


"I fucking can't...still do not know how I m breathing in the same room as her, every time this guilt... it's eating me away yet all I can think of is wanting to do it again...I just want to kill myself..."

And John held her fists, stopping her and pulling her close to his body, not letting her complete that word...he just could not let her...he could not imagine her dead...

"I love you!"

She looked up at him, peeling her temple off from his. Her ears could not believe what she just heard.

A gasp left Lana's mouth. She enclosed her mouth with her hands from breaking loose on seeing what she was seeing.


He felt it...felt the movement from inside. Her angle, Ava, chose that moment to kick in. Tinsley gasped and that made Kian look up at her.

His eyes...they were both astonished and excited at the same time. She could not understand the kind of emotion he was reflecting.