
The Celestial Immortal Road Pathway System Missions

Wealth, fame, power, magic in a world where it's build by a system they is a young man named Yuan Wei he is known to being a ice-cold person, finishes his missions without a second thought, whether to kill the target or finish the mission he was given. Yuan Wei could never remember his past memories he can't even remember his own real name, or many missions where he was punished everything has always been blank in his mind. He doesn't recall when he gained his own system but he slowly gained the tale as the strongest system holder. In order to get back his memories, he has to travel between time spaces over and over again! All the ones that go against me and my plan will be “eliminated” by me! Oh, right, and those little bees flying around my man, they can not devour his kind heart. You can call me a cold heart, God, but when I want something, I will get it! Dare try to step over me and my men. I will show what it means being King of hell or something worse than that. I have the money spent and I shell spend it as I please!

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 31 [Homecoming Game]

Today was Friday the homecoming game. Yuan Wei was resting inside his home when he heard his Zeir Device ring he ignored it not wanting to care for it. He couldn't help it but from all it has been is homecoming week and now today is the homecoming game.

Yuan Wei walked inside the school he saw people running around tomorrow is Homecoming Dance so everyone is exciting the only one who seemed annoyed and not excited was Yuan Wei he really didn't do these type of thing nor does he remember. He feels like he was enjoyed these thing with someone important to him but when he tries to remember he just feels pain all over so he gave up million years ago.

"Babe!" Isaac shouted and he took off his jacket and put it on Yuan Wei shoulder who made a face but he took a deep breath and wore the football jacket it had his number on it and Isaac grinned happily.

"Babe, if I win can I get a reward."

Yuan Wei touched his chin and he smiled.

"If you win, I will allow you to kiss me on the lips," Yuan Wei said.

"Really!" Isaac laughed and took Yuan Wei hand both walked together. Yuan Wei closed his eyes the teacher didn't have much to say today was a test he started to write and he chuckled and he looked at R2.

"You got it?"

"Yes I do!"

"Good, tomorrow night Milla, Peter, and Jessica I hope you love my gift."

"Babe, why are you happy."

"I have a strong boyfriend like, who is so handsome, and treats me well that's why I am happy."

"Alright, Babe I won't be in all my classes because I am the football and basketball captain I will be at the gym."

"Oh really same I am the captain of the soccer team B team."

"What how come I don't see you out playing soccer."

"I do it somewhere else."

"Boss, lying is bad for you."

"Is it lying if he doesn't find out," Yuan Wei muttered.

"Oh my gosh you are just so..."

3:00 everyone went to the gym. The sport team came out in Yuan Wei honest answer he actually has been training with his team for the past few weeks but he hasn't trained in school because he didn't care for that field and liked to do things at his on large yard. When the football came out everyone cheered so loudly. 

Yuan Wei clenched his jaw he can't believe his actually doing this just for the mission if not for the mission this won't be worth it. Isaac was standing when he saw a soccer being kicked in the air and he saw Yuan Wei doing soccer trick and he charmed everyone in the gym.

"Ahhh Austin is truly the most beautiful guy in our school no girl can out match him!"

"I know I wish I asked him out, I don't care that his a guy I want him to be mine." 

Yuan Wei then court the soccer ball and he cleared his throat.

"Hello I am Austin Blackberry, the captain of B class, tryouts will be happening after winter break, I hope all the male come and tryout for our soccer team and I hope you understand we won't lose any soccer game this year we will crush any team that come at us!" Yuan Wei shouted and riased his fists.



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"Are you shitting me Feng what is this I thought they weren't anymore things like this."

"Hey ask the big boss."

"Fine, I will Ricky or Lulu are you a girl or a male?"

Untouchable Universal System {Host I am a male}

"Alright then let me ask you a question what is the point of this?"

{Host, you need to get stronger, and you need to care more about your mission plus this just to help it's not part of your mission if you don't reach 100% popularity nothing will happen to you.}

"Alright then I won't care for it Ricky."

{Host, I hope you don't fail and I hope you keep that temper of yours in check.}

"Sure, sure bye now," Yuan Wei said and he turned around and he stood with the soccer team and he threw his soccer ball in the air. The Cheerleaders started to dance Jessica of course was leading the team.

"Captain I didn't know your boyfriend loves the soccer."

"Me neither does his always keep things to himself it's hard to read him," Isaac said. Yuan Wei had grown his hair out as he stared at the ball he clenched his jaw no way.

Mission: Make Jessica humiliate herself.

"Host you see this mission isn't it for us?" Feng said.

"Yup so how can we do it."

"R2 how about you go over there and trip over," Yuan Wei said. R2 moved toward Jessica. When Jessica did a back flip R2 shoved one the other people which no one saw and Jessica hit her face on the fall and she let out a scream as she touched her broke her left leg and Yuan Wei turned around and he chuckled he tried to cover his laughter but he burst out laughing and stormed his feet.

"Austin this is your doing."

"Bahaha, you are...sorry sorry how can it be me, did you see me push you, did you see me do anything, it's your own mistake," Yuan Wei said.

"Austin, you fucking jerk just you wait, hiss I will make you pay, you paid someone off."

"What do you mean by that how-"

"Jessica stop bothering my boyfriend he didn't do anything."

"Isaac, we have known each other since we were kids why are you standing up for him!"

"His my boyfriend and my future wife."

"Who is your future wife, humph," Yuan Wei asked and puffed out his cheeks. Isaac chuckled and grabbed Yuan Wei nose.

"Of course you, no one else can be married to me but you."


"Jessica are you alright."

"Peter I am fine."

"Oh you guys are dating, bitch and a jerk dating each other that's great, sweetheart I want to eat some warm food," Yuan Wei said. Isaac has never heard Yuan Wei call him any sweet nicknames beside Little Sport when he heard that he couldn't help himself but hug his boyfriend.

"His so clingy."

"Host, you guys are dating of course he will be clingy."

"Then I will break up with him."

"NO!" Feng and R2 shouted in unison this person really is cold blooded.

At night it was the football game. Yuan Wei was forced to go because his boyfriend was on the team and the other people were supporting their girlfriends or boyfriends it would like he really didn't care about him. He held out his hand and he stood up this was the filer that R2 and Feng told him to make. 

On the field Victor grabbed Isaac by the neck.

"Look your boyfriend is holding a filer for you!"

No Matter What You Score My Eyes On You Only Little Sport!

Isaac chuckled the words looked normal but he knows well how hard it would have been for him to do something like a person like him would had to force himself to even show up these kind of thing.

Yuan Wei sat back down and someone tapped his shoulder. Yuan Wei notice a guy with glass green eyes and wore a football jacket like himself he smiled and Yuan Wei moved backwards.

Danger, danger that's what in Yuan Wei mind.

"Hello my name is Sam I am Victor Redson boyfriend."

"Feng, explain."

"Yes host! We will explain, Sam Zick his a kind person who is behind you in academic every smart quiet doesn't have many friends but always stood up for you when you were bullied so he was your friend but ever since you made a change you became well indifferent toward everyone and stayed away from everyone, anyway Sam is a good person and his dating the vice captain of the football team so you can say this was meant to be."

"I see so his not bad not dangerous I almost killed him."

"Boss, you can't always go to that thought."

"Self defense," Yuan Wei muttered.

"Sorry, I ignored you, it's just when.."

"I am sorry I couldn't do anything for you and I am sorry about everything I know you can't forgive me and I understand the reason-"

"Sam, we are friends, and you are one of my real friends, I should be the one to say sorry I didn't pay attention and ignored you."

"No way it's alright so what are you planning to do after the game."


"You aren't going to Cycle Lake Party."

"The fuck is that?"

"You are really hopeless Austin, it's where everyone goes every year after the homecoming game," Sam.

"Oh and that's a good thing because?"

"It's a play where you know people do it."

"Do what."

"Boss, Host Wei you are dumb aren't you."

Sam pulled on Yuan Wei who flinched but didn't move but pushed Sam hand away from his shoulder.