situation.

After a second of contemplation, I decided to get the Lying Master ability since it would be useful even in the future, and it resulted in a terrible headache. After a few minutes, the headache disappeared and I decided to go into the city towards the lotteries headquarters. Having made up my mind, I decided to do the worst possible thing you could do during midday on a summer, Ride a bus.

The bus was a nightmare. Getting on the bus was easy but trying to stay alive while crowded by others that were also sweating was the worst.

When the bus finally got to the destination, I sprinted out and breathed in the fresh city air filled with smoke. Smoke? There just had to be someone that exhaled a mouth full of smoke into my face as I got out of the bus. I think that bread used up all my luck in this life.

Not even bothering with what the annoying guy that was smoking right in front of me did, I ask him a question.

"Do you know where the headquarters for the Lottery is?" (Harry)

"Yeah, go right and continue for a bit until you see the first possible left and go through there and it's just straight ahead for a bit." (Annoying Guy)

"Thanks." (Harry)

Not noticing the smirk that appeared on his face, I start running in the direction until I find a dark alleyway on my left. Guessing that this is what he's talking about I head in and soon notice that it's a dead end with three guys just sitting around smoking. As I'm about to turn around and walk out I see the annoying guy from earlier come into the alleyway as well and I'm quickly surrounded.

Has my IQ gone down recently? Why didn't I just use google maps?

And now we've caught up.

The guy with the knife starts talking to the annoying guy behind me as I start to realise there's no way out.

"Fourth Brother, You snagged a catch? This guy doesn't look like he's worth much." (Knife Guy)

"He doesn't look like much but if he's going to the Lottery place he must have won something big." (Annoying Guy)

I guess it's time to try out my lying skill.

"Hahaha, It's my first day working there so I'm a bit nervous." (Harry)

'User... If you're going to try lying at least make it believable. You should at least dress properly if you're going to say you're going to work.' (System)

The guys surrounding me just look at me as if I'm an idiot. I look down at myself and remember that all I'm wearing is a Hawaiian shirt, some old shorts and a pair of thongs.

"If your going to lie at least make it believable. Now hand us the entree ticket!" (Knife Guy)

He points his knife at me as if he's getting impatient. My minds racing as I try to think of what to do. Ah! I thought of something.

"Didn't your parents teach you any manners? You shouldn't be threatening some random guy on the street with a knife!" (Harry)

Well. Considering that they have a different expression now it must've had some effect. They all now look like they're going to kill me. It seems I stepped on a land mine. My mind is moving fast as all four of them rush at me with their weapon of choice. As this is happening, the system decides to speak up.

'User, System recommends you buy Martial Arts Master for 15,000 AP. You currently only have 13,500 AP. If you accept, the remaining amount will be taken from the next mission you complete. Do you accept?' (System)

I Accept!

A terrifying headache hit me nearly rendering me unconscious. Images appeared in my brain one after the other of people punching and kicking repeatedly. Those images slowly imprited themselves onto my brain until they slowly disappeared.

Feeling like 10 to 20 years went by, I slowly opened my eyes and realised that no time had passed at all. Seeing that knife coming towards my chest, the two metal poles falling towards my head and feeling two fists about to hit my spine, my eyes go cold.

'Urgent Mission Received! Subdue the Enemies Infront of You!' (System)

Ignoring the mechanical voice, I duck as low as I can go. The two metal pipes that were about to hit my head clang together, hitting each other mid-air and causing their wielders to stumble backwards. The knife guy quickly pulls back his knife getting ready to jab at me again.

The annoying guy behind me somehow changes the direction of his fists. With those brass knuckles coming down towards me, I plant both my hands on the ground, raise my right leg and push with my hands upwards and kicking the fists away.

Continuing with the motion, I kick the knife guy in the face sending him flying into the wall behind him rendering him unconscious. I gently land back on my feet as the other three stare at what happened.

"""BROTHER!!!""" (All Three)

Nearly insane at this point, the two pole wielders throw away their poles and jump at me like madmen. Grabbing the top of their heads as their mid-air, I gently push their heads down into the ground. Even though I was trying to be gentle, with the strength I got from levelling up I think I heard their noses break.

I look behind me at the annoying guy an see a mixture of fear and madness in his eyes. Ignoring his fear, he goes to punch once again until he hears someone talk.

"Stop! Can we negotiate?" (Knife Guy)


In case anyone has a suggestion or found typo's/error's you can put them on my discord :)

Discord: https://discord.gg/ts97Nmb

Well that was the first fight scene I've written so tell me if it's good or not :)

I feel like this chapter was a bit shorter but maybe that's because their were more paragraphs. I try to get all my chapters above 1k words and this one was so... IDK

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed!

JackTwocreators' thoughts