
The Card Master System

What happens when you wake up in another world completely different from your own? After committing suicide from being so weak in his past life, Leo woke up in where he thought was the afterlife, except he finds out that he was instead transferred to a new world with a system! ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/s322Qvp This server is a platform that is free to publish your work on and they pay you via website traffic so authors interested in posting on yet another free to use platform should check it out!

OmniFrog · 東方
75 Chs

Chapter 6

-Leo Lv.1. Job Title: None Strength: 5, Constitution: 5, Dexterity: 5, Intelligence: 5, Wisdom: 5, Luck: 5. Remaining Attribute Points: 5. Passive Skills Learned: Bronze Skin Lv.1-

Hearing Leo jumping up so suddenly in the corner, some of the teenagers who were in small groups started to look over and felt annoyed.

Why would someone be acting such a way out of fear just from hearing some roars? However, many of them just continued to ignore Leo because they themselves were dealing with a level of fear for their own lives. This was absolutely not the first wave of monsters they would encounter, but they were still human after all.

"Hey you stupid kid, are you trying to scare all of the younger children in here? If you continue acting improper, we might feed you to that monster wave ourselves." one of the teenagers shouted out at Leo in disgust. The last thing anyone needed right now was for some of the villagers to panic and cause an uproar to get out of hand.

Several of the teenagers started shouting at Leo. Sitting back down and acting like he understood these shouting individuals, Leo started to stare at the Status screen in front of him. Seeing Leo sitting back down in a calm manner, the teenagers felt enraged, but kept themselves under control as well.

"How did I earn five attribute points without even leveling up? Actually, why would I even worry about that when I can already distribute them to make myself stronger?" thought Leo as his eyes started to shine with eagerness.

"Right now, what I need is some higher strength. Coupled with this Bronze Skin passive skill I now have, I can increase my strength and my survival should not be too difficult. However, in the future once I survive the night, I need to think more carefully about my attribute points." Leo pondered as he added all of his remaining attribute points to his strength level.

"Hm?" now looking around the room in front of him, all of the villagers started to show their names above their heads in white. However, some of the older teenagers actually had their names in orange coloring. Confused at such a development, Leo started to think about what caused this and why there were different colors!

"Could it be, that since I now saw my status, it unlocked an ability to show me the strength of those around me? No, if I could see the strength of those around me, it would also show me their levels."

"Unless, I am only able to see my enemy levels? I shouldn't think too hard about this right now." trying to calm his heart down so he could concentrate on the quest now with a little more confidence, Leo placed his head on the wall behind him for several minutes.


To the villager's surprise, the monster wave's roars started to become even louder. It was to the point where some visible sweat started to appear on several of the teenage militia's faces. These roars were not something they were quite used to hearing yet.

"Get ready! Roars this loud means that some monsters from the wave must have broken through the militia's defenses. All of the women and children start making your way down the underground area of the building."

Several of the teenage militia members started to shout orders. Though there was not a clear leader, everyone listened to everyone's orders and started to make their moves.

"Warriors who are not in a particular patrol, distribute yourselves accordingly and get into a defensive position with those closest to you!"

It was time for all of these young warriors to come together to buy time for everyone else within the hall. The situation seemed unclear because no monster was sighted, but the roars were enough for everyone to begin making their moves.

Acting quickly, all of the women started pulling all of the children in a small underground area while those who wore armor started to get into a small defensive formation behind the teenagers in each patrol. No one paused their movements at all since their lives were now at stake.

"Get your spears ready and pay attention to the entrance. Those who have short swords, get behind the spear holders at the ready."

"If you all stay vigilant, we should have no one in here dying tonight! Remember your training and stay alert!"

While all of this was going on, Leo chose not to join up in the militia's defensive formations and stood in his corner. He realized that these villagers thought of him as a worthless outsider, so he would not hear any complaints.


After another hour went by, suddenly a large monster could be seen outside of the entrance of the building swinging its large tail towards it. Those who remained in the building felt their eyes widen as they knew a harsh battle was about to begin.

"Get ready!" shouting, all of the patrol leaders seemed as if they were about to enter a battle to the death at a moment's notice. These patrol leaders have yet to face true danger, but were experienced in combat compared to their peers.

With what seemed like a simple strike, the monster was able to use its tail to whip off the entrance door before charging inside. This could be said to have happened incredibly quick. The monster showed no emotions within its eyes as it charged in.

This monster looked what appeared to be a more demonic version of a lizard. It had two hook shaped horns on its head. Its scales were pitch black and it had a very long tongue similar to a snake. This monster was massive in size, and showed no effort while it quickly charged in continuing to let out its roars to lower everyone's morale.

"Be careful! That monster seems to have some level of intelligence. If you are not careful, you may forfeit your life tonight!" shouted several patrol leaders while they tried to keep their patrol members calm in this type of situation.

With a sharp gaze, the monster fully unleashed its killing intent. Seeing this, Leo couldn't help but blink in fear while covering his body with his worn out shield. However, the patrols started to crumble in fear.

It was almost as if, this monster was using a skill or ability to destroy everyone's morale with only using its gaze! This not just surprised Leo, but gave him an even bigger reason to survive tonight. If one day he had such a skill, who could stand up to him?

"Warriors stay calm! I said stay calm!" one of the patrol leaders who was able to be the first to snap out of his fear called out.

"Roar!" the lizard like monster let out a second big roar which shook the building to the point of almost collapsing onto itself.

From this fear, all of these younger militia warriors started to drop to their knees. To many, it was a useless struggle facing such a terrifying monster.

"Die you stupid lizard!" all of the sudden a small group of four guards stormed the monster and started attacking it. The leader of these guards was none other than the Master Nathan that Leo bumped into earlier.