
The CEO Is A Secret Wife

On the occasion of her birthday, a paper divorce, let her understand that the three-year marriage contract is just a play he played, she, the family broken, nowhere to return, he, hand in hand with new love, love to the extreme. "Jin Zechen, in heaven you will push me into hell." Qiao Miai said in pain. "Qiao Miai, I want you to live in hell forever." Jin Zechen said playfully. A knife, a heart, a pool of blood, a heartless man, back again, she was pregnant, snuggled in her husband's arms, smiling like a flower. "Qiao Mi Ai, I can give you heaven." Jin Zechen said. "In your hell, spoiling me to heaven, I don't give a damn." Qiao Miai said with a smile. So, she fled desperately, he chased madly, when a knife, stabbed into his chest, she said with a smile: "The knife that stabbed into my heart at first, now falls on your heart, I won."

Clodovea · 都市
120 Chs

Chapter 108

There are so many tears in Joan's eyes. She doesn't know if it will be like this?

In this way, Qiao Mi AI gently raised her hand. Before she wiped her tears, she was stunned.

Qiao Mi AI looked at the pendant in her hand and then looked at Jin Xuanshi. She was very excited and asked, "if Jin Zechen didn't show up here yesterday and didn't shed tears for me, would you tell me that this pendant is in my hand? Is that you? "

Hearing this, Jin Xuanshi explained, "yes, it's me."

"No, it's not you, Jin Xuanshi. You lie." Said Joanna aloud.

"I didn't." Jin Xuanshi said.

"You have." Said mijo.

"Joanna, I found this pendant in your hand. I think it's very important to you. I'm afraid you'll keep looking for it, so I put it in your hand. You had an operation yesterday for a long time. I don't remember many things. I didn't lie." Jin Xuanshi explained.

Joan shook her head and said, "no, it's not like this. Only Jin Zechen and I know how to put this pendant? I lied to you, didn't I? "

"Joanna." Jin Xuanshi shouts.

"This is the first gift Jin Zechen gave me. He asked for it in the temple. He said that when I am not in good health, I will put the pendant in the palm of my hand, and then I will drive away the disease and return to the healthy and healthy me. Only he knows that you should put it in the palm of my hand, world, you shouldn't cheat me." Said mijo.

Jin Xuanshi was unable to refute. It turned out that he could not even deceive himself.

"You lied to me, didn't you? It was Jin Zechen last night, wasn't it? " Qiao Mi AI holds Jin Xuan Shi's hand to ask a way.

Jin Xuanshi replaced everything with silence. Qiao Mi AI asked aloud, "you answer me, do you cheat me?"

"Yes, I lied to you." Jin Xuanshi looked into Qiao Mi AI's eyes and said word by word.

Qiao Mi AI released Jin Xuan Shi's hand in this way, and said in disbelief: "Shi, I never thought that you would cheat me. I don't know that one day, you will cheat me."

"Honey, I don't want to cheat you, but I can't help it. I have to do it." Jin Xuanshi explained.

Jamie turned her head. It was obvious that she didn't want to hear the explanation.

Jin Xuanshi grabs Qiao Mi AI's shoulder, looks into her eyes and says word by word: "Qiao Mi AI, I can't help it. You tell me personally that after last night, you and Jin Zechen have nothing to do with each other. If I tell you that Jin Zechen was here with me yesterday, your heart will be shaken again. You have been divorced for so long, please ask yourself When? You let go of your own? When can you happily face that you are Jin Zechen's ex-wife? I tell you, he did not appear here, you ask yourself, your lost appearance, how pathetic, I do not want to cheat you, but I have no way, I do not want to, do not want you to come back to his side again, yesterday's things, can not represent what? After all, I'm here with you now. "

Joanna, when? Can you completely forget him?

"Since, what do you think it doesn't represent? Why not speak frankly? I hope I don't know Said mijo.

"Do you love yourself? You keep saying that you have forgotten Jin Zechen, but you have never forgotten him. You have always lied to yourself. Don't you think you are very bad? " Jin Xuanshi said.

Joan could not refute.

Jin Xuanshi is right. She keeps saying that she hates liars, but she is always the one who lies. Ah, it's really a strange thing. If something happens to her, she will be presumptuous and disgusted by others. How can she be so selfish?

"I love you. I really love you, but I don't know how to get close to you? I always think that when I want to get you, I lose you again. You always treat me with the heart of loving Jin Zechen. Do you know how painful I feel in my heart like this? I just want to love you well. Is that ok? Qiao Mi AI, Jin Zechen didn't wait for you until now. He just doesn't want you to know his existence. What he can give you is just like that. " Jin Xuanshi said.

"I want to see him now." Said mijo.

"Honey love." Jin Xuanshi shouts.

"Now, I have to admit that I still love him." Said mijo.

Maybe, before want to forget, want not to love, but, yesterday his tears, let her have no way to forget, she want to see that man, this moment, crazy meet.

Jin Xuanshi's body trembled fiercely for a while, and his eyes didn't dare to look at Qiao Mi AI's.

"Shi, I want to see him now." Jo Mi AI's eyes were red and choked.

"Qiao Mi AI, you are so cruel. You know that I can't treat you calmly when I face your tears. You are so cruel to me." Jin Xuanshi said bitterly.

Qiao Mi AI shook her head and said with regret: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry to hurt you by using your love for me, but I really want to see Jin Zechen. I want to see him.""Well, I'll call him, but it's his business whether he comes or not." Jin Xuanshi finally compromised.

"He'll come, he'll come," she said with a smile

Jomi love, jomi love, you are so determined. At this moment, I really want to give up. It seems that I can never reach your world.

"I'll call. You can have something to eat." Jin Xuanshi said.

Qiao Mi AI nods, picks up chopsticks and eats. Jin Xuan Shi goes to one side and makes a phone call.

After the phone was connected, both of them chose to be silent.

After a long time, Jin Shixuan said, "I want to see you."

"Brother." Cried Jin Zechen.

"I tried my best to stop it, but it didn't work at all. I lied to her that it was me who insisted on her staying last night, but she had already broken it down. She must see you." Jin Xuanshi said.

"OK, I'll be right there." Jin Zechen said.

"If you can give it, give it. If you can't give it, be cruel." After Jin Xuanshi finished talking, he hung up the phone, turned his head and looked at Qiao Mi's noodles. He turned and left.

In the car

in fact, Jin Zechen came to the hospital in the morning, but he just sat in the car and didn't go down.

He wants to see Joanna. How's it going? But the elder brother didn't call him. The situation must be good.