
The Champion of Gaia

A peaceful, yet unhappy life was lived by an ordinary guy, who worked at zoo. Even though he loved animals wholeheartedly, they became the cause of his sudden death, after which he got reincarnated into the world of magic, where he tries his best, to become the greatest wizard of all. *** Sounds pretty basic eh? Well let me tell you then, it will be more than good, and just as the main protagonist, I'll try my best to make this story into something great! (I won't die tho) I wish you a good reading and have fun!

KSt · ファンタジー
8 Chs

6. Save us, my child...

Byron ventured out of house with parents at his sides, father on his right and mother on his left, all three of them with happy faces.

Knowing that his son got quite strong for someone his age, Jason didn't hesitate to bring two hunting bows, along with two quivers full of arrows. He was a hunter after all, and what better occasion would he have to show his beloved son what role he plays in society, and how skilled he is in that role!

Their way out of town was a long one, as the town was overwhelming in its size, and to their surprise, they embarked so early that barely any citizens could be seen, it was so calm, so quiet.

Megania was pretty while bustling with life, but the real charm and beauty was right now, when the rising sun reflected on the morning damp, and the singing of birds echoed undisturbed by the noise of the streets.

It would be a pity for Byron to leave such views, if it wasn't for something even better.

They reached the city gate, where a portly, bearded guard welcommed them, and stepped closer to shake Byron's father's hand, like if they were old friends.

[Guard] "Pretty early today eh?"

[Jason] "Aye, we're out for a little family trip!"

[Guard] "Hahah! Didn't knew that these days family trips need bows and arrows!"

[Jason] "My son is turning eleven soon ya know? Exams are close and with them his adulthood, so I've to show him some adult life."

[Guard] "Aah yes, and here's your boy, Byron was it? I heard he's a capable lad!" *he smiled and winked to boy*

[Jason] "Well of course he is! My blood is running in his veins after all!" *he grinned, rubbing Byron's hair*

[Guard] "Then I hope that your blood will ensure you a good hunting and even better trip, have a great day my friend!"

[Jason] "And right back at you old man!"

They hugged each other with a strong grip and patted each others back, but then suddenly old guardsman whispered to Jason's ear.

[Guard] "Remember, with his skills it'll be no problem for me to get him into military"

[Jason] *also whispering* "Don't worry my friend, he'll pass that wizardry exam, I'm sure of it"

With smiles on their faces, family said goodbye to guard, and he opened the gate with a kind smile.


Colours of bricks got replaced by lively green of leaves and brown of agricultural, wooden buildings. Even though citizens were still sleeping, farmers were already starting their day.

Byron and his parents were passing by adults working in fields and teens either helping them or grazing animals, every one of them waving to them, and Jason waving back. He was a citizen, but still a friend to all villagers, and he liked them even more than those from city.

When fields were behind them, family found themselves in front of a great forest, with trees many meters high and their trunks too big to wrap arms around them. Byron saw them many times leaning out in the distanse from behind the walls, he knew that they must be overwhelmingly big, but only now he could feel their greatness.

A sudden pat fell on his back, along with Jason taking a step forward, then a kind voice spoke from behind him.

"Ready?" asked his mother, with smile as kind as always. Byron nodded, and both walked after Jason into the forest.


An even ground was found, and soon after a camp was set. Since it was still noon, there was no point of setting a campfire, but it was a perfect time for some sightseeing.

Jason picked up his bow and quiver, then told Byron to do the same.

"Have you ever shot and arrow my son?" - he asked, and after seeing his son shaking his head as a "no" he grinned widely - "Hah! I'll be your first teacher then, your father, just like it should be! Pick up a knife too boy, for we won't come back without a proper trophy!".

All three of them ventured further into the woods, but couldn't catch anything, mostly due to Jason. He was a great hunter indeed, one of the best in Megania, but when he was with his beloved family he just couldn't be quiet and not cheerful, and animals weren't deaf to his talkativeness.

They couldn't find anything, until Byron noticed a snow-white rabbit with unnaturally green eyes in the distance. He shushed at his parents and showed them with his hand to crouch down.

"Hoho, our first one was found by you eh? Go on son, it's yours."

Byron creeped slowly to get as close as he could, giving his all to not step on a branch and make a noise, and when he was confident that from that distance he can make it, he stretched the string and aimed, but rabbit behaved like if he knew that someone is about to kill him. He immediately started running away from Byron, even though he didn't see him, and Byron not willing to let his prey run away, went after him.

Rabbit was fast, but Byron was even faster. While small animal had to avoid obstacles on the way, young boy just jumped over them or run through.

After a while rabbit found itself in a clearing, with no branches or trunks guarding him. Byron took that occasion and again pulled the bow string all the way to his cheek, took a deep breath and released the arrow.

Arrow reached the target, pinning rabbit down to the ground next to a lonely, small tree standing right in the middle of clearing. Byron run to his trophy with excitement, but after finding a snow-white rabbit on the ground, in a pool of crimson blood, he wasn't interested in it at all. His attention entirely focused on that tree, very young and not taller than one and a half meters, but mysterious, with a slightly gleaming cortex and leaves.

Byron felt that he has to touch that tree, just like if something was pulling him, and he couldn't resist. He raised his hand and placed it on a delicate trunk, his eyes gleamed with the same green that the now dead rabbit had, then a voice echoed inside his head, a voice that he only heard once in his life, after beeing born in this world, but immediately remembered it.

"Save us, my child..."