
The Champion of Gaia

A peaceful, yet unhappy life was lived by an ordinary guy, who worked at zoo. Even though he loved animals wholeheartedly, they became the cause of his sudden death, after which he got reincarnated into the world of magic, where he tries his best, to become the greatest wizard of all. *** Sounds pretty basic eh? Well let me tell you then, it will be more than good, and just as the main protagonist, I'll try my best to make this story into something great! (I won't die tho) I wish you a good reading and have fun!

KSt · ファンタジー
8 Chs

2. Second chance

His eyes opened, to a light so bright that he had to keep them almost completely closed, but quickly adapted, and slowly kept revealing his brown iris.

A wooden ceiling above him catched the rays of sun, emphasizing each crack and inequality, while chirping of birds reached his ears. A lovely sound indeed, which suddenly got acompanied by a soothing, faint female voice, equaly happy and sad. "Welcome, my child..." echoed gently in his head, at which with a little confusion he answered with simple "Hello". Or at least that's what he wanted to say, but when a word appeared in his thoughts, his lips only mumbled a wordless, child's cooing. He opened his eyes widely - "What the f*ck was that?!" he thought, but again what came from his mouth was nothing even he could understand.

"Look honey! Oh how lively he is."

"Indeed! A healthy son, just like his father! hahaha"

Two voices talked to each other with great joy in their voices, one belonged to a woman, other one to man. Johnny couldn't move his head, but his eyes could still turn left and right, and so he did, first saw a pretty woman's face, gentle, but with a tired smile, with tears on her face. Close to her stood a bearded man, proudly observing his face, laughing. Then Johnny looked down - small, baby's hands. He tried to move his fingers, and so the baby's fingers moved slightly and awkwardly. That's when he realised that these little arms belong to him, and he is a newborn child of these two people, he was reincarnated.

"System! Open! Appear!" he started chanting different summoning words in his head, while cooing and waving his toddler's arms and legs around, looking like if he got electrocuted, but nothing happened.

"Oh well, it was worth a try..."

His new parents looked at him, both laughing happily.

"Hah! Look at him Katie! Just born and he already have so much energy, he'll be a great warrior!" resonated manly voice, almost too loud for Johnny's little ears, but quickly, and fortunately, got interrupted by Katie.

"Oh calm down honey, he can't even crawl and you're already thinking of training him? Remember that a great warrior firstly have to have a name."

A tired sigh came out of man's mouth, then he spoke again, but now calmly and much less loudly

"Byron. That name people will be saying while bowing before our son... Byron."

Little Byron, earlier Johnny, didn't have all of his memories from previous life. He knew what happened right before his reincarnation, he remembered how he died and how his body got desecrated and how love of his life run away. Everything before that was a blurry image, with small blinks of a boring and sad life. He couldn't remember, but it didn't matter to him. Who needs memories of his past life, when a new one is just starting? Especially when that previous one didn't look fun at all. New chance opened before him, and now he already had his consciousness right after beeing born! He'll be known as a genius kid, famous around the world and surrounded by hot girls! Now he only have to... sleep.

Even if his mind was adult, his body was just pushed out of mother's womb, he was still just a newborn, and as a newborn he got really tired after all that excitement and waving his limbs around.

His eyes closed inertly and seconds later hyperactive Byron turned into a cute, sleeping baby, with saliva dripping out of his mouth.


Little Byron was growing up in a world very similar to his previous one, but this one was magical, with humans wielding arcanic powers and mythical beasts roaming around along with normal ones. In that world, a huge city was built. It's borders reached so far, that it could be even called a small country, and it's name was Megania - the capital of wizards.

Byron's parents were respected, middle class family, which gave him a good, peaceful life, but neither of them could wield arcane energy. His hopes for becomming a wizard went down, but still he never gave up on trying to learn as much as he could in his childhood.

He got few friends, and among them was Alexander, a child prodigy who could wield energy at very young age, barely and a small ammount, but still he started at the age of eight, when every other wizard started around the age of ten.

Young Byron still wouldn't throw away his dreams of becomming someone great, someone famous around the world and worth writing poems about him, and he actually was pretty known as a child genius due to his adult mind. However, that didn't satisfy him.

While teachers saw in him a science prodigy, able to learn quickly and much more than his peers, he could only see something different. If he don't have to learn as much school stuff as others, then why would he? Why shouldn't he just pay more attention and time for training and learning about arcane energy?

Byron kept training his body and mind gathering all knowledge about wizardry he could find. His mind was set, and nothing could change it.

When he and his colleagues, along with Alexander, Byron's best friend, turned ten almost all of them started feeling the arcane energy - almost, because Byron was the only one still unable to do it.

The age of eleven was when kids would be checked in a wizardry exam, to determine if they are suit to be trained as wizards, or if infantry was the most they could do, and how did little Byron do in this exam? Well, hopefuly good...