
The CEO's Obsession

Meet Kim Chae Woon, a twenty-five-year-old CEO of a modeling company to which he got transferred. He is heartless due to his heart being shattered by his first love, Choi Ji Soon but then he met Riele Grants who helped him heal his broken heart with her charm until his first love, appeared in his company to work as a model. Meet Riele Grants, a twenty-two-year-old lady, vibrant and cheerful. She works as Kim's assistant. She hated Chae Woon because of his cold personality but when she got closer to him, she found out he was a cold jerk with a warm heart and slowly she found herself falling deeper in love with him. She thought she saw those signs visible in him too not until his first love came and he became a different person. ~~~ "I told you several times, I don't have feelings for you anymore," Chae Woon answered her. She finally got him to talk after pestering him for a long time. How does a person change in such a matter of time? She wondered. "What about everything we shared? The love? The..." "You were nothing but an obsession to me, Riele." he cuts in. Riele looked at the lady beside him who was holding his hand as if her life depended on it. "Are you saying all this because of her? If you..." before she got to finish her words, he pulled Ji Soon closer and kissed her. She got the answer she needed. She was nothing but an obsession he is trying to get rid of. She shouldn't have trusted her heart to handle this situation. She should have used her head instead. She turned around and left with tears in her eyes. The moment she was out of sight, he pulled away from the lady but then he didn't feel those butterflies he felt when he kisses Riele and he wondered why. Is Riele just an obsession he is trying to get rid of or an obsession he can't help but love?

Angel_Lucia · 都市
20 Chs

Chapter 010: This Isn't A Date

Jay led Riele into one of the coffee shops. He was so protective of her to the point that Riele started to think maybe they were on a date.

"This isn't a date". Jay said before waving his hands to the waitress.

Riele scoffed. "I never thought it was". She lied.

"Really?" Jay asked staring at her in doubt. "'Cos it's written all over your face if you ask me".

"Hello. It's nice to have you both here today. What would you like to have?". The waitress asked with a broad smile on her face.

"I need something cold". Jungkook looked at the book menu. "What do you suggest?"

"We'll like two ice americano please". Riele smiled at the waitress who nodded with a smile before leaving.

"Why americano?" Jay asked.

"You asked for something cold, well that has ice in it, that's why it's called ice americano, just the drink you need," Riele explained.

The waitress brought their orders and set them on the table in front of them. "Is that all?"

"We'll let you know if we need anything else". Jay answered her with a smile.

"OK. Enjoy!". The waitress left them to enjoy their drinks.

Riele was thirsty and she needed something cold as well. She took the straw that was in her drink and suck out the drink into her mouth. "Hmmm." She moaned with satisfaction.

All the while, Jay was patiently staring at her and admiring her features. Her dark brown wavy hair, her eyes, her nose, and her sumptuous pink lips. How he wished it was his lips touching hers instead of the straw. He was imagining how her lips would feel on his.

Riele noticed how he was looking at her. "What?". she asked him.

"Can you stop doing that?" Jay asked trying to hide the fact that he just had thoughts of kissing her.

"Doing what?". She asked moaning again after she sip another round of the drink.

"That". Jay said. Riele looked at him like he had gone insane. "Stop moaning. people are giving us weird looks right now". Riele turned around and truly people were looking at them.

"You could have told me". Riele whispered.

"I just did". Jay said. "I have no problem with you moaning but...".

"shut up, Jay". She laughed. She couldn't deny that she felt some warmness on her cheeks. Did he just make her blush?

They both became quiet enjoying their drink until Jay broke the silence with a question. "What's happening between you and Chae Woon?". He asked.

Riele looked at him wondering why he would be asking her that question. "Nothing". She answered bluntly before going back to enjoying her americano.

"Really?". He asked. "I've never seen him so upset before". He said. "What did you do to him?".

The question almost made her choke on her drink. "What did I do him?". She asked. "I'm not doing anything to him ok?". She answered. "I just don't like it when someone bosses me around".

"But he is your boss".

Thanks for reminding me. Riele said to herself. "Your friend is sick". Riele told him. "Can you believe he took my position away from me as his assistance? Can you believe that I bent my knees to the ground and apologize to him, only to do what?". She paused trying to calm herself. "Now, I've accepted my fate. He told me to be in charge of the models which I was doing and what he could do is complain about the job I was doing... the job he gave me to do. He's complaining about something he gave me to do. So you see Jay, I don't have issues with him". Riele added.

"If he wants you to be his Assistant again, would you agree?". He asked.

"No...not in this life or in the next life to come....Besides, I'm loving my new job". Riele said with a smile.

Jay smiled too. He felt the vibration on his phone in his pocket. He brought it out to check the caller when he found out it was Madison, he ignored the call. Riele was watching as he turned down the calls.

"Your girlfriend?". Riele asked

Jay shook his head. "It's Madison."

"You guys exchanged numbers already?" Riele asked.

Jungkook put his phone on silent and put it inside his pocket. "What do you expect?".

Riele shrugged. "So, are you into her?".

"We only exchanged numbers, Riele... who's talking about dating who?".

"I am not talking about that... I meant as your modeling partner, what do you think of her?. I don't care what you guys do behind the curtains as long as it doesn't lead to pregnancy". She said. At the mention of the word pregnancy, she remembered Charlotte. "Oh my God!". She yelled causing those around her to give her an irritating look but she didn't mind.

"What happened?". Jay asked feeling a little bit worried.

Riele stood up as she brought her phone only for her to see twenty missed calls and five messages from Charlotte. "I have to go". She said as she dropped some money on the table. "Thanks so much for the drink".

"At least wait for a little while let me walk you home". Jay volunteered but Riele was in a haste.

"See you at work tomorrow". she waved at him before leaving.

Jay wasn't ready to leave yet so he brought out his phone, and called Madison asking her to come to the cafe.

Riele called Charlotte who shouted at her the moment she picked up the call. "Are you trying to kill me? do you know how worried I was when you didn't pick up my call??! where the hell are you?!". She asked.

"Stop shouting. You know it's not good for your health and the health of the baby".

"Speaking of the baby, there's something I need to talk to you about". Charlotte said.

"Did anything happen to the baby?". Riele asked.

"Just come over here". And with that Charlotte ended the call making Riele feel uneasy.

Did she abort the child? She asked herself as different thoughts came to her head. "She had better not". She boarded a taxi that took her to Charlotte's house.