
first day at work




(Crazy Office Romance...)

By, Ella N.


GENRE: Erotica,Office Romance.

TAGS: Love, Romance ,S£x, Jealousy, Billionaire, Hates, Betrayal, heartbreaks,Comedy, Rivalry, Unrequited Love, Secrets, Fights, Family, Best Friends, Suspense.

Dexter Klein!

A clean freak,just as his surname sounds. Only that,they're two words with different spellings and meanings.

Have you ever met someone who cares so much about his looks,more than anything or anyone in this world?

Well,meet Dexter Klein, a demigod,arrogant billionaire CEO of KLEIN'S WINERY COMPANY.

A handsomely rude guy, arrogant,mean,cold and proud.

A man slut,who f**ks and dumps girls like papers. Breaking girls hearts is like playing games and winning your opponents.

A self centered cold jerk,who doesn't care about anyone,but himself and his looks.

You can do anything you want to do to him(that's if you will go scot free) but do not ruin his looks.

A proud jerk who doesn't believe in love.

To him,love is the stupidest thing anyone can ever think of involving him or herself in.

He's one of the crazy people you'd ever meet.

He fires people in his office at the slightest mistake.

Well,let's say.

You're fired!!

Is his everyday anthem, cos no day passes without Dexter firing someone.

Even when you cough,you'd get fired.

If you don't dress or walk properly, he's gonna fire you,straight up without thinking twice.

Yea,that's how arrogant,mean and crazy he is.

Not until he met Annika again, though.

Yea,you read well. They met again.

Dexter and Annika are,or were high school enemies. Always fighting, with Dexter always being mean and arrogant.


A crazily sexy young lady,with silky dark hair,cutest smiles,sexy eyes,and hot!

A fitness addict,looking for more money to start her clothing business.

An action lady,who doesn't take shit from anyone,she gives it to you hot.

Now,Dexter and Annika have just one thing in common.

They're both crazy!

How can two crazy people work in the same place, without it catching fire?

Why were they always fighting in high school?

Can a love chemistry ever happen between these two?

Even if it happens,would it blossom?

Grab your popcorn, chicken suya and a bottle of zobo,to enjoy yourselves while you take this bumpy ride with me.

You know how it has always been,babies.

Ella's Library never fails,right??

A banger as always!




(Crazy Office Romance...)


By,Ella N.








~ Beep..Beep~

His alarm clock rang loudly,sinking deep into his sleep.

That's actually the time he wakes up to start getting ready for work.

"Ahhh!" Dexter groaned, as he wakes up with a big bang on his head.

He held his head,tenderly as he tries not to increase the pain he's going through already.

Actually,he had a lot of fun last night,f**king a b**tch senselessly. And waking up this morning,he's welcomed with a big headache.

Drowsily, he tried to get out of the bed,but felt someone's hand around his body.

"F**k,b**ch!" He flung open his eyes instantly, and the sleep that was still in his eyes,got chased away by his loud yell.

"Get out!" He shouted,taking the big white duvet off her body, aggressively.

"Huh?" The b**ch sleepily woke up, and said.

"Get the hell out of my room,slut. Or I do it the hard way" He said,emotionlessly.

Like a sloth,the b**ch sluggishly, and nakedly got out of the bed,hissing at Dexter who kept rolling eyes like an owl.

She was being too slow, so he abruptly grabbed her,picked her clothes from the floor,and held them like they have poop on.

"If I ever see you here again, I will cut off your legs,fry them and give you to eat" He said,and threw her and her clothes out,before shutting the door to his room.

"Bastard, arrogant jerk!" She cursed inwardly,as she picks up her clothes, wore them quickly and left.


"F**k,my head,what should I do to suppress this?" He asked no one in particular,still holding it.

He gently sat back on the bed,as yesterday's event came to his head.

Dexter just found himself smiling at the way she was crazily riding him yesterday.

And the crazy blowjob she gave him.

"She's f**king good,I must commend her. But not to her hearing, stupid!" He arrogantly said.

He got up and striped himself off,then turned to enter the bathroom. But he saw how messy the bed was looking,so he turned back to make the bed.

"I hate dirt,I hate messy places. Damn it,how am I gonna carry this?" He rasped,as he saw two condoms on the bed,used by him last night.

He went to his drawer,and got gloves,wore them then picked the condoms and disposed of them.

He came back and removed the bedsheet,plus the duvet. Though they're still very clean,but he removed all of them for the laundry,then made the bed with a new one.

He stood still for a moment,smiling at the clean bed and room,that looks extra clean.

"Darn! I'm almost late for work" He said,as he hurriedly rushed into the bathroom to have his bath.


Annika was peacefully still sleeping when Anni came and woke her with her incessant barks,and playing around around the bed.

Anni is actually her dog,she derived the(Anni) from her own name.

Asides her two best friends,Anni has been her best friend for long now.

"Anni stop,please"She lazily said,trying to push her aside. But Anni wouldn't stop barking and pulling her nightie.

"Ohmigod! I'm late for work. First day at work and I'm late already,stupid!"She sprang up immediately.

"You were only trying to wake me up for work,ay? Good girl"She patted Anni,smiling.

She took off her clothes swiftly.

She then nakedly and funnily ran into the bathroom,while Anni kept barking and shaking her tail,thinking Annika is playing with her.

Anni ran into the bathroom too,and went into the shower with Annika,playing and circling her.

"Not now,Anni,I'm late for work"Annika rolled eyes,as the water kept pouring down her body.

After she was done bathing,she came out,and toweled herself,then she got Anni's towel and dried her up too.

"See,Anni? You're making me waste more time,silly dog"She sighed.

She hurriedly wore her clothes,and didn't really bother parking her hair well.

She then dressed Anni up,too and they both went downstairs. Though,Anni isn't going to work with her.

As soon as she reached the sitting room,she met her step mom,Gloria.

She scoffed,and rolled eyes.

Annika doesn't like her at all.

"Your mates are all in their husbands homes,yunno. I wonder what you are still doing here"Gloria annoyingly said to Annika.

"And your mates are with their forefathers,and the twenty four elders in heaven.

"What am I even saying. People like you are toilet cleaners in hell,they don't go to heaven.

"I'm in my father's house,you should try and go to your father's,too"Annika smirked,and glared at her.

"See you later,Anni"She patted and kissed her dog before leaving.

"I can just k!ll you within the blink of an eye,stupid girl" Gloria said inwardly,smirking,as she watches Annika leave until she went out of sight.

"Who in the world call their dogs the name they bear? Crazy people everywhere" She turned to Anni,and glared.

Anni started barking at her immediately.

"I will k!ll and bury you,without anyone's knowledge,if you come near me" She said to Anni,as she keeps barking.


A flashy white car can be seen parking right inside the company's building.

Ian,the driver,got out of the car immediately he halted it.

He ran to his boss's side,bowed before opening the car door for his boss.


Dexter came out of the car,handsomely and arrogantly,adjusting his tie,and arranging his hair well.

"I will fire you next time you act like a snail" He rudely faced Ian,and said.

Though,Ian didn't waste any time in opening the door for him,but Dexter just feels like being mean and arrogant.

"I'm sorry,boss" Ian respectfully bowed,but Dexter ignored him anyway,as usual.

With the usual proud look,he walked into the elevator,stylishly parking his hair well again.

Immediately after the elevator,is the hiring managers offices.


Dexter walked into the first office,where he met Spencer.

Spencer is one of the managers he likes and they do talk most times,but as expected,he's always mean to everyone.

"Get me Cleo" He said,without smiling.

Cleo was actually his secretary.

"Good morning to you too,sir" Spencer greeted,but Dexter just rolled eyes.

"Get me Cleo" He said again,ignoring Spencer's greetings.

"Boss,you fired Cleo yesterday,have you forgotten?" Spencer said.

"Oh....right. Well,I asked you to hire a new secretary,didn't I" He asked,checking the time on his wrist watch.

"I did,sir" Spencer replied,calmly.

"Then where the hell is he or she?" He raised his voice,like someone has just committed a crime.

"She's not at work yet" Spencer simply replied,and his eyes widened.

"The hell! Does she think this is her father's impoverished smelly home? She's not at work by this time,when the CEO is already at work?" He outrageously asked.

"You need to calm down,sir. She should be here any minute from.....

"Tell her to come to my office as soon as she steps her dirty feet here" He rudely cut Spencer off.

"I will do just that,sir" Spencer replied,and got back to what he was doing,immediately Dexter stormed out.

"Such an insane and arrogant jerk!" One of them said loudly.

"You can say that again. It's just so crazy working for him" The other said too.

"He may be rude and arrogant,but we all still love him for one thing,right?" Spencer smiled broadly.

"Yea,absolutely" They all said at a time,chuckling.


After leaving the Managers office,he heads straight to the wine processing room where different wine makers are busy with one thing or the other.

Those making the wine,those in charge of aging,and those in charge of bottling.

Everyone was just damn busy.

"Good morning,sir.


They all started greeting,but he replied none. He was just walking around,from one part of the factory to another.

While doing that,a lady bumped into him,accidentally.

The grapes she brought in for the wine making,spilled on Dexter,staining him badly.

"I'm sorry. I'm very very sorry,sir,please forgive me for my clumsiness" She apologized immediately,with a trembling voice. But her apology was accepted with a hot slap.

"How dare you ruin my looks,do you know what it takes to look this good?" He thundered aloud.

"I'm so sorry,sir. I promise this will never happen again" She apologized again,clasping her palms together.

"Of course it will never happen again,cos you're never coming back here.

"You're fired! Your services are longer needed,leave!" He shouted at the top of his voice,making others to shudder.

He left the room immediately,and went to his office.

👥 Gosh! Can he ever change?

👥 Just a simple mistake,and he fired her.

👥 Poor thing

👥 But damn! Our boss is hot,I wish he can f**k me hard,just once.

Some of the workers talked about Dexter.


Inside his office,he has an inner,beautifully designed room with designer clothes in it.

That room and the clothes,are there for emergencies like this. He just hates someone ruining his good looks for him.

He went in to change into something else,before starting his day's work.

"How hard is it to avoid ruining my looks,stupid b**ch!" He agitatedly said,while taking off his shirt.

He wore another one,arranged his hair and eye brows,then checked himself out in the mirror after he was done wearing it.

A killer smile escaped his lips,as he felt satisfied with his looks.

He continued smiling while he walked out of the Emergency Room,cos that's what he calls it.

He inhaled deeply,and sat on his swivel chair,and began his work immediately.

"That b**ch still hasn't come yet,things I love" He smirked,but that was interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Come in" He said,calmly,while focused on the documents in front of him.

Annika majestically walked in,admiring the beautiful office,that screams heaven.

She kept looking,until her eyes landed on Dexter. That very moment,Dexter looked up too,to see who the person is.

When their eyes made contacts,they both widened them,and their jaws dropped.

But Dexter started smirking,instead.

"Disaster?" Annika turned the name upside down. That's just the name she loves to call him.


"Did your poor boyfriend break up with you last night,that you cried so much and forgot to come to work?

"Did you even look at yourself in the mirror before coming here,you look like a mad woman" He said,keeping a straight face this time.

Annika started smirking too.

"Did your mom refused to give you food last night, because you refused to wash the plates?

"You look like a grumpy scare crow in an abandoned farm land" Annika said,rolling eyes.

"What the hell!?" Dexter sprang up.


How is it for a start,babies??

Do you like it?

Should I continue,or stop.

Please, don't ghost this story,make me happy as you always do,will ya?

Have you bought your popcorn yet? 😅😅