

At the restaurant.

Vicky placed her bag on the table and raised her chin and spoke arrogantly to Nomsa, "Say what you want, I have a date with Jerome." She looked at her newly manicured fingers as she spoke. She glanced at Nomsa who has always looked the same, the long dress, unhealthy skin, thick-framed black glasses, ugly as a toad. To think that this woman wants to compete with her for a man! Only those fools on the internet will believe it. Nomsa closed her eyes and held on to her glass. She rubbed her hands on the glass and then she saw that man came in and took a seat behind her. She casually sent out a previously composed message, Let's begin. These series of actions were done carefully which was why Vicky didn't notice it. Nomsa looked at Vicky and said , "I already apologized on the social media. Please don't make things difficult for my mother." She was the same as before. Vicky laughed coldly . As she had expected, Nomsa was stupid since young. How could she have wised up overnight? "I can go easy on Karen but on one condition." Vicky crossed her hands and smiled as she won. "What...what condition?" Nomsa asked nervously.

"Stupid, why are you so concerned over Karen,  she has never regarded you as her daughter."

Nomsa's hands which were on her lap tightened up and her knuckles started to turn white. She said bitterly, "She is my mother no matter what. Even if I knew that it was because of you that she begged me to get married to Leonardo,  I'll still agree with it." Vicky can't stand seeing Nomsa helpless and weak. When they were young Nomsa's studies were better than her and she was prettier than her. That's why she hated her. Thereafter Nomsa became ugly and dumb and she hated her even more. She felt embarrassed to have a sister such as her. But then, at least Nomsa was obedient as a dog who she can make use of. Vicky smirked, she said softly but venomously, "You are as much of a slug as your mother." Nomsa was shocked. Karen married into the Jarrett family for twenty plus years and she slogged to take care of Vicky. In the end Vicky was not appreciate but called her a slut! "You can say what you want about me but please don't say that about my mother. She was genuinely good for you."Nomsa was hurt and reminded her softy. How could Vicky listen to Nomsa's words? She stared at her and yelled, "Shut up! You don't have to meddle about my matters.Now you can only do one thing, divorce Leonardo."

"Divorce? "Nomsa stared with her eyes wide open.

She was half genuine and half pretending.

Nomsa could anticipate what was her motives before Vicky said. The Emersons don't care who married Leonardo but they definitely cannot accept Nomsa reneging on her agreement, especially when she was "dumb and ugly " and unpresentable. If she were to mention divorce,  it would be an insult to the Emerson family. The Emersons will never let her off! This move of Vicky was truly vicious. She made Nomsa a target of the Emersons and let them vent their resentment in Nomsa. In that way, she can stay under the radar and live peacefully with Jerome.

Vicky played with her hair and tucked it behind her ear while exposing a slight pinkish Mark on her neck, "If you can do that, then I will not make things difficult for Karen. "Though Nomsa was dumb. She could see that the mark was from a kiss. Was she showing off? Nomsa took a drink as she felt a lump in her throat. She wasn't sad that Vicky was with Jerome.She was upset that the person she had been in love with was just like any other man. "But the Emersons will never agree to me divorcing Leonardo..."Even if it's a divorce,  it can only be initiated by Leonardo. "That's your problem. My advice to you is to be an obedient dog, otherwise,  I'll make sure you and your mother suffer." Vicky can't be bothered to say anything else with Nomsa. She took out a mirror to touch up her lipstick, dialed a number, and gently said, "Jerome..." Nomsa's expression froze, but this reaction made Vicky happy. Though she didn't regard Nomsa as a threat, she felt s sense of achievement when she saw Nomsa behaving like a dejected dog. After seeing Vicky driving off, she turned to see the table behind. The man just waved his  phone without speaking. Nomsa lowered her head to look at her phone and there were new message notifications. "I'll send you the videos when I get back ." Nomsa answered, "Thanks."

She placed down her phone and started to eat.

She was surprised that Vicky had turned into such a person. She liked Vicky a lot when she was young.

Vicky was pretty and loved to dress up. That's why she kept following her. But it appeared that Vicky was heartless. Karen served her tirelessly and now she can call her a slut! What about Nomsa who she never liked? She had thought that there was some affection between Vicky and Karen , but...

Nomsa had a knot in her stomach and the food wasn't that good. She got up and left.

Leonardo came out of the other room and stopped the paparazzi. The paparazzi saw Leonardo's high and mighty person and knew that he was different. He asked defensively, "What are you doing?" "Let me have a look." Leonardo said calmly as he looked at his bag. "I don't understand." This was his tomorrow's headline news. He can't simply let anyone see it. "Really?  Do you believe that I can blacklist you from the entire entertainment industry in Hoover City?" Leonardo's expression didn't changed and his voice was calm, devoid of any emotions. The paparazzi just realized that not only was this man handsome and cool, but his business suit was also custom made with fine material. It was obvious that he was rich and important. He exudes strength and authority. He doesn't doubt Leonardo's ability and obligingly showed Leonardo the videos. The scene and audio were very clear. He listened intently to the conversation between both women.

Nomsa received Jessica's call as soon as she exited the restaurant. "Quick come over, the red car across the road". Jessica said and hung up.

Nomsa looked up and saw the red car across the road.As she looked at it, the car horned twice.

Nomsa looked around and walked quickly to the car and sat in the front passenger seat.

Jessica started the engine and asked, "How was it? Was it successful?" Jessica started the engine and asked, "How was it? Was it successful?" Jessica had a short movie that was low-key but popular. She could be recognized by anyone and that's why she waited for her outside. Nomsa smiled and said, "Success."

Vicky had oppressed her for too many years and disregarded her. That was why she should harden herself to do this."But the plan may be changed."

"Meaning? " "She wanted me to divorce Leonardo and infuriate the Emersons. She wants their attention to be focused on me and forget that she was the original betrothed. Then she can rightfully be with Jerome." Jessica furiously hit the steering wheel when she heard, "Does she have a bottom line!" "There is no bottom line as long as it is beneficial towards her." Nomsa knew Vicky too well. She originally wanted the paparazzi to send out the video tomorrow morning but from the looks of it, she can add another step.


On social media, "The ugly will cause trouble " topic was no longer trending. Very soon, the topic of interest was "Divorce, why keep the  marriage "

"According to hearsay, Ms Jarrett's sister succumbed to pressure and is discussing their divorce..." Though it was a simple topic, the netizens were whipped into a frenzy. "Pressure?  I think her conscience is making her do it!" "She was after their money. She knew that Leonardo was impotent and she still agreed to the marriage..." This topic became the top trending topic again and very quickly, it was deleted.

There were a lot of topics being deleted or blocked but Nomsa knew that this must have been the work of the Emerson family. After all, a well-known and important family like the Emerson will not sit on their hands when their heir was being slandered on the internet. That night, the paparazzi sent her a video clip with a message, "Next time I'll not do it again."This was someone who had criticized Nomsa. She was curious and opened the video. It was clear that the person in the video was Vicky. And the phrases were "already apologized don't make things difficult for my mother "

"be obedient like a dog"

"beg me to marry Leonardo" these started to clarify the entire matter. Those who scolded Nomsa now kept quite by the turn of events. 

Thereafter, people began to apologize to Nomsa. Some didn't watch the video and continue to scold Nomsa but these were very few. Within a short span of six to seven hours, Nomsa's social media fans grew to fifty thousand.


Vicky went on a date with Jerome after successfully threatened Nomsa. She spent the night at Jerome's place. So she didn't know about the on-goings on social media. She was awakened by Lynn's phone call. Vicky was in Jerome's embrace and irritably answered, "Dad, what's up?" "Go online and see what a hole you've dug yourself into. You even dared to spend the night outside. Come home immediately! " Lynn has never been so angry with her. Vicky had a bad feeling about this. She quickly hung up the call and checked the news online. Only then did she find that her conversation at the restaurant was captured by a paparazzi. Her expression changed immediately and she bit down hard on her lips, "These slurs!" "What happened? "Jerome kissed her and asked.

Vicky kept her phone and said, "My father called me. Something cropped up at home. I've got to go back now." On the way back, she thought about their conversation being captured. She was certain that Nomsa had something to do with it.

Vicky was sullen as she called Nomsa but no one answered.


On the other side, Nomsa looked at the phone and "Sister"was displayed. She laughed and placed her phone aside and poured herself a drink.

The phone was still ringing when she came back.

Vicky must be so mad that she must be willing to erase her! "Why are you so happy?" Nomsa composed herself and she didn't turn around to look and knew that the person who said that was "Douglas". She placed her phone on silent mode and kept it in the pocket. She picked up the glass and wanted to go upstairs. Unfortunately, "Douglas" was just at the stairs. "Douglas" seemed to be toying with her. When she walked on the left, he would block the left side. When she walked on the right...

Nomsa was in good  mood but in a flash, he ruined everything. She looked upstairs and then softly said to "Douglas", What do you want?"

"Don't you know, your Jarret family squabbles have now affected the Emerson family. "Douglas " laughed and looked at her. He looked serious and yet seem to want to seek something from her.

"Oh." Nomsa lowered her eyes answered without any emotions. She crossed over him and proceeded upstairs. Douglas squinted and asked as he wondered, "You don't look like you're scared." Nomsa didn't want to talk to him but yet couldn't help talk back, "I didn't do anything wrong, why should I be scared?" Douglas didn't expect her to say it in such a manner. Her calmness was beyond he had imagined. Nomsa turned and left as soon as she finished talking. He looked at her back and pondered deeply. Has this lady stopped pretending that she's an idiot?

Back in her room, she wasn't as calm as when she was facing off "Douglas". She knew that the hacker employed by the Emersons suppressed some of the news but she was unable to determine what the Emersons thought. She took out the phone and apart from Vicky's call, the rest were from the Jarrett family. Nomsa smirked and dialed Karen's cell phone number. As expected, as soon as the call was connected, Karen immediately said ,"Come back immediately. "

"I'm on my way..."Nomsa lowered her voice. Trying to make sure that her voice sounded worried. She certainly wanted to go back to the Jarrett family to see their reactions. To go and watch Vicky losing her mind and throw her tantrums. But one thing for sure was Vicky will not simply admit defeat.