
The Champion's Wine System

“You know we don’t have to battle” A woman with dark color eyes a fair skin said . Her skin was covered in full suit of armor and her weapon a beautiful crafted Azure spear. Meredith in her pure blue and white hoop sleeved robes. Nod while say “I know” her voice uncaring about her soon to be opponent. "Then why make it difficult for me” the woman sighed she was so close now she has to face this devil of a woman. “ Its not my fault you decided to go against the worlds Will”. “Your presence here isn't even alined with Fath , you took an unassuming path “. ‘Pitty’ merdith shook her head as she spoke inernally. "Futhermore Your presence here threaten the last soul existence, leave or I’ll have to kill you . " “Make a choice, do it quickly.” A bit impatient about the matter. “I have Wine’s to make!”merdith futher exclaimed making it seem as if she woman exitence was not worth her taking time off from her refining. Seeing her opponent gritted her teeth , she knew the out come of her question. Just as she was ready to summon her weapon. A voice in her head. ‘Let me have the fool, you gotten soft since coming here!. ' Chuckling “I just focus more on making wines nowadays “ Meredith replied. ‘Yeah , yeah , yeah just make sure I get my blood wine’. ‘I already have it’ 'Bloody Hell you been hold out on your home girl!.' 'Time have changed Remi lamented. When had she ever suffers such.' ‘You know why Remi, you been drink beyond cultivation, having trouble at home ‘ ‘Shut it!’ ‘I’ll take that as a yes. Chuckling’ While bickering 5 seconds have passed . 'I’ll let you have just don’t burn my stamina too much I got work it do after .' ‘Tsk , looks like see won’t be able to use the '.Empyean Blood Art! .’ Meredith demeanor change after Remi too over previous she was clam and general uncaring. Now not only dress in Blood red Battle armor , but had her favorite weapons summoned. Crimson Queen you never had the change to taste the blood of an immortal yet have you . ‘No master’Her halberd glowed in response. “Then let's get you a drink!!” said a undulating excitement ....... Meredith Walker former Federation general and know by those in the shadows are Madam Widow her presence and her organization was feared Having died at 86 she was sent to a world were spiritual Energy was possible to cultivate. Watch her climb realms and destroy them , along with her slightly crazier half Remi. All her journey at the end fight for the chance to be come a God all while taking a swig of Wine!. Come Read the Champions Wine System ! Read her Journey to God Hood!.

Dark_Alpha · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Martial Techniques all Advance Stages , Break Through!

In a cave, flashing of multiple Orange-red color Spiritual Energy and as large blue figure flashed repeatedly.

Directly in front the figure five fist covered in orange- red color flames hit a figure in blue the figure was thrown back a few meters, but the still intense blue light showed that the damage done was Negatable.

The figure covered in Aqua blue light fist glowed Orange-red and after shadows as it punched out 15 time in rapid succession the fierce retaliation brighten the cave , scared marks could be seen all round fist sized scorched mark littering the ground , ceiling and cave walls .

The figure covered in aqua blue light was Meredith this little combat session between her self was what she had done to further familiarized herself with the different elemental energy she cultivated.

Since last hundred days past Meredith cultivated whole heartedly, however after a few weeks of manipulating the Spiritual Energy in her body until it became easy, however soon she felt her progress stall after 2 weeks realizing that she something more challenging she actually though about leaving, it was them Remi said.

'Why don't you play with yourself?'

At first, I thought it was a sexual innuendo, but after thinking about I realized that I was still conforming myself to her old life limitation.

Meredith too up the task of increasing her speed to the limit if she was going to engage in combat with herself, she needed to have the ability of of both attack and defender, and that alone would take some speed.

Such she tuned to her martial art The Feather foot.

Spent a few hours going through the manual in her mind the information was already they're of the information transmitted directly there.

she could wright it backwards, but this could not really comprehend the meaning of it. after all she wasn't educated on the fundamental on cultivation.

Have been thrown here like this some time was needed, based on the log before she perhaps got lucky , apparent entered a state of enlightenment , not that she benefited it was luck but a gift to get her started on the system path .

The knowledge of pathways and specific points were engraved but only for the cultivation route not she needed to remember the route and the pattern needed to be form for the Feather aspect of the manual using the wind elemental energy in her body.

After she was sure that she grasps the basic as the manual was split in 4 stages

Initial Stage, Small Accomplishment, Advance and Mastery.

Revolving Wind elemental energy though specific meridian's and in a unique pattern this would lighten the body weight by 20 % just by sufficiently revolving it after such ,this same energy is transferred this same energy to a certain group of legs meridian's which are used to propel the body forward each direction require a set group of meridians.

One requirement is to tb capable of moving in the four direction in simple steps whether be short or long. after completing this one could be considered to have entered the initial stage.

After first she used her muscles for push off and for stopping , why simply it was what she was use too this however caused her to accelerate and decelerate faster that she was use too , it was simply disorienting.

It took her a month to get the hang of it moving at such speeds on her own was complete different than on a train or a car , the sudden burse of speed and the sudden , with the cave only going about 30 meter in each direction give or take she had broken her nose , wrist and ankles a few doxen times, before begin able to move in the four directions .

Her excise on Spiritual Energy control help her helped her is passing the initial sage on to the small accomplishment, he body weight was reduced by a whole 50% she wished she had testing instrument to measure her speed.

Slow but steady she found herself becoming familiar herself with the movement of Energy used in the movement technique.

Realizing after 2 months she didn't need her muscles for complete directional movement it was even hindering her movement, it was weird moving on a though it took a while getting use after all old habits were hard to break.

After 3 months she was able to cross to the advance stage she was able to leave solid after images that looked real with her effortless feather like movement, she felt like she was dancing, getting teased by Remi cause her eye to twitch an 86 years old woman dancing gracefully.

She had fun it was really , when she was tried it would take her a few hours to rest and recover spiritual energy about 2-3 hours and a total of 9 at most for all three begin that she only need her wind Energy breaks were shot especially with Remi making jokes.

Peals of laughter could be herd , and at times wondered how her family was does , her kids were find they were raised by her with the idea she might just one day not come home with her description of her job , her grandchildren on the other have were spoiled rotten by her.

Even so after a total 5 months and a good 34% increase.

Bringing her total master of Spiritual Energy in her body to 72%

The increased spiritual energy mastery helped to accelerate her progress og the lartial art Feather foot to the Advance Stage it was at that point, she could have a solid after imagining, it was then the chaos stated.

The practiced of the Flame fist was simpler, it had two formed enhanced the physical damage of a smile fist first, second pure flames to attack at a longer distance with a simple thrust.

Size and speed was dependent on how quickly she could revolve her Fire spiritual energy.

With the experience she was able to get the hang of it much faster only take 2 weeks.

The entirety of the manual was just directing the Energy flow at certain point creating enough pressure before releasing creating a mini explosion.

This had to be done at the stipulated minimum interval needed to launch the technique going beyond could damage the points in her hand as her meridians were still narrow hence, she had to be careful.

Staring with a single Flame fist, and worked her way up to multiples she had trouble with it at first especially with circling her Wind Energy.

With her paltry cultivation experiences she had developed over the past few months along with instinct for battle, she was able to time her activation while the techniques did not activate all the time sometimes canceling each other or just not activating all to gather.

She never gave up , she had not reason too in the first place , furthermore the new challenge was fun .

Another few months pass she was able to not only activate both techniques at the same time she was able to balance the fierce movement of the Fire sprit energy and gently but swift movement of the Wind spirit energy.

With the Advance stage of the Feather Foot she could reduce her weight and active influences around in allowing to increase her speed by a 110%!.

Meshing both techniques after completing 8 months of training she was like an RPG on steroids.

The first time she hit herself with her own martial technique it reminded her getting hit by a sniper one gosh the pain she felt hunted her for years afterward too.

She figures that the amount of Spiritual Energy used in defense needed to be change on impacts area while still covering her entire body while she was able to defend against the Spiritual Energy damage the force of the punch got thru not only throwing her back but causing injury though the water skin.

The water Skin was the continuous expulsion of water-based Energy covering the entire body like a 'skin' increasing the flow at any mount to inhabit another area, so I had some trouble with this on as it used up all her current meridian's this one too way long than the fire first.

About 2 and a half and even to this day she had only mastered it to the small accomplishment stage, in which the technique absorbed 80% physical and only 30% percent she could only lowing the out putt of her fist technique to compensate for her lacking of mastery.

She eventual got it about 4 months later managing to break though increasing the physical damage to 110% and Energy reduction 70%.

So, with this flashing about the cave attacking and counter at different points to step to the difficulty a notch. This had been going on for a month and yesterdays she managed to break her bottle neck of the tenth imagine. It's been a while since then.

Meredith was just warming up with a few swift movements where she received a notification.

[ Spiritual Energy manipulation – 1st level Spiritual Energy acumination (100%)]

[Increasing cultivation is now permitted]

Meredith could now move from her current level.

'Sitting down Meredith made herself comfortable and began to break though she had to do 2 things , one be at her peak then ignite her Spiritual Energy pools to create a chaotic environment in her energy seed this would both weaken it but given the chance weaken then the same chaotic energy in her Seed would nature her energy seed wall for expansions.'

'Gosh that took a long time after you are fisting yourself for weeks on end you will be able to move on to increasing the intensity.'

Hahahaa , she let her self-relish in the joke , have been used to Remi perverted ways and always make a joke out of anything she would suppressed herself not to be bother by it only this time it was done with a purpose one she needed

'Thanks, I needed that.'

'No problem, I am always here for you.'

Taking a deep breath Meredith was worried she would basically be causing herself a world of pain , expanding the energy seed , from the cultivation technique said it was a pain full process , while the remnant Spiritual Energy is also sent though your body an needed to be control while feeling the pain, many tried and could not persevere and died from the combusted Spiritual Energy rampaging though the body as was unable to control it in time . The manual called it SPIRTUAL ENERGY deviation.

Clam her nerves, even though she is no stranger to physical's pain anything new is to be braced for she braced herself for the pain.

Furthermore, she had 3 Spiritual Energy pools when most only had one even more so that hers were elemental in nature increasing her risk in break though process

Following the unique process of igniting her Elemental Energy.

All three Spiritual Energy pools rapidly dispersed hitting the walls then colliding with each other this process slowing increased, energies slamming against each other fractioning and refracting then hitting the Energy Seed wall some dispersing other rebound again and again.

Energy of different element collided with each other.

Some were destroyed when hit some where even matched, resulting in them pushing evenly some a fraction of a thousand of a second in which another energy particle would hit then then would go on to collided with other eyes they weren't destroyed when the balanced, these would maiming be the defining factor that collide with the walls thinning and then expanding it.

After the first initial collusion, Immediately Meredith was rocked with pain the veins in her neck and hands were pronounced, she made no souls but her actions of gritting her teeth show how much pain she saw in her eyes watered soon her vision was blurry.

Remi was instantly worried surprised that breaking though was such a pain for process, she had the knowledge, the same information in the manual Meredith had she seen the information that break though were excruciating. while she didn't doubt the pain it, she still had her reservations.

But she never expected Meredith who had suffered her entire carrier to get to her final destination who be able to weather though the pain caused, because if it's this bad then what about future break though.

A few housed past majoring of the Spiritual Energy ignited had finished expanding the energy seed to the utmost limit. Now the second phase.

The tempering of the body, the second phase was were many faltered the remnants energy left entered her body Meredith who had to endure the periods hours, needed her full concentration to control the energy and prevent it for doing harm.

Meredith quickly composed herself to a deep breath and tried her best to focused.

The energy moves out of her expectations, the energy flowed clam and slowly, passing though her meridians strengthen them while doing the same to her muscles. Blood and bones.

It was still bloody pain full, but the energy never gave any problem

Meredith watch as her body changed before her eyes few thousand later the process was completed.

This in shock that she never encounters the rampaging energy she was told to expect; the process made her feel like she was worried for nothing she had her question and needed answers.

'Meredith other than the first phase of the break though she second part wasn't as dangerous as the manual said'

'I know going to get some answers, any way it doesn't really matter much'

{Edith why was the break though so simple the most dangerous aspect was not encountered}

[ You have mastered the control of the Spiritual Energy in your body on an instinctive basis, even without your control with outside influence you would never face any danger in breaking though, it will still be pain full but not dangerous]

[If you didn't master your Spiritual Energy to such extent it would not be wised to break through without someone and entire rank above you.]

[This was why the system lock your cultivation, the current environment isn't suitable for such break though]

{Any other why than full master of Spiritual Energy manipulation, it seems awfully long time to spend when person have so many other things that need time and focused to do, for instance professions}

[There is, it called a break though pill in comes in minor and major forms. It's an alchemy creation and is used generally by all cultivators to skip the time needed to get though the entire manipulation process]

There would couldn't be called intelligent creatures without coming up with a work around.

Still she got the answer she needed, now she needed to rest finding herself drifting away feel the exhaustion, Meredith leaned against the wall relaxed.

'Remi keep a look out will ya '

'No problem gets some rest'

Author note : forgot to add the timer so they were just sitting there.

1/4 chapters comming

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