
I Can't Admit What I Didn't Do

Nomsa called Jessica. "Did you buy the trending topic?" "Didn't you refuse it? Have you changed your mind?" Jessica said excitedly. Nomsa  explained, "No.I saw that Vicky's topic was trending again." "Is it real?" Jessica made some noises. Nomsa guessed that she was browsing the posts on Weibo. As expectedly, Jessica said, "I saw it. She deserved it!" Nomsa felt it strange. Who did it? Could it be someone else who was offended by Vicky? It wasn't impossible. Vicky always looked down on others. She had a vac temper and had offended quite a few people. Nomsa didn't dwell too much on this matter. She guessed  that Leonardo should have finished his meal, so she went to look for him. No matter what, she should have a talk with Leonardo about it.


The door of the study was closed. Nomsa pushed the door open and walked in. She saw him sitting behind the desk with his back facing her at a glance. She was puzzled. Leonardo didn't want her to see his face. Why did he go out? In her opinion, Leonardo was a hermit. He didn't go out, didn't pay attention to others and didn't like talking to people. Leonardo asked, "What do you want?" Nomsa looked at him curiously, "Do you know what happened  online?" Leonardo paused and said coldly, "There's no need to mention the past. As my wife, you'd better behave." Nomsa felt that his tone was very "Douglas." Perhaps it was because they were cousins. Nomsa heaved a sigh of relief when she went out. Leonardo was strange. Fortunately, he wasn't as psychopathic as those who had been traumatized. Otherwise, she would be in trouble. She didn't know why she wanted to go downstairs to the kitchen. "Douglas" wasn't in the restaurant. The servants cleaned  up the dining table.... hmmmmm

The next morning, Nomsa changed into formal clothes and went out for the interviews. She wasted a lot of time because of Vicky. She graduated from a prestigious university. She got great and had a perfect resume that smoothed her way to interview for jobs. She was excited because of Karen, she didn't engage in a job that was related to her major after she graduated. Now she didn't have to worry about that. She must think carefully about her job.

She found a restaurant for lunch and studied the company profile for the interview in the afternoon. Not long after Nomsa sat down, a woman who wore a mask and a cap walked to her, picked up the glass in front of Nomsa and poured it down from Nomsa's head. The woman called Nomsa's name, "Nomsaaaa!"

Nomsa closed her eyes ,wiped the water off her face and looked at the woman. The woman was Vicky! It wasn't strange. With her current "reputation," it would be easy for others to recognize her if she didn't  disguise herself. "What do you want? Go ahead." Nomsa looked up at her with a calm face. Vicky was angry. She lowered her voice and said fiercely, "You were the one who released the video, weren't you? I won't let you off!" Nomsa wouldn't admit it, she replied in surprise, "What do you mean?" "You must have pretended to be stupid in the Jarrett's! You're smart!" Vicky was furious. Nomsa laughed, "You understand me better than my parents." Even now, Lynn and Karen probably took her as a fool.

They abandoned Nomsa when she was young. They would take her as a fool. It was better than admitting that their abandoned smart daughter had tricked them. "You're a b!tch!" Vicky was about to dodge, she saw a familiar figure walking towards her. She didn't dodge.Vicky slapped her.

When Jerome saw Summer had been slapped,  he walked forward and grabbed Vicky's wrist. When he saw that Vicky was the one who slapped Nomsa, he frowned, "Vicky?" "Jerome! Finally, there you are! "Vicky said softly," She released the videos and photos on the Internet! She was jealous that I was with you. She framed me!" Nomsa covered her face, looked down and pretended to be fragile. She admired Vicky. Vicky thought that all women might be jealous of her. Nomsa closed her lips tightly. Her face was pale. She said firmly, "I didn't." She wasn't jealous of Vicky. Vicky shrieked, "You're lying!" Jerome shouted at Vicky impatiently, "Shut up!" They shouted and attracted the attention of the other guests. Jerome felt awkward and said coldly to Vicky, "Go to the room and have a talk." Then he looked up at Nomsa and said softly "Nomsa, follow me." Nomsa wanted to see Vicky being despised by Jerome, so she followed them. When they walked into the room, Vicky pointed at Nomsa and said, "Jerome, believe me. She did that. I'm innocent. The videos and the photos are fake!" Vicky lied.

It was as if this was the first time Jerome had met Vicky. He looked at her carefully and said disappointedly, " You're still lying!" Vicky was stupid. She pulled Nomsa in front of Jerome and said in a shrill voice, "Tell Jerome that you framed me. You set me up." She felt Nomsa pretended to be stupid. She slapped Nomsa hard, thinking that she was easy to be bullied as before and would help her do anything like before. Nomsa glanced at Jerome and looked away. She stood straight. Her voice was soft and firm, "I can't admit what I didn't do." Jerome had a good impression of Nomsa. Noticing that Vicky was forcing Nomsa, he pulled her behind him and said, "Vicky, deal with your own business, Don't follow me." Vicky had contacted him for the past two days. He didn't want to see her, but he didn't expect Vicky to follow.

The Entertainment Industry Are Complicated

Nomsa stood behind Jerome and took half a step back. She wanted to stay away from Jerome. Vicky said angrily, "Jerome!  What do you mean? Are you going to protect this ugly woman?" "She's your sister," Jerome frowned and disliked Vicky.

Vicky had been spoiled. How could she listen to Jerome 's words?  She sneered," Stop pretending to be kind. It was your idea to make me frame this ugly woman forcing her to confess to seducing my fiancé."Jerome replied, "It was because I believed you." Nomsa felt that she had underestimated Jerome. The more upright a person pretended to be, the eviler he was. Fortunately, she had already known Jerome well. "Shut up!" Nomsa walked out from behind Jerome, looked at him and said, "After you! I want to have a talk with my sister." Jerome believed Vicky and misunderstood Nomsa. The scandal of Vicky broke, so he believed Nomsa. Nomsa and Vicky were sisters. It was better for them to solve it by themselves. He nodded and left. After Jerome left, Vicky pounced towards Nomsa, "You're a b;tch! It's all because of you. You ruined everything!" Nomsa knew what Vicky wanted to do. She moved aside and Vicky pounced on the ground. Nomsa squatted down and grabbed Vicky's hair. Summer said coldly, "Vicky, you deserve this. You shouldn't have set me up."

She grabbed Vicky's  hair with great strength. Vicky's  face turned pale. She struggled to lift her head in the direction where Nomsa grabbed her hair to alleviate the pain. Vicky screamed, "Are you crazy? How dare you do this to me?" Nomsa sneered and slapped her face. Vicky heard a loud slap. Nomsa slapped her many times. "You...I and Karen...let go..." Vicky's cheeks were swollen. She looked at Nomsa in disbelief. She was so afraid that she stuttered. Nomsa smiled gently, "You owe me the slaps. Do you want to threaten me with Karen? Kill her." Although she said like that, she knew that she couldn't be so ruthless towards Karen. If she had been ruthless, she would have taken revenge on them after being forced to marry Leonardo. However, she couldn't be so ruthless towards them. If they hadn't taken advantage of her and framed her, she wouldn't have taken revenge of them. "Behave yourself. Everyone will be safe and sound. "Nomsa let go of Vicky's hair, stood up and left. Vicky stood up. Her face was swollen. Her eyes were red. She hated Nomsa. She swore that she would take revenge on Nomsa.

After slapping Vicky, Nomsa didn't feel at ease.

Vicky was her sister, but Vicky was destined to be her enemy. She wasn't in a good mood and the interview in the afternoon didn't go well. On the way back, Jessica called her. Jessica asked, "Nomsa, did you receive an interview invitation from Tip Top Media Company?" "How do you know that?" She was surprised. Jessica and Carl knew each other. Did Carl tell her that? Carl was a president. How could he care about that? "It's not the point. Such a big company has sent you an interview invitation. Why don't you attend the interview? You're stupid!" Nomsa said, "Tip Top also contacted you. You didn't sign a contract with them." Jessica was silent for a moment. Then she said, " I dislike Carl. Why don't you accept their offer?" When Nomsa was about to say something, Nomsa heard someone calling Jessica. Jessica said, " hey, I have to hang up. I will attend a banquet tonight. I have to put on makeup and pick out a dress."


Jessica hung up the phone before Nomsa replied.

Nomsa was depressed. She had told "Douglas" that she was unwilling to work for Tip Top Media Company. She didn't expect that she broke her promise so quickly. She chose film and television literature as he'd major. It was partly because of Jessica. Jessica was an actress. Nomsa wanted to write scripts for Jessica. The company in which Jessica worked competed with Tip Top. Even if Nomsa wrote a good script, it wouldn't be easy for her to cooperate with Jessica. Jessica knew the interview. If Nomsa didn't attend the interview, Jessica would blame herself. In fact Nomsa wanted to work in Tip Top Media Company. She wouldn't let "Douglas " know that she going to work in Tip Top!


Nomsa arrived or the entrance of the villa. When she got off the car, she saw a black car coming towards the entrance of villa slowly. When the car was parked at the entrance of the villa, Nomsa discovered that it was a luxurious Bentley. It was slick, beautiful and low-key. Nomsa thought this car was quite nice. The owner of the car must be a low-key person. Then she saw "Douglas" getting out of the car...

When he was in the car,bhe saw Nomsa. He came up to Nomsa, smiled and said, "Hi,Mrs Emerson,"

Tim followed behind Douglas and got out of the car. He was anxious when he heard that Douglas called Nomsa "Mrs Emerson." "Hi," Nomsa greeted "Douglas" and walked in the villa. She was puzzled why "Douglas" often stayed with Tim. She didn't care much about that.

After learning that Leonardo was at home, she cooked for him. After dinner, she went back to her room and surfed the Net. She browsed a trending post. "The entrainment scene is complicated. My friend gave me an invitation to a banquet.  I attended it. It was said it was a formal banquet, but I didn't except that guests gathered..." A video was attached to the post.

Nomsa watched the video and saw Jessica. It was a flashback to her back. If Nomsa wasn't familiar with Jessica, she wouldn't have recognized her.

She remembered that Jessica had said that she would attend a banquet tonight. She took out her phone and called Jessica, but no one answered the phone. Nomsa couldn't wait. She picked up her bag and ran out. She went to the place where the banquet was held and sneaked in. The atmosphere in the banquet hall was strange. She searched the entire banquet hall and couldn't find Jessica. When she was anxious, someone grabbed her arm. When she was about to turn around, the person grabbed her by the other arm. Before she could turn around ,the person pinched her chin and poured  alcohol into her mouth.

After drinking a glass of the alcohol, she felt dizzy and limp and two people took her away..