
The Original Appearance

Nomsa Jarrett never sleepwalked. With her face blushing, she turned to look at him, "You..."

"I'm injured."Douglas Emerson also turned to look at her with a cold voice. Nomsa had never been in bed with a man. Douglas had such a strong and cool aura that Nomsa calmed down her anger.

She pursed her lips nervously and lifted the quilt to get out of bed. However,  the man beside her grabbed her by the wrist. The man looked at her with doubt, "Why are your hands so white, while your face is like wax?" She took back her hand in surprise and said in a low voice, "I was born like this."Then, Nomsa jumped out of bed just like a rabbit and went to the bathroom.


In the bathroom,  she looked at the sallow woman in the mirror , with self - mockery flashing in her eyes.She took the cleaning water from the cupboard under the sink and began to cleanse her face.

A few minutes later, a beautiful woman with rosy cheeks,  bright eyes,fair skin and white teeth appeared in the mirror. If it wasn't for renting a house outside after graduation and cleansing her make-up every day,  she would have forgotten her original appearance. Karen, her mother should have been happy that her daughter was beautiful.

But when Nomsa was a kid , Karen often complaint that  Nomsa stole Vicky Jarrett's thunder. So, Karen never bought new clothes for her. At that time,she tried her best to make Karen happy.

She fell from the top one to the last one of her grades. She went from a campus belle to an ugly girl who didn't have friends. But everything was in vain. Her mother didn't care more about her.

Nomsa didn't want to believe the fact that Karen didn't  love her at all.

Half an hour later, she disguised herself again and left the bathroom.

Douglas leaned over the bed and looked at his cell phone.  The expressionless appearance made him more attractive. She thought over something and said, "I'm going out. You'd better call someone to pick you up and go home."Douglas didn't respond.

Nomsa didn't care. She just took her bag and went out. Karen ordered her to go home to be married,  so she finished her last job in a hurry.

She had to find a new job to support herself.


The morning passed quickly. She was waiting for the bus at the station.  Suddenly, a black car stopped in front of her. The window came down, there was a young man with gentle smile, "Nomsa,  where are you going?"

Her eyes lit up immediately and her voice was filled with joy, "Jerome Patel?  Why are you here? "

"Get in first . We can't stop here for long."Jerome said and opened the door for her.

Nomsa went into the car directly. But as soon as she closed the door ,she heard Jerome say, "I want to have dinner with your sister.  Let's eat together."He would have an appointment with Vicky?  Nomsa should have thought of it.

Many people had said that the two couldn't be more perfectly matched. But they had not been together, so Nomsa could hide her feelings and continue to be friends with Jerome.

She moved her lips stiffly, "I still have something to do, I'm sorry I can't..."

"We haven't had dinner together for a long time. Follow me." His attitude was very tough , not giving her a chance to refuse.They arrived at the restaurant soon . Vicky had arrived. When she saw Nomsa and Jerome coming together, her face cooled down immediately.

Jerome didn't notice her expression, "Vicky . I met Nomsa on the road , so I took her to have dinner with us. Do you mind?" With a smile on her face, she said softly,"Of course not."

"I want to go to the bathroom.  You can chat with each other first. "Jerome left this sentence with a smile and turned away.As soon as he left, the smile on Vicky's face suddenly disappeared, "What's up? That disabled man of the Emerson family can't satisfy you, so you run out to seduce Jerome?"

Nomsa was disgusted by her mean attitude, "It is nonsense.""You know it's not bullshit."Vicky snorted , "Dare you say you don't like Jerome? " Nomsa bowled her head and kept silent. She dare not say that .At this time, Vicky suddenly exclaimed, "Jerome!"Nomsa raised her head and saw Jerome coming back again . She looked at Jerome nervously,  having no idea how much he had heard . However,  Jerome did not look at her.

Nomsa knew that Jerome must have heard their talking. Vicky  was very satisfied with his reaction. She smiled and comforted him,"Jerome ,don't feel sorry . Nomsa has been married, and we also can be together finally." This was the normal reaction of being entangled by such an ugly and stupid woman. She didn't know why Leonardo's cousin was entangled with Nomsa.

Maybe he just wanted to try something different and to seek excitement.

"Nomsa, are you married?"Jerome turned to look at her. "Yep, she told me she would get married one day and that it could be better to marry into the Emerson family than to marry an ordinary person. I also advised her that although the Emerson family is rich, such a husband..."

Vicky stopped, shaking her head and looking sad.But Nomsa understood that Vicky said she married into the Emerson family just for money.

Jerome frowned and looked at Nomsa in disappointment,  "Anyway, thank you for replacing Vicky to marry into the Emerson family." Vicky also showed a grateful expression, "Yeah, if you didn't replace me to marry into the Emerson family, I couldn't be together with Jerome." Nomsa bit her lips hard and said in a gruff voice,"It's not like what she said."

Though she wouldn't be with Jerome all her life, she didn't want to be misunderstood  as a greedy person by him.Jerome frowned, "Nomsa, you don't have to explain. I can understand you. Although Leonardo's health is not good, his family will not treat you shabbily."

Nomsa's heart completely cooled down.