
He Was Actually A Little Jealous Of Himself

looked up at Douglas in surprise, "You bought it?"

"Nice try. Cousin bought it for you." Leonardo glanced at her and began to eat. He didn't say anything. He made it sound like she really wanted something from him. Since Leonardo had bought it, she would accept it. Nomsa noticed that there was a SIM card next to her phone. It was the number she had used. She put it in and called Jessica. After only one beep, the call was answered. Jessica sounded extremely worried , "hey, are you alright?  Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Are you back with the cast now?" Jessica had mentioned about going back today.

"With what have happened to you? No way! I'm going out now. Let's meet." The rustling sound of packing could be heard from Jessica's side. Nomsa also wanted to talk with Jessica about last night, so she quickly agreed, "Okay. I'm eating. I'll go out in a minute..." "No need. I'm coming for you," Jessica interrupted her and hung up the phone. Nomsa put down her phone and looked up. The man was eating slowly. He always acted arrogantly and naughtily around her, but in fact, he was calm and cautious. "What happened last night..." Nomsa paused for a moment before saying, "Thank you." "For what?" Leonardo looked up at her, his pitch-black eyes flickering with an imperceptible smile, "Thank me for pushing you away at the critical moment?" Nomsa understood what he was saying, and blushed, "Can you speak properly?" As for the last bit of gratitude she had for him, it disappeared without a trace. Douglas finished his porridge. As he took the towel  to wipe his hands,  he said , "You thanked me too casually. You don't have any sincerity." Nomsa thought for a while and felt that he was right. "What about  I treat you to dinner? " "Dinner? Okay. Let's  go to the club I brought you to last time," Leonardo sounded serious.

That club...

Nomsa pursed her lips. If she remembered correctly, it was a top tier club in Hoover City. She had just graduated, not to mention having no job now, and even if she had a job, it would cost her at least half a year's salary to eat a meal there according to the standard of young and rich "Douglas". She suspected that Douglas dit it on purpose. Nomsa said straightawardly," That won't do. I can't afford it." "Douglas " looked at her in surprise, "Didn't Cousin give you his secondary card?" "Why would he give me that?" Nomsa felt that "Douglas" was weird in every way. In the next morning, "Douglas" took out a black card from behind him and threw it in front of her. "Cousin gave it to me. You can take it." Nomsa did not take the black card. Instead, she said with an envious expression, "Leonardo treats you so well." Leonardo had never appeared in front of outsiders. Rumors had it that he was cruel and obstinate, but he let "Douglas" live in his villa and even gave his secondary card to him. On the other hand, Nomsa and Vicky were like enemies. Hearing that, Douglas looked at her seriously and said, "If you are willing to try, he might treat you better than me." He deliberately emphasized the word "try." An arrogant and shameless man!

Nomsa ignored him and lowered her head to eat before taking that card. It sounded right spending Leonardo's money to treat "Douglas" to dinner. She had wanted to thank "Douglas" sincerely, but he had chosen such an expensive place on purpose, so don't blame her.


When Jessica came Nomsa was still fighting the door. It was  strange that the door would not open. Behind her, a bodyguard came up and told her," Miss, Miss Hicks is here." Nomsa could only go downstairs to see Jessica first. As soon as she went down, Jessica rushed over and said, "It's good that you're fine!"Nomsa smiled at her and asked her ,"I'm okay. What about you?" The video posted by the blogger last night went viral. Jessica's agent also saw it and even sent it to Jessica to watch. Jessica attended a business banquet last night. Her manager was afraid that there would be trouble afterwards, so she asked her to find a few people to take a group photo and post it on Weibo, in case someone would slander her. When she posted the photo on Weibo, she discovered that she had many missed calls . Later, when she answered Carl's call, she found out that Nomsa thought she was at the Violet Gold Club and went to look for her. What Jessica had said made Nomsa understand  that someone might have set her up to lure her over. The only person she had offended recently was Vicky. The matter between her and Vicky had been popular on the Internet recently, so Vicky definitely knew that she would surf the Internet at any time.

Moreover, Vicky also knew that Jessica was her good friend. Vicky had really put in some effort to take revenge on her. Seeing that she was lost in thought, Jessica asked her, "What's wrong?"

Nomsa looked at her and said, " It must be Vicky. I knew that she was always messing around, and that she was a member of some club. But I was never interested in her ,so I didn't know it was the Violet Gold Club." If she had known that Violet Gold Club was Vicky's usual spot, she would not have been tricked. Although Jessica was always on the run, she was clear about many things. She would not go to that kind of place to attend a banquet. Jessica frowned. Just as she was about to say something, she heard the familiar ringtone of her phone. She lowered her head and took out her phone, only to discover that it wasn't from her phone. Nomsa took out her phone and waved it, "It's mine." "You're finally willing to change your phone?" Jessica widened her eyes. She had persuaded her to change her phone, but Nomsa had always said that she was afraid Karen would be upset. Nomsa's eyes shone brightly. Obviously, she was a little happy. She leaned closer to Jessica's ear and whispered, "Leonardo gave it to me." She felt that this might be a sign that Leonardo was gradually opening his heart to her, so she was thrilled. Back then, she had agreed to marry Leonardo. Naturally, she still hoped to get along with him. Jessica obviously had something else to ask. But Nomsa pointed to her phone and said, "Let me answer this first." However, when she saw the familiar phone number, her expression was not pretty. Karen's voice was gentle ,"Nomsa,  I've booked a tea restaurant. Let's  have lunch together. " A kind offer out of the blue? Something was up! She chuckled and asked ,"Just us mother and daughter?" Karen hesitated for a moment before answering, "Uh...yes, let's have our meal in peace." Nomsa didn't believe a single word she had said!

She did not respond immediately. Karen quickly explained, "Nomsa, I was too busy and didn't even have time to eat with you alone. Don't blame Mom." If it had been in the past, she would have been thrilled to accept Karen's invitation. His careless of her to use being busy as an excuse!

Karen was a full-time rich lady, and she had so many servants so, what could she be busy about?

Nomsa remembered very clearly that once she bought a movie ticket and asked Karen to watch the movie with her. Karen promised to go. However, up until the movie ended, Karen never showed up. Only after returning home did Nomsa find out that Karen was busy picking up Vicky because Vicky got drunk outside, so Karen naturally stood her up. She didn't even bother to call Nomsa and kept her waiting  until the movie ended. Nomsa opened her mouth and said with a faint smile, "Alright, send me the address." She hung up the phone and looked up. Jessica was looking at her with disappointment. Nomsa was surprised, "What's wrong?" Jessica said angrily,  "Your mother invited you to dinner again? Are you really going?" "Yes." Nomsa pulled Jessica to sit down on the sofa. Some seconds before Jessica snapped, Nomsa said slowly,  "I have my plans. Have you brought the brick for me ?" Jessica replied, "It is in the car. Let me get it for you."

Nomsa couldn't open the door, and her things were inside. She didn't know how long it would take before rescue arrives, so  she asked Jessica to bring her a brick . She planned to smash the door.

Jessica had been doing great at work these years. She had wanted to help Summer with the door, but her agent called her again.

Before  leaving, she reluctantly said, "Nomsa, when you smash the door , remember to video chat with me. Nomsa didn't  reply. Did Jessica fans know how juvenile she was?


Nomsa walked  to the door of her room with the brick in her hand, and smashed its handle, making a huge noise. The noise attracted Douglas. When he arrived at the scene, he was surprised  by what he saw, but then he supported his forehead and let a low laugh. This woman was really...unpredictable! He walked closer and grabbed her wrist with great precision,  saying in a deep voice, " Cousin is not at home. You can sleep in his room. If the doors breaks,  will you pay for it?" Nomsa also felt that it was indeed not good to break something. She hesitated and said , " But my things are all in there." "When you got married, female supplies were sent to his room. "Actually, he did that recently. Nomsa's had never expected that, but she shook her head and said frankly, "But I am afraid of sleeping in his room." "Douglas" might laugh at that, but she was just being honest. Douglas did not see that coming. Was she the same woman who bickered with him all the time? "So, I will continue. I believe he won't let me pay for it. He is not stingy, "Nomsa said. After all, he brought her a phone, and he let the internet incident go. She felt that he was better  than she had imagined. Douglas' black eyes flashed with a hint of shock, and then he stooped taking. She said that he was generous. What else could he say? He could only help her with the door. He reached for the brick in Nomsa's hand and smashed, the door open in a few strikes. Nomsa felt "Douglas" was not that annoying anymore. She blinked and said, "Thank you." Douglas didn't say anything or look at her. He turned around and left, looking a little ... irritated? Douglas didn't go far when he saw a bodyguard going upstairs. "It was nothing," Douglas glanced at the bodyguard. He was suggesting that he should turn back. The bodyguard immediately turned around and went downstairs,  but was somewhat puzzled.

Just now, it had been loud . Everyone had guessed that Douglas and Nomsa were having a fight. He had even bet a hundred bucks, but now it seemed like they were fine... Just as Douglas entered the room, he received a message from Carl. It was a 40-seconds voice message. Douglas tapped it and put down his phone. "Am I disturbing you at this hour? Was everything okay last night?  Did you use the things I sent you earlier?  If you..."

Douglas pressed  the  power button and locked the screen. Then he went to the cloakroom. The room was huge. Half the clothes there were men's suits and shirts, and the other half were women's skirts and sweaters. Nomsa was probably very tired of him. If she paid more attention to him, she would discover that he lived in the master bedroom, and that "Douglas "and "Leonardo " had never appeared at the same time. Perhaps her prejudice told her that "Leonardo" was definitely not normal. Douglas remembered the joy in her eyes when she heard that the phone was a gift from "Leonardo" at the dining table.

At that  moment, he was actually a little jealous of himself.


Nomsa closed the door and lay on the bed. She would sleep better in this familiar bed. After a short rest, she got up to wash her face and change clothes. Standing in front of the mirror, she hesitated for a moment before deciding not to be ugly. That was actually quite troublesome, and she did not plan to eat with Karen. Anyway, Douglas had discovered her true face last night, but he hadn't said anything about it. Now it seemed that pretending to be ugly would only make trouble for herself. However...

She remembered that "Douglas" kissed her this morning, and the thought of that kiss made her blush and her heart race. When she regained her senses, she realized that she had been reliving Douglas's kiss. Her face immediately turned pale.

"Douglas" was Leonardo's cousin. What was she thinking! Until she got dressed and went out, her complexion was still terrible. Coincidentally, she met "Douglas " again at the landing. Douglas saw that she was not looking good and frowned slightly as he asked her, "What's wrong?" As he spoke, he reached out to touch her forehead. Nomsa jumped far away as if startled, and then said in panic, "I'm, I'm fine..." After saying that she rushed away. Douglas stood there and looked down at his hand that was still in the air. After a while, he withdrew his hand with a gloomy expression. He walked to the banister and watched Nomsa running away with her bag on her back. His expression darkened a little, but quickly, he followed her apprehensively.