


This is all I need. Natasha thinking she’s helping, while Sophie is in ‘death-star’ mode and probably about ready to explode. I have no clue what else to do, except sit back down and rub my face with both palms while contemplating leaving my own apartment. I don’t want to be around when Armageddon strikes, and it’s only a matter of time.

I am so out of my depth. Natasha has closed my bedroom door behind her, and I really do not know if I should leave them alone together, or not. I trust Sophie, I know she won’t be spiteful or cruel, even if she does hate Tash. She isn’t like that, and she knows that Tasha knows nothing about any of this. I have no fear that she will say anything, yet a part of me wonders if I would prefer it if she did. If she just let all of this come out into the open and maybe, if I had to handle a full-out explosion, then I would know what the hell to do.