
The CEO Is the Daddy to Triplets

Li An'An was labeled a murderer's daughter as a child, abused and tormented endlessly in the family of her adopted parents. Four years later, she made a grand return with three daughters. Top car models, gourmet bloggers, and CEO daughters were all blinded by her magnificence. Still, the worst was the CEO of an empire of commerce who could bewitch any woman was constantly tagging along wherever she went!

Xing Bi · 都市
493 Chs


翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

"What kind of look is that?" Long Ting met her gaze with an ugly expression. He'd been scolded in the afternoon, and Liang Qian had shamelessly challenged his cousin's patience. In the end, he bore the brunt of it all.

"It's nothing. I suppose you had a good afternoon." Li An'an laughed.

"What nonsense are you spouting? I'm not the one she's trying to seduce. Hehe, Li An'an, you're the one who should watch out." Long Ting's tone changed halfway through his sentence. He realized that in fact, he was the one who brought Liang Qian into the picture and caused trouble for Li An'an. However, he was the one dealing with the aftermath now, most unfortunately.

Li An'an stopped smiling and gave him a strange look. At this point, she suddenly felt Liang Qian's gaze on her. The woman was looking at her in a critical and contemptuous manner. When Li An'an met her gaze, she looked away again.