
The CEO's Babymomma

SLOW BURN WARNING. Vanessa Scott, a 23 years old orphan and only guardian to her 16 years old sister Sophia is thrown into a dilemma when she is given a week to pay off her late father's debt or risk herself and her sister being taken captive by the debtors. Her only way out of this web is a deal that would change her life forever. A baby momma deal!. Alexander Moore a devilishly handsome and wealthy CEO has all it takes to sweep a woman off her feet but lacks the will to make any woman his wife. When it's time to have a child of his own, Alex decides what he needs is a surrogate. An unknown woman with certain physical attributes to carry his child to term for a huge amount of money. What happens when Vanessa meets all the specifications required to carry the child of a man who doesn't want to know her or be known by her? What happens when they meet against all odds and live under one roof with no knowledge of one another? Would Alex fall in love with his pregnant 'housemate' and make her his wife?

Da_Rose · 都市
220 Chs

Marry Me

"Alex, I still think this isn't a good idea. I don't want to go to any party. I just want to stay at home. I'll make dinner and wait for you," Vanessa protested as Alex urged her to dress up.

"You're not making dinner, babe. Not tonight and not anytime soon. And why don't you want to go with me?" Alex's voice came floating through the phone.

"Firstly, because I'm 35 weeks pregnant."

"Really? I didn't notice. You look sexy to me, and that's all I ever see when I look at you."

"Alex," Vanessa's cheeks flushed red at his words. She could never get used to him saying all the right words every time.

Vanessa quickly composed herself and returned her attention to the conversation at hand. "Secondly, I don't think I'll fit in, Alex. Your kind of people—"

"Babe, there's nothing like my kind of people. There's only me and you, and then there's everyone else." Alex interjected her.
