
Chapter 618: Where in the world is money burnt for free?

For so many years, she only felt that her father never cared about her. She never thought to reflect whether or not she had ever cared about her father!

"Of course, whether you choose to consider me as your father or not is your freedom. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions. I will continue to see you as my daughter. But that doesn't mean you're obliged to see me as your father!"


The already melancholic Sienna Harrison choked on her words at this sentence. If they hadn't been so estranged since her childhood, she would have leaped into his arms and cried, "How could I not see you as my dad? Whether you're my biological father or not, you have raised me for so many years. If it wasn't for you, I might have starved to death like those abandoned children, let alone live a life of luxury. Without you, I might just be a illiterate thug. What would a woman like that, got to do with Jaysen? How could I be happy then?"