
THE CHANGES (temporary title)

I don't know what kind of synopsis this one will have but the plot will have fantasy-like characters, such as system and monsters. It's best to read it....

Raven_LIV8 · ファンタジー
11 Chs


Space. It has endless possibilities. Space is limitless. It is vast and full of myteries, one would be interested in. A place where many discovered unknowns.

Cosmo. Related to the Universe. Not many know of it's existence. Presumably forgotten. It is also a place full of new discoveries.

Universe. The one who holds both. Space is within it's area along with the Cosmo. The Universe is huge as it has every creation inside it. None however has been able to dig deep in the concept. For all is unknown outside of it.

These three is akin to brothers. Universe being the oldest. Space as the middle. Cosmo the youngest. One thing they have in common is having new discoveries and is full of myteries. They are with no limits in possibilities.

Reseachers. They specialize in discovering new knowledge. They thirst for it. However not many were alive with this profession. The danger it carries when having curiosity for things they should not pry with.

There was once a man. He was young and full of curiosity. His passion in discovering knowledge he had not known is incredible. The thrill of the journey it held. Though not many were passionate like he was.

A report states that a new comet has appeared. The man. Being a researcher decided to check it out. He climbed mountains and passed the wild life. Struggling as he continued to walk. Although his efforts were not futile in the end. Upon arriving at the destination. He saw something that cannot be explained by mere theories. Excitement made his blood boil. Not waiting any longer, he walked towards it. Upon closer look, what he saw fascinated him.

The comet had markings surrounding it. Seemingly alive as the ends of it had no pattern. Drawn to it, he reached out. Once making contact. The markings moved. It climbed into his hands. Reaching his arms and stopped at his neck. Shocked by what happened. He checked the markings on his body only to find nothing. He decide to go back and rest for the day. He hoped that it was only a dream. A very realistic dream. Little did he know. His life is about to take a turn.

The next day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. The man was back to his old life. A life of a researcher. Until one day. He as usual was the first to leave. Arriving at his home, he went straight to bed. Not even bothering to change his clothes to a comfortable one. He dreamt of what happened when he found the comet back then. Unbeknownst to him. Markings appeared and started to shine a green hue through his clothes. Then disappear like it wasn't there to begin with.

The man, better known as Abel. Woke up refreshed. Abel didn't know why he felt that way. Like some kind of burden has been lifted off him. He remembered having to work late and dead tired. He does not have a memory of doing something with this kind of effect later. Walking to the bathroom. He grab hold of the doorknob only to be broken in his grasp. Blinking in shocked. He looked at the supposed doorknob in pieces. Abel tried to process what happened. He knows he does not have that much strength. Walking to the mirror. He noticed something. The mark on his right neck was familiar to him. Also looked like a tatoo. It went down to his right arm and reached the hand. And that's when he remembered. Gasping in shocked. He stumbled back.

After calming down a bit. He inspected the mark on his arm. " What is this? " He could not help but ask aloud in curiosity. Eyeing it, he tried to make it glow as it did to the door. Concentrating, a hue of green shone. Grabbing something hard. He went with a rock in his collection. Abel could care less about it, right now he was focused on his hand. Making a chop motion and lightly hit it. To his surprise the rock was broken in half.

" Hmm, it seems that it increases my strength by a lot "

Abel was so focused that the alarm on his clock startled him. Looking at the time, it showed that he was late. With wide-eyes, he stood abruptly. Not even making him dizzy in the process. Went to the bathroom again and did his business fast. He left without eating and was not even aware of it.

At work, Abel could not focus as his mind wandered on the event that transpired earlier. Causing his right hand to slip and spilled the content of the bottle to his other hand. Surprising the one next to him.

" Hey! Are you alright!? "

A concerned voice snapped him out of his thoughts. The person that called out worriedly pointed at his left hand. It was bleeding. Alot. His coworkers were terrified. Abel though was oddly enough very calm about the situation. After that was handled, he was sent back home to rest. On the way he stumbled upon a child. A boy in tattered clothes. His face was hidden by the hair. Abel decided to take the boy with him.

He had never taken care of someone before. Hell, he can't even take care of himself. His entire life was him alone. Revolved around reaseach. Looking at the boy. They somewhat resemble each other. If one would not look closely. They would be interpreted as father and son. Abel knows he never engaged in any kinds of acts. So why did the boy look exactly like him? Too tired, he set the boy in his bedroom and he slept in the living room. He drifted to the dreamland again but not before muttering, " Too many crazy stuff happening " and directly fell asleep.

Morning. The boy woke up peacefully. That's odd. He never sleeps well before. At first he was surprised at his surroundings. Second was that the dream he usually has didn't appear. He got down the bed and went downstairs. There he smelled a fragrance he was familiar with. Living in the streets has it's ups and down after all. Heading to the kitchen. He saw a man cooking some food he never saw before. Flinching when the man turned to look at him. He wasn't very good interacting with others considering his situation.

" Ah, your awake. Sit down and eat your breakfast "

The boy looke at the food displayed in the table. There was alot. Different kinds too.

He sat down and asked. " For me? "

Abel with a smile nodded, " Yes, for you" and quickly added.

Able smile widened when the boy started eating. Together they ate in silence.

At some point the feast was ending. While washing the dishes. Abel could not help but ask. " Do you have a name? "

The boy flinched and Abel who saw this sighed. Of course he had to make the boy uncomfortable. Curse his curiosity.

" I'm sorry. If it's hard, you don't have to answer "

He said smiling reassuringly at the boy. After that the whole day were filled with silence. Oddly enough it was a comforting one. Both observed each other. Right now, words were not needed.

Days passed. Abel taught the boy on how some things work. He also discovered new powers and how to use them. The boy now name as Alan had the same passion on research. Alan was a genius. Abel knew that and he was proud of it. At some point he adopted Alan and became his official son. He also decided to tell the truth. On how he found a comet and how it gave him powers. Showed Alan some demonstration. Abel was basically a superman. Super strength, Enhanced senses, Night vision, Nigh Vulnerability, etc. What the humans could not have, he possess it. He became a hero. At least that's what people call him now. Time passed by and alot has happened.

Months later. Alan was dubbed as the youngest genuis in history. He finished school at the age of 15. Alan helped his father in hero business. He created technologies to help them. Abel liked to call him his trusted sidekick. Always there to help him whenever he's in trouble. Alan was quite proud to called as that. It just means that his father has that much trust in him. Thus they were known as 'The Duo' . It was a pretty lame name but both of them were bad at naming so they stuck with it.

Years passed. Alan found his love. Abel.approved of it. He was getting busy as days passed. He was worried that Alan may feel lonely. And he did not regret that decision. They were a happy family. Abel had a wonderful grandchild. Who also has so much curiosity. It seemed that curiosity is part of their genes now and will be for the next generation. Of course the child is a genius. His father, Alan was a genius so why wouldn't the child be. The intellect came from the father and the looks came from the mother.

Centuries arrived. It all in a cycle. Happy to say they were all a happy family altogether. There were some ocasional conflicts but it was solved peacefully.

This is how Abel, the researcher, was truly happy in his entire life.

And this is how a new person will begin their journey. How will they end up as? Will they be like Abel, who met wonderful people?

The story fate has weaved will now begin....


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