

Can I ask for some donation of small gifts? Show some love to this book? 

And a handful of readers who have been reading my work to please go and rate the fantasy romance, since it is my first time. I really need it. 

The Battle for Power: the Vampire Princess and the Lost Werewolf Prince! 

Let me know what you think about it in that book...an urgent request! 

Thank you! 


"Your aunty Tins is getting married again."

Beth answered to her daughter and it made Della all glittery listening to the news.

"Meaning Shawn was telling the truth? But I thought how could a person marry again? When they are already married.

I thought he was lying. He told me that we will marry two times too."

The ladies broke out into fits of laughter as they heard the little girl narrate. Except for Beth, who only narrowed her eyes together.

"Now that is a good topic to talk about. "