
Chapter 622: Hurry up and open the door, let Mr. Smith marry and enter the bridal chamber early!

"Alette Larson, if you keep being so money-minded, Madeline will get Lucas Sandy to zap you!"

At the critical moment, it was still Julie Harrison who hit the nail on the head. Alette Larson's original fighting spirit quickly dissipated. That guy not only had a deadpan serious look, but was also her boss. Normally, being close to the boss would have its perks, but his cold demeanor made it hard for her to even look at him once, let alone get any perks. Therefore, the idea of enjoying handsome men was cut off from that point, and she ended up having to just work quietly.

"Sister Ivy, what should we do now? Dr. Sandy is my leader, he's a groomsman today. If I offend him, when we return to the hospital, will he get back at me?"

At the critical moment, Alette knew that Boss Lady was the most reliable.