
The Celestial Immortal Road Pathway System Missions

Wealth, fame, power, magic in a world where it's build by a system they is a young man named Yuan Wei he is known to being a ice-cold person, finishes his missions without a second thought, whether to kill the target or finish the mission he was given. Yuan Wei could never remember his past memories he can't even remember his own real name, or many missions where he was punished everything has always been blank in his mind. He doesn't recall when he gained his own system but he slowly gained the tale as the strongest system holder. In order to get back his memories, he has to travel between time spaces over and over again! All the ones that go against me and my plan will be “eliminated” by me! Oh, right, and those little bees flying around my man, they can not devour his kind heart. You can call me a cold heart, God, but when I want something, I will get it! Dare try to step over me and my men. I will show what it means being King of hell or something worse than that. I have the money spent and I shell spend it as I please!

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 29 [Engagement Broke Off]

Four months later

Yuan Wei has started his own business. For the past four months the system has been giving so much money to spend in a short amount of time. He was inside the classroom when he saw Jessica kick a chair and she let out a scream and she walked over to Yuan Wei and threw his computer which shuttered into pieces. Yuan Wei leaned against the wall and he crossed his arms.

"It's you! Ever since you appeared with your new appearance Isaac broke the engagement!" Jessica shouted.

"I see okay and this is my problem because..."

"Engagement broke off this was your doing! Austin I will make your life hell!" Jessica said.

"Oh dear Jessica making my life a living hell is something even the hell god couldn't do Jessica this was your doing now Isaac is my boyfriend so stay away from my man," Yuan Wei said.

Jessica raised her hand to slap Yuan Wei but he court her hand and slapped her instead and he smiled.

"Bitch please you started it."

Today was a test day. Yuan Wei was sitting in the middle of Jessica and her best friend Milla. Milla threw a note and Yuan Wei looked at the ball.

"Stupid nerd send it to me."

"Teacher Jessica and Milla are cheating!" Yuan Wei said and raised his hand.

"What cheating."

"Teacher Austin lying how can I cheat."

"Yes his the one who is cheating."

Time to take care of this girl Milla. 

"I am cheating, I have a 4.5 GPA, why would I our class president have to cheat, if anything else I don't cheat, we can check the camera Mrs. Hill I am telling the truth," Yuan Wei said.

"All three of you follow me."

"Babe!" Isaac shouted and grabbed Yuan Wei hand and he turned around and he patted his head.

"Don't worry Little Sport, I can handle this matter!" Yuan Wei said.

"Babe, I am-"

"Host say something nice honestly about the other system host they do more tasks then you do Boss, I am telling you the other system talk about their host and you Boss we can't say anything because you just don't care."

Yuan Wei stared indifferently and he let out a small pout and he clapped his hands together.

"But I am way to lazy for this kind of shit let's watch the show," Yuan Wei said.

Inside Mrs. Hill Office she watched the video and Yuan Wei crossed his arms.

"You two Jessica, you are the captain of the dancing team, and the cheerleader captain, to do this kind of thing isn't great for our school, Milla you are the captain of Soccer Team! This isn't right," Mrs. Hill said.


"Enough both of you! We will talk with your coaches and your parents, Austin Blackberry thank you for doing the right thing you will be rewarded for what you did," Mrs Hill said. 

"Teacher it's my job as the class president to get cheaters," Yuan Wei said and walked away the two girls grabbed Yuan Wei and pinned him down.

"Austin, you are poor and we will make your life so bad this up coming year and next year."

Yuan Wei licked his lips and he smirked.

"Make my life horrible alright let's see who be living in hell, first Jessica I took away your boyfriend and his dating me, as for you Milla, I am thinking about joining the soccer team, even though you aren't the captain of the boys soccer team at least I am outstanding and beautiful."

"AUSTIN!" Both of them shouted.

"See ya!" Yuan Wei said and walked off before he walked away he felt someone pulling him out of the hallway and slammed Yuan Wei against the wall.

"Little Sport."

"Austin, I want to kiss you."

"Feng something is wrong with him why does he have to be pinned down, I will fight him!" Yuan Wei said he clenched his fists.

"Ahh! Don't be nice!" Feng snapped.

"Kiss me and let go of me Little Sport, why do you want to kiss me?" Yuan Wei asked.

"Because I like you."

"I don't like you."

Favorite President Points: 80%

Both Feng and R2 hit Yuan Wei on the head.

"I mean it's not time for us to date yet."

"Really so when can we start dating."

"Can I tell him never."

"Tell him winter break!"

"Winter break," Yuan Wei said.


"Yes Fe-"

"Host Wei, you can't tell him about us!"

"Because I think it would be the best time to start dating," Yuan Wei lied. Isaac grinned happily and picked up Yuan Wei who just stared at him for a long moment. Just let him hug him after all one of the mission is now done because of him so this should be his reward.