


/"Then I get this close to you, and all I think about is how good you feel, and what it’s like to kiss you. How many times I’ve wanted to and never allowed./" I gaze at those pouted soft lips, made for kissing, the sensual curve and gentle color. Aching to have the courage to let it all go and find myself in her kiss again, because really, I’ve wanted to ever since the night Emma had Ava.

I hesitate, needing it so badly that my whole body is pushing me to just kiss her. Fear consuming me, that maybe if I do, I won’t have the strength to stop this time. Sophie looks up at me; determination flashes across that face and she leans up to do what I can’t, boldly, and pushes her mouth against mine without hesitation. My fearless girl, always going after what she wants in life and for once I’m going to let her have it. Because I need it too.