
The CEO Is the Daddy to Triplets

Li An'An was labeled a murderer's daughter as a child, abused and tormented endlessly in the family of her adopted parents. Four years later, she made a grand return with three daughters. Top car models, gourmet bloggers, and CEO daughters were all blinded by her magnificence. Still, the worst was the CEO of an empire of commerce who could bewitch any woman was constantly tagging along wherever she went!

Xing Bi · 都市
493 Chs


翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

The filming of the program continued. Staff wearing white gloves carried fifteen cardboard boxes over. All the cardboard boxes were sealed and had a hole in them. It was impossible to guess what was inside! When the contestant chose one and reached in, they couldn't see what was inside. The atmosphere immediately became tense.

"What's in them?" Liang Qian showed a fearful expression. "This is too much of a test. If I touch something scary, I think I'll turn pale with fright! He Cheng, are you afraid?"

Liang Qian and He Cheng stood next to the contestants, trying to liven up the atmosphere.

"I'm a man. I'm not afraid. But girls are normally more timid."

Liang Qian continued, "I wonder what the production team has arranged. I'm so looking forward to it. Unfortunately, the box is sealed. Only the workers behind the scene know what's inside! That will test the quality of all the contestants."

Liang Qian and He Cheng stepped to the side.