
The Devil's Deal Comes with a Price

 Tigra walked through the dark gray hallways for the second time in the last 4 days. Normally she'd only walk through these halls once every month at most. Before, there were no reasons for her to come down here other than to give some prisoners their food and water until someone would bring more a few hours later.

 That was until the prisoner she's going to have a conversation with got locked up in here.

 Her claws tapped against the flooring, echoing ever so slightly until she reached the large opening which housed over a hundred prisoners per floor. Each locked behind an energy shield that couldn't be overpowered with muscle alone, seeing as it was made completely out of energy that could withstand 5 shots from their tanks before even flickering.

 She passed the usual prisoners, some who had been in here ever since she joined the Academy and some who had been in here about two weeks.

 She was glad that Lucy was going through the channels to get a record of her crimes, her name stricken - that hurt to think about, and then decided which cell she would be placed in.

 Each floor is given a danger rating of 1-7. While more than one floor can have the same rating, these are usually the top levels. 

 The top 3 are Rating 1 - Civilian. This means that they will be as dangerous as a civilian from the kingdoms would be to the normal soldier. They should be captured before they could leave the Zone if they escaped as they shouldn't have enough skills to escape.

 The next 3 are a mix of 2 and 3: New Soldiers. These could prove slightly problematic to the regular soldiers. Enough that any soldiers that are stationed here are to have their weapons within reach but should be able to patrol around the cells by themselves.

 The next 2 floors are 4 and 5: Experienced Soldiers. These are usually captured after attacking a big city with their own militia that are experienced in combat. These would usually be slightly below or on par with Commanders or Cadets who have been in combat for over a year.

 Then there's floors 9 and 10 being a 6: Captains and Generals. Those that have been leading soldiers in the war for over 5 years and have experienced a decent amount of success against the Horde. These areas, the guards must have their weapons on hand at all times and must have someone at the entrances at all times. Should they not send a check in every hour, they will be contacted. If no contact is established, the entire prison is sent into lockdown and the only out of floor 9 is through floor 8. Only the Horde Lord and Second In Command will be able to lift the lockdown.

 Finally, Floor 11: Leaders, Traitors, and Sorcerers. While the Horde hasn't captured that many leaders that would be considered that big of a threat, the area is still there in case they capture a Princess, Queen, or other known title.

 Traitors are placed here to prevent giving them an easy way out. Floor 11 only connects to Floor 10 with the entire place down there surrounded in 3 feet thick of stone and any windows being 3 feet thick as well. If any of the glass is cracked, shattered, or anything more than leaning against it, an alarm is triggered for guards of 6 to head to the cell with their weapons primed and given authority that, if needed, lethal force is permitted against Traitors.

 The Sorcerers/Sorceresses are new and slightly unique. Weaver created chains that drained one of their magic while also using something called Runes to prevent them from using magic to teleport out of the room. The Runes are powered through the magic that they suck away from the magic user. The shielding for this floor is 3x as strong as the other shields.

 Only Generals and higher were allowed onto Floor 11 and even then, they must have a reason.

 Tigra's reason?

 Interrogating the former Second in Command to determine how much of their system and knowledge will need to be changed and updated in the slim chance that she escapes.

 Her feet stopped in front of the cell she was looking for and found the woman leaning against the wall.

 "For someone who says that they hate me, you're visiting me more often." Weaver commented.

[Shadow Weaver Age: 62]

[Level 31* (95) Relationship: -20 [Hated], -31 [Nemesis] ]

[HP: 429/3200**]

[Time until death: 29 days]


 "Yeah, well, you have some things that I need now." Tigra tried to seem uninterested but realized her mistake immediately.

 "Oh? And what could this 'nothing' have that you need? Surely it's not how to become the Second in Command? After all, you already have all the tools you likely need to obtain that position."

 "And how's that?"

 "Please. While I don't get much talk down here, I know that there's talk about how you outspeed Bolt while moving nearly Mach 20. Based on how fast you seem to improve ever since you got out of the Academy, I would be disappointed if you couldn't go Mach 60 by now. With that speed, you could devastate entire battlefields in seconds. You could likely destroy a kingdom in a matter of days if you solely focused on it." Weaver waved her hand.

 "Yet here you are, kept in the Horde and forced to teach others. This only reinforces my proof that Hordak is an incompetent warlord. He sees the power that you have and lets it waste away. Simply because you did something minor?"

 "How do you know that?" Tigra muttered.

 "You think I haven't seen and experienced it before? Those above us in rank only believe that they are better than us. When in reality, we could remove them from the planet in a matter of moments. That the only reason we didn't is that we could exist separately as long as neither of us got in each other's way.

 "But enough about that, surely you've already come to that conclusion yourself."

 "My, thinking highly of me there."

 "You're an irritating pest that had bit the hand that fed it. Not a fool who can't make these deductions themselves." Weaver sounded deadpanned.

 "And how was I supposed to-"

 "Why do you think I always made you stay behind Adora instead of telling you to go further down?" Weaver cut in.

 "Because you knew I wouldn't?"

 "Because everyone who taught you and knew you would know something's wrong and questions would be raised. It would also draw up suspicion from Adora, who would immediately point the blame at me. While I could care less about how instructors feel about me, if enough of them raise enough of a fuss, it could lead to gaining Hordak's attention. He could remove you from the squadron to see if I really was the problem while also barring me from any interaction with you. From there, your score would likely have returned to being above Adora's and all that I have done is gain the mistrust of Adora and be watched like a hawk by any officials when it comes to you." She explained.

 "You were never dumb. You just insisted on making me focus on you while making sure that Adora shined brighter than you."

 Tigra took that in.

 "That explains that, at least." Tigra muttered. "Either way, that's not what I want from you."

 "Then get on with it, will you?"

 "I need to know how to do a spell that is pure magic and not any kind of elemental magic. Surely there's a spell to either determine if someone is telling the truth or forcing them to tell the truth and you know it. You've claimed to be a master of over 5 dozen spells."

 "There is. But I won't just tell you."

 "I won't free you." Tigra bluntly told. "I may need this kind of spell, but not that badly."

 Weaver sighed.

 "Once again, you're not dumb. We both know that you would rather imprison your fellow stray than let me free. No. Think of it as payment or a dying woman's last wish. I simply want my old Guild badge. Something to remember fonder times before my time is up."

 Tigra raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? That's what you were going to ask for?"

 "That's it. Even with my power, I couldn't simply fight my way out of this prison and escape from the Fright Zone. I'd probably make it just out of the prison before you returned from the Kingdom of Ice. I'd likely not even make it off of the 11th floor if you were in the Fright Zone."

 Tigra stared at her before dropping the shield for a moment.

 She tossed her a blank journal and a pen and brought the shield back up.

 "You write down the spell you are thinking about and I'll bring the Guild badge. I'll bring it back-"

 "Tonight, please." Weaver sagged, throwing Tigra back in shock. "I know I'm already asking so little from you, but I would sincerely want it back to have the first night of actual sleep. You bring it back and I'll even put in something else."


Quest [One Last Interaction] created!

One Last Interaction

You went to Shadow Weaver with one purpose: a truth spell. However, she's given a request: bring her Guild badge to her by tonight. If you do, she's willing to write something else in the blank spellbook.

Objective: Return her Guild badge to her

Bonus Objective: Return it by tonight [09:37:12]

Rewards: [Truth] Spell | Extra Spell

Failure: No Spell(s) from Weaver

Accept? [Y/N]


 "...Another spell that tells only me if someone is lying. Not forcing the truth but informs me that they've lied." Tigra tacked on.

 "So a truth enforcing spell and a lie detecting spell, correct?" Weaver asked, grabbing the journal and pen.

 "Correct. Where's your Guild Badge and what does it look like?"

Quest [One Last Interaction] updated!

Rewards: [Truth] Spell | [Lie] Spell

 "A golden cross shape with all ends pointed with a red gem in the middle. It should still be in the same place that you got my old spellbook from." Weaver answered.

 Tigra frowned lightly before sighing and turning to face the prison floor's entrance.

 "This will be the last time I see you." She informed. "The only other time you'll see me is if I'm to execute you. But…for what it's worth, thanks for showing us how cruel the world could be."

 Tigra walked away with that comment.


 It took her about half an hour to find her badge before she put it in her bag and made her way back towards the prison before her tablet rang.

 She picked up the call and continued walking.

 "General Tigra here."

 "Tigra, girl, it's me."

 "Lonnie? D'you need something or are you calling to say that you won't make it to class?"

 'Speaking of class…'

 She created 11 clones and sent them off, 7 of them having dark shadows.

 "No. Rogelio informed me of what you said you were planning on doing."

 "Oh? It'd probably be best that you ignore that then."

 "Tigra. All of us know how much you hate being in the same room as her and yet here you are, making a deal with her."

 "I did something that I'm uncertain was the right thing. She knows a few tricks that would help put any doubts to rest or would raise questions that I would have stumbled into in the far future. I've already determined what her part of the deal is and she wants something small. Memorabilia. Something to remember from her glory days."

 "Tigra. We both know that she wouldn't want something for just memory."

 "That would be true if she wasn't dying. She'll be dead in less than a month now. She can't be healed medically or magically. She's slowly getting worse as the days go on."

 "Dying? Shit. And you are okay with that?"

 "What? Why wouldn't I be?"

 "Well, she was your girls' mother."

 "She wasn't my mother. " She stressed a bit too much. "She may have been my guardian while I was in the Horde but I knew my actual mother. Maybe not for long, but she left an imprint that Weaver never got close to filling."

 "And Catra?"

 Tigra did stay quiet for a moment as she almost reached the prison.

 "I don't know if she knows. On one hand, she deserves to at least get a goodbye and prepare herself. Her last words to Weaver essentially. On the other…she was never a good parent to anyone. Not even Adora."

 "But is that your call to make though? I know you two are closer than ever now that you've decided to finally Choose each other, but isn't that Catra's choice to make in the end? If she wants to say something to Weaver or just let her rot away in that prison?"

 Tigra groaned.

 "Lonnie, you know I hate it when you're the one making sense between the two of us. But…you're right. Whether Catra wants to deal with her or not is her decision to make. I'll inform her later tonight when she returns back to our room."

 "Wait, your room? When did the two of you decide to live together?"

 "Around the time she became S.I.C. and I became a General. At least, that's when we started to stay over at each other's places more often."

 "Either way, make sure you tell her before it's too late. Especially if she finds out that you've known she's dying for how long now?"

 "2, 3 days now." Tigra answered. "She likely has just under a month left before something she did a long time ago catches up to her."

 Tigra reached the prison before speaking again.

 "I've got to let you go. I'll inform Catra later. See ya."

 "See ya."

 Tigra hung up before entering the prison, only to see Catra walking out, both of them surprised.

 "Catra?" "Tigra?"

 "What are you doing here?" Catra asked.

 "I'm planning on asking a suspected traitor more questions to determine if they actually are a traitor. Something about the situation isn't sitting right with me. You?"

 "Had a question I needed answered with Weaver. I got it."

 Catra seemed annoyed and resigned with that answer.

 "Are you free in two days? Figured we could go to Thaymor and see about actually trying to get it settled as a Neutral zone. At least, that's what I've read through a few reports and that it has been going around the gossip wheel."

 "Yeah. I'm not needed somewhere until next week, unless something happens."

 "Great. Wanna schedule a Skiff for tomorrow then? I still can't really leave without someone requesting me to go with them."

 "Alright. I'll see you later tonight."

 The two of them walk by each other.


 Tigra walked down to Weaver's cell and stood in front of it.

 Inside, Weaver was on her bed, looking out at the moons, which should reach alignment with each other sometime tonight.

 "You hold up your end of the bargain?" Tigra asked, grabbing the badge in her hip bag.

 Weaver held open the book which she could vaguely read.

 "I can assume you did as well? Considering that you're the one who created the deal?"

 Tigra pulled out the badge.

 "I still don't get why you want a badge from before you joined the Horde. A time that you constantly griped about being not taken seriously."

 Tigra lowered the shield but kept her body ready in the situation that she was planning something.

 Yet, Shadow Weaver simply placed the book to the side, a little bit of distance away from herself.

 Tigra walked in, picked up the book, and placed the badge within Weaver's reach.

 "This will be the last time I willingly do anything for you while you're in the Horde." Tigra reaffirmed. "Goodbye, Weaver."

 Tigra walked out and put the shield back up.

Quest [One Last Interaction] completed!

Rewards: [Truth] Spell, [Lie] Spell

[Truth LV 1 (0/300) - Anyone within this zone [20 feet] will be unable to tell a lie. MP Cost: 300 MP/m]


[Lie LV 1 (0/300) - When casted on someone, they will know whenever someone is lying to them but, unlike [Truth], there is no visible showing that the spell is active. MP Cost: 100 MP/m]

 Tigra walked away from her cell.

 All the while, Shadow Weaver watched her back before growing a smirk for the first time she had been in the cell.


 Tigra looked around the cells to try and find Lucy to ask her some questions.

 'I'll use Lie in order to get a sense of if Lucy will lie to me. If she does, I'll bring up the Truth spell to Hordak and see if he'll allow me the ability to question her with it actively.'

 Yet, she couldn't find her.

 In both of her visits since Lucy had been arrested, she hasn't seen her once down here. While Lucy isn't dangerous enough to be down here, the solid truth is that she should be down here if she is suspected of being a traitor.

 After searching for 15 minutes, she decided enough was enough and went to the guard stationed down here.

 "What seems to be the issue, General Tigra?" The main guard, Thomas, asked.

 "I'm trying to find a certain traitor down here. I have means to be able to prevent them from lying to me and as such, should be able to get more information out of them. Yet, I seem unable to find her."

 "What's the traitor's name?"

 "Lucy Waterscale. Blue Lizardfolk who should have been brought in here sometime earlier today. She used to be a Force Commander before ending up down here." She described.

 He shuffled through his tablet for a few seconds.

 "Lucy…Lucy…Lucy…ah! Lucy Ser-an [Sir-on] Waterscale. Ah, it's not good news for you then."

 "What? What do you mean?"

 "According to the system that is in place, Lucy Waterscale has already been judged guilty and as such, her punishment has been decided."

 Tigra felt her stomach clench slightly.

 Punishment for spies was never a good thing to happen to someone, especially someone that Tigra isn't 100% certain is a traitor, unlike Lukan.

 He had been caught in the act and had left a trail to follow once he was out in the field. This slowly led to him tying his own rope as he had no way of escaping judgment.

 But Lucy? She was found guilty on circumstantial evidence. She may have been talking with Lukan but to be judged guilty and be punished within 2 hours of arrival?

 That screamed rushed.

 "What was her punishment?"

 He swiped around before stopping.

 "One way trip to Beast Island."

 Tigra froze in shock and horror.

 "Beast Island? You mean the island that no one comes back from? The same one with creatures that can chew through the steel of our ships if they stay there too long? Creatures that can out swim our sea Skiffs? The ones that go 210 mph? That Beast Island?"

 The guard raised an eyebrow at her.

 "Is there any other Beast Island that you know of?"

 Tigra stayed silent.

 "Thank you for the help." Tigra spoke after a few seconds before leaving.

 As she made her way out of the prison, she came to a decision that may land her in some trouble but she needed to know.

 'May as well get some practice in.' Tigra thought.

 She activated Lie and made her way to the Throne room to speak with Hordak.


 After 40 minutes, she reached the Sanctuary's door. The only reason that it took so long is that she wanted to get some experience using the spell but also, Hordak had forbidden anyone from going faster than 20 mph within the Zone to prevent deadly accidents in his proximity. There were exceptions but none of them fit Tigra's situation.

Lie gained 100 [MP] * 4 [Genius and Unimaniac] * 2 [Spell Book] * 40 [Minutes] = 32,000 EXP!

Lie leveled up! LV 1 → 15

[Lie LV 15 (500/4500) - When casted on someone, they will know whenever someone is lying to them but, unlike [Truth], there is no visible showing that the spell is active.

MP Cost: 85 MP/m]

 "Come in." Hordak's voice came through an intercom outside the door.

 The door slid open before Tigra walked into the room. Everything seemed the same as last time with only a few large wires that seemed like they were going to be transferring some seriously large amount of power.

 She stopped once she was in front of Hordak before she activated Lie.

 "Lord Hordak."

 "Why did you call this sudden meeting?"

 "I was on my way to interrogate the traitor Lucy Waterscale to determine how long she had been providing information to the Rebellion and how much our current measures of preventing invasions against the Zone and our towns need to be changed. However, I learned that Lucy had already been tried and found guilty within 2-3 hours and sent to Beast Island. Is that correct?"

 "That information is correct." Nothing to indicate a lie. "After I and several people looked at her position, we determined that the need to punish the traitor needed to be done now."

 Light pressure went through Tigra's head at that sentence.


 "Was there any information you were able to learn about her?"

 "She was indeed born in Salineas, but she did not enter the Horde until 3 years ago."


 "When the two soldiers who adopted her didn't check in one day, she was sent to the Horde to learn how to be a soldier." No lie. "She would go through the Academy at an incredible rate and graduate within a year."


 "After the Battle of Geotan, she stayed behind for 2 months until she would hide the death of Harold Bre'ka and instead help him desert."


 That one hurt. Her suspicion had largely been based on the belief that Harold had lived and if so, Lucy would have been a close suspect on helping him escape.

 'So why is Hordak lying to me?'

 "Due to these beliefs, we sped through her case and sent her to Beast Island."

 No lie.

 "So, Lucy was a traitor?"

 Hordak looked her in the eyes.

 "Yes. Lucy Waterscale is a traitor to the Horde."

 ' LIE. '

 Tigra stumbled back at the sheer sensation that denied the statement.

 "Is that all that you needed to know to answer why you couldn't interrogate her?"

 "Ye…yeah. Thank you for answering my questions, Lord Hordak."

Quest [Slipper Spy] completed!

Objective: Capture/Eliminate Lucy Waterscale

Hidden Objective: Discover the truth

Reward: 7,500 EXP | Lucy's Innocence, 3 skill points, 2,500 EXP

 Tigra forced herself to start moving towards the door before an alarm started to blare across the Zone.

 A monitor suddenly lit up next to Hordak.

 "Explain." Hordak commanded.

 "Sir, Prisoner #11-02-17 is missing! She somehow replaced herself with a hologram through magic and is gone. She is estimated to have escaped within the last hour. All that remains in her cell is a broken badge."

 "Lock down the Fright Zone. Deny anyone from leaving for the next 72 hours without my express permission. Send the Specialists to comb through the Fright Zone in search of the prisoner. Keep me updated on this every hour, even if the response is that you haven't found her yet. If this is failed, you will be demoted and the job of responding will be passed to the next person. Dismissed!"

 The screen went blank before Hordak looked at her.

 "Who is Prisoner #11-02-17?" Tigra asked, her gut not liking what she was expecting.

 "Prisoner #11-02-17 is Shadow Weaver's prisoner identification. So Shadow Weaver escaped."

 Suddenly, Tigra felt strange.

MP Regen reduced!

MAX MP reduced by 90%!

MP: 624

MPR: 405


 She felt 5 things clamp onto her body. One on each of her wrists, one on each ankle, one on her neck.

 "Lord Hordak!?"

 Her body was dragged to the ground until she was on her knees with her arms behind her.

 "Did you really think I didn't know?" Hordak asked.

 Suddenly, Imp floated down and landed on his armrest.

 Tigra feared what that creature could have heard but didn't know when, considering she should have been hearing the creature.

 "When you first visited Shadow Weaver, I knew something wrong was happening. While I may not know every single relationship when it comes to my soldiers, many have noted your dislike for Weaver. So, it seemed odd that you would visit her after returning with Lucy. So, I had Imp stay there for a couple of hours in the case you returned there. And he had some interesting things to tell me."

 Imp opened his mouth.

 "You hold up your end of the bargain?" Tigra's voice played.

 "I can assume you did as well? Considering that you're the one who created the deal?" Weaver's voice followed.

 "I still don't get why you want a badge from before you joined the Horde. A time that you constantly griped about being not taken seriously." Tigra followed up again.

 It went silent for a moment before the sound of the shield going down came through.

 "This will be the last time I willingly do anything for you while you're in the Horde."

 Imp closed his mouth before a whirring sound came from the room and Tigra felt the air grow thin.

 "So not only did you lie about why you were visiting Shadow Weaver, a known traitor who attacked you and your Chosen, but you were instrumental in her escaping and to top it off, you did it willingly ." Hordak's voice was slowly growing more quiet as Tigra's mind ran through potential solutions.

 There were none. Her limbs were trapped in a way that she couldn't gain any momentum to deal most of her damage to these things. Her magic is cut off, preventing her from melting them with lava. At best, she could raise the temperature around her by maybe 10 degrees for 5 seconds before she would be out of magic.

 "Know that, while Lucy Waterscale may be on Beast Island, she may not be alone for too long. You may be joining her." Hordak spoke but Tigra's eyes were slowly closing from lack of oxygen.

 "But more than likely, I can't let that happen that easily. With your magic, you'd likely make it back to the continent within 2 hours at the maximum. So, I'll remove that option from you."

 Tigra's eyes closed as her consciousness started slipping.

 "Or execution will be your sentence."


 Catra felt something grow through her chest and winced. It felt like her breath was taken away from her for a few moments before it slowly went away.

 "What was that? Maybe I should go see my medical professional." She muttered, making her way to the medical bay.

 She ignored the alarms as an alert had gone out to everyone that the Specialists were taking care of it. Something about how a prisoner had escaped but should still be within the Zone and to go about their business.

 "After this, I should go see about scheduling a Skiff for tomorrow and the next 2 days."



Age: 18

Level 65 (11955/16250)

HP: 10,580.....HPR: 4761

MP: 624.....MPR: 405

SP: 5290...SPR: 2381

STR: 155.....DEX: 671

CON: 529...INT: 312

WIS: 300...CHA: 108

Skill Points: 3

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 0

Speed: 92.9 MPH

Magical Control: 296%

Carry Capacity: Normal - 291 lbs. MAX 388 lbs


[H2H LV (4)13], [Run LV (1)97], [Dash LV (4)69, [Blades LV 96], [Spear LV 40]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 105], [Sneak LV 48]

[Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 87]

[Magic Res LV 42], [Earth Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 35], [Security LV 18], [Hacking LV 27], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Clone-Fire and Lightning

Fire Step, F. Clothing, Fire Breath, Flame Dive, Lava Armor, Flame Charge,

Flame Fists, Fireball LV 23, F. Dagger, F. Arrow, F. Falchion, F. Spear, Fire Augment

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws LV 20, L. Falchion LV 1, L. Spear LV 1,

L. Arrow LV 1, L. Dagger LV 1, Lightning Slam LV 1, L. Clothing LV 1

Chill, Ice Armor

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Shadow Spy LV 62, Shadow Armor, Dark Pulse LV 19


Bubble, Stream, Wave, Water Armor LV 63

Haste, Heal, Regeneration LV 1, Truth LV 1, Lie LV 15


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Durable - Multiplies final CON by 1.15]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[Wise - Multiplies final WIS by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Hydromaniac - EXP for Water Spells is doubled]

[Unimaniac - EXP for Pure Spells is doubled]

[Electromaniac - EXP for Electric Spells is doubled[

[Unburnable - You can't be hurt by fire or heat through fire]

[Physical Proof - You can't be hurt by physical means with ill intent]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Ice Proof - You can't be hurt by ice through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Shadow Proof - You can't be hurt by shadow/darkness through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Grimm - Decreases damage taken by 75%, regenerations + 200% but Light attacks deal 3x their regular damage. Works for 30 minutes a day]

[Yuki-Onna - Touching something with HP will do INT*100 ice damage per second. Can be used for 10 minutes a day]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 7 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 4 minutes later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%]

[Control - Allows the use of 4 continuous spells without causing pain]

[Princess of Fire - Multiplies MP by 2, MPR by 1.5, and Fire spells gain 4x EXP]

[Azure Flames - You can use 50% more MP to increase a fire spell's power by 100%. Doing so turns your flames into a brilliant blue]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Brilliant - All spells do 25% more damage]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Eagle - You can now run on air as long as you remain undisturbed]

[Diamond Body - Decreases damage taken by 60% after resistances]

[Meditated - MPR remains active at 15% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]


Dark Flame - A Jian that can channel fire magic to increase its power ~ 4100 damage with no added MP

Shadow Piercer - Dual Daggers dark enough to be hidden in shadows ~ 4000 per dagger