
The Cave and The Start of a Broken Man

You know, I never once thought that I would be asking him for help. You see I'm not that religious, shit I don't even believe in God, but I think the current predicament that I'm in is a good wake-up call.

Well, you're probably wondering "what the hell is this guy talking about" well, I'm stuck. Stuck in a cave I don't even remember venturing into

For you to understand why I need god well let's backtrack for about 3 hours ago

I should introduce myself, man I always forget about that, I usually just talk nonstop until they get annoyed with me, anyway names Ethan, Ethan O'Neil.

"Now where the fuck am I?" I said as I continue to look around. Seriously, where the fucking hell am I?

'hmm?' where is that light coming from?

I thought I approach the seeping light, through the small crack in the wall 'if this is the way out I'll gladly break every bone in my body

Nearing the crack I peek into it, wanting to see what's on the other side.

Hey, future Ethan here just wants you to know that I wish I didn't look in that hole. Also, me jinxing myself by breaking every bone in my body is one of the things that I regret, anyway back to the flashback

As I saw what was happening there shook me to my core 'WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!' I scream in my thoughts not wanting the fucker to be aware of my presence.

There on the other side of the crack is a middle-aged man eating butchered human flesh. You wanna know how I know it's human flesh? Well, you see it's because a fucking corpse is laying near that same middle-aged man

'wait is- is it still breathing, oh shit it is breathing' well I guess I was wrong for assuming it was a corpse.

As I realized that the corpse, or a living breathing person. Is being butchered I start backing away, I don't want that fucker chasing my beautiful ass, and quite literally eating me up. But I didn't realize that the man ain't no man at all, it's a monster a fucking monster.

The fucker has four eyes, six ears, and four arms. I didn't dare to look anymore I started to run, I'm not letting that hu- fucking thing have its way with me

So I ran, ran as fast as possible with my shaking legs, which for a second I thought were noodles. What I didn't take into account though, was the direction I was headed will lead me to, things a normal human, or in this situation me, could comprehend.

And that's about my backstory, on how the fuck I ended up praying for God to give me a second chance because I know for a fact that I don't deserve this.

Now that you're aware of my situation let's get back to the current timeline

"PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON M-" I said before getting cut off quite literally because this mad man just cut off my middle finger, making my ring fall off, the thing that reminds me I still have a purpose.