
His Slave

  Serena's POV

  "Are you listening to me?" Elena's voice boomed and I shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts.

  "Yes. Yes ma'am." I replied. She pointed at the door once more, ushering me out.

  "You can wait outside. I'll be out soon."


  I sigh in relief, resting my head against the wall outside.

  "You can sit down here." A voice called from behind me, and I remembered the face. She was Elena's secretary. I had seen her a few times yesterday with the vice president.

  I watched as she went to her desk just beside the Madam's door, she raised her brows at me and I muttered an 'Oh' before taking a seat just opposite the door.

  Unannounced, my mind wandered to the Alpha King. How was I going to face him after the accident yesterday? Surely, this time he would fire me on the spot as he was distracted yesterday.

  Or should I just decline Elena's request and just try another method?

  There was no other fucking method! My mind yelled. But what if I made the same mistake from yesterday?

  I'm panicking! Calm down Serena!

  And after twenty more minutes of fighting with myself, as the secretary gave me strange looks, Elena finally came out of her office, and I stood up too quickly, she raised her brows at me.

  "What? Scared?" She asked, a little hint of amusement in her tone.

  "Ye- yes." I answered, rubbing my arm nervously. I heard her chuckle before speaking again.

  "You should be scared. He is the king. Everyone is afraid of him. You have to be extremely careful around him lest you get yourself into trouble." She said to me and turned to her secretary who rose in respect.

  "Get me the files for the models." Then she turned back to me. "Stop that. Calm down and listen to me."

  I stopped rubbing my arms and paid attention to whatever she was going to say next.

  "Mr Zed likes his coffee black and at exactly 70 degrees temperature. No milk. No sugar. No flavours. His cup is the black one at the top of the cupboard. She instructed and I nodded obediently.

  The coffee wouldn't be a problem as I was an exceptional coffee maker, with four years experience at the coffee shop downtown. The main struggle would be serving him.

  All I could pray for right now would be for him not to recognize me from yesterday, because that was the only way to avoid getting fired today.

  Moon goddess. Please don't let him remember me. I silently prayed.

  "Run along now." She finished before turning back to her secretary who had pulled out a file and was handing it to her.

  "Thank you ma'am." I muttered before walking down the hallway, and all the while I could feel her gaze burning into my back. When I turned to the elevator, I finally released the breath I had been holding.

  After a few minutes of going from floor to floor, not wanting to talk to anyone because of the way they stared at me. The accident from yesterday must have spread through the office.

  I finally found the Kitchenette and started with the coffee immediately. I made sure the temperature was perfect, and everything was in place.

  I placed the coffee on a small tray I had found, took a deep breath and left the kitchenette. After asking a few people for the CEOs office, I finally made my way to the other side of the building, avoiding the curious stares I got from other coworkers.

  I was extra careful this time to avoid a repeat of yesterday. The last thing I needed was making the same mistake twice in a row.

  As I stood in the cold elevator, the coffee in hand, my heart rate started to pick up as I watched the numbers count to the very top floor.

  Mr Zed's office was at the last floor of the building giving him the space he deserved. I breathed in as the elevator ding, alerting me I was at my destination.

  With shaky hands, I stepped into the floor, finding the only door in the hallway and walking carefully towards it.

  I noticed someone standing at the entrance of the door, and though his back was to me, I knew who he was. He was the man who had been with Me Zed yesterday, distracting him with a phone call.

  He might not know, bue he saved me yesterday. A tiny smile broke from my face as I approached him, he turned abruptly at the sound of my footsteps.

  I felt the power surge from him as he stared in confusion at me. From the aura he bled. I could only assume he was a Beta, a Beta to Mr Zed, the Alpha King.

  I watched as his bored eyes drifted to the coffee in my hand and he raised a brow at me.

  "You are the one serving him coffee?" He asked, and I nodded too quickly in response.

  He sighs, stepping away from the door, but not before turning the door knob and ushering me inside.

  "Be careful not to offend him." He advised, before nodding his head at me.

  My heart rate picked up again as I stepped foot into the office. Immediately, an overwhelming scent hit me, as I felt the temperature drop. A strong, powerful aura filled the room and I almost ran back out in fear.

  I heard the door close behind me causing me to jump a little in fright and I thought I heard the Beta chuckle outside.

  I glanced around the room. It was freaking huge! With glass walls that reflected the beautiful city, white ceiling with a huge chandelier dropping from it.

  A huge desk sat at the center with a MacBook, and various files over the desk. There was also a chair behind it and a throne flashed in my mind.

  I noticed a head just above the neck of the chair and I almost gasped in fear.

  He is here! He's freaking here!

  Of course dumbass, this is his office. I almost yelled at myself.

  I started to grow nervous, my knees grew weak, and my hands became unsteady, the cup dangled left and right a little.

  And despite the room being cold, I started to feel hot, confused and scared. What should I do? Should I just drop the coffee and leave? Or just run out immediately?

  The power radiating off him was enough to make me bow in respect.

  I walked carefully towards his table, feeling his power surge around me and dropped the coffee on his table before standing awkwardly behind him. His back still to me like he hadn't heard me.

  I think I should just leave. I thought, and maybe come back when he was in a better mood. Because despite him having sharp senses, he still hasn't said a word to me or acknowledged my presence.

  I took a step back, keeping my eyes on his back turned to me. Then I took another, nothing happened. I almost smiled, maybe he truly hadn't noticed me, now I could quickly leave and no one would notice.

  I was some at the door, just a few more steps, I was happy, glad I was leaving his presence. A smile broke out of my face.

  "Stop. Get back here."

  I froze, my smile fell, my heart stopped and my eyes widened at the sound of his voice.

  This was it. I was going to be killed today.

  I carefully looked up, my hands shaking and my knees almost buckled in fear. But he wasn't looking at me, instead his cold gaze was focused on the coffee on his desk, and I almost breathed a sigh of relief.

  His extended his fingers to pick up his cup, and I shivered in anticipation. What would he think of it? Would he like it? I started to shake.

  He brought it to his lips and took a sip. My breath left my throat. There was a blank look on his face and I wasn't sure if he liked it or he didn't. But I noticed something flash across his face like relief but it was gone before I could read it.

  He dropped down the cup and I waited for him to say something but he didn't. His gaze still didn't leave the cup, completely ignoring me

  There was an awkward silence between us and I wondered what to do next. Take the cup away with the coffee still in it? Leave after he has called me back? Or say something?

  I decided to do the first, and slowly reached for the cup, he still didn't say anything and I held the cup, then started to pull away when his eyes turned to me.

  I shook immediately, the cup sliding from my hand and tumbling across his desk, the content flying out and splashing over his desk, a few files and then his suit!

  Not again!

  His eyes widened as he shifted backwards a little, looking at the mess I made before his eyes fixed on me with a cold deadly glare that sent shivers down my spine.

  I quickly found my tongue.

  "I am sorry. I am so sorry." I started, watching him stand up muttering a 'Shit' and ignoring me once more to face the door.

  "Adam!" He called, his voice boomed with anger and disgust.

  The door burst open and his Beta walked in.

  "Your Highness." Adam walked in, glancing shockingly at me and at the mess before walking to his Alpha.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." I pleaded, my eyes staring to well with tears.

  The temperature dropped once more, and I almost started suffocating with the aura change around me, I could feel his anger rolling off him in waves.

  I had wronged the Alpha. Again!

  "Order for a new suit now! Also get cleaners to come clean this mess off my table!" He ordered and Adam bowed a little before starting to leave.

  "Take her away with you. Let me think of a benefitting punishment to give to her. I'm sure she is the lowlife who wasted her coffee on me yesterday." He said, turning away from me in anger.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry," I cried again, fear starting to run down my arms as I dreaded the punishment that would come after.

  Adam walked back to me. He picked me up from the floor like I weighed nothing before dragging me out from the King's office.

  "I warned you to be careful around him. You, a werewolf, should know better not to offend him." Adam hissed, glaring at me as I cried silently outside the office.

  But I said nothing in response as he continued to drag me down the hall and into a room, pushing me in it.

  "Behave yourself and don't even think of escaping." He warned before slamming the door shut, leaving me in the empty room.

  I started to sob loudly this time. I felt so stupid, so clumsy. I just couldn't get anything right.

  Even the voices outside the door proved me right.

  "Oh, I wonder what that one did for her to enter that room." A voice said pitifully.

  "I pity her." Another one said, and I cried harder.

  "She looks like that girl from yesterday. I knew the CEO wasn't going to let her leave."

  "There goes another soul. He might end up killing this one. Everyone could feel his anger. She must have pissed him off badly." A girl said.

  "Stupid girl."

  I heard some more words directed at me, but I couldn't do anything. He was going to kill me, no doubt about that. This was the end of the road for me.

  I guess I could try to be happy, after all, I was going to meet mom in heaven.

  I finally stopped crying after hours, and my back started to hurt after sitting on the floor for so long. My eyes were red and puffy.

  As I started to stand, the door opened to reveal Adam, who walked in quickly and grabbed me, dragging me out of the room.

  This was it. I was being taken to be killed.

  "Stand up straight. You don't want to keep the Alpha waiting, do you?" He asked and I took efforts to walk properly beside him, not wanting to prolong my death sentence.

  Adam led me back to the Alpha's office and I felt the deadly aura once more as he pushed the door open.

  Mr Zed was standing just in front of his desk and Adam pushed me forward, stepping back from his wrath. I whimpered as his frown turned into a smirk, a mischievous amusement glinted in those cold eyes of his.

  I almost took a step back in fear but I was too frozen, too scared to move, my eyes snapped to my feet in submission.

  I could smell his cologne because of how close they were to each other, and I felt nervous.

  My blood ran cold when I felt his fingers in my face, pushing my head up, so my eyes found his.

  He smirked, as I vibrated underneath him.

  "Little wolf, for your mistakes. You are gonna work as my slave from now onwards, agreed?" He said, and I gasped slightly.

  His slave?

  Confusion filled my face. What do slaves do? I wanted to ask, but he might have known and smirked crossed his face and I quickly nodded.

  Amusement filled his eyes as he took a step away from me, his touch left my face and I almost sigh in relief.

  "Go home and pack your belongings for you are no longer a free born but my slave now." He finished, walking to the window and ignoring me once more.

  I couldn't refuse him. He was my Alpha. My king and my superior. His words were absolute.