


/"I can manage to the bathroom. Arrick I’m not staying here./" I lay out flat, glad to be horizontal as the dizziness starts to recede again. I don’t feel anywhere near as bad as I did moments ago, and my stubborn self is not about to let this go.

/"Janetta… Sophie is sick…/" Arrick calls out and wanders off mid yell, leaving me in the bedroom. I hear him finish his spew of orders on ‘how best to care for my Princess’ carry on in the other room as I stare at the white ceiling and take some comfort from our cool bedding. I won’t stay here while he’s facing my tutor; it should be me. I know he’s ignoring me and my protests, he’s good at that when he thinks he knows best.

He comes back with a fresh glass of iced water and some aspirin, a bowl and a fresh cloth and lays them on the bedside.