
215, She might be pregnant.

He had grown up with Mario Jensen since childhood, and had never seen him cry, but now he was crying like this over a woman. If he was told that the woman had nothing to do with him, he would never believe it even if he were killed.

Just as Ethan Stones was about to reach out and pull the man up from the ground, Mario Jensen suddenly looked up at him and stared intently. With long eyelashes still stained with teardrops, he finally asked, "Ethan Stones, when you examined her yesterday, did you find anything wrong with her body?"


He didn't examine her at all last night!

That woman looked so irritated when she was touched, and she didn't have any serious illness, so he just gave her some side-effect-free pills and left!

What does this man mean by asking this question now? Is he sick?

"She didn't have a high fever or diarrhea, so there's definitely nothing wrong with her body, although I can't say the same for her mind!"