
The Card Master System

What happens when you wake up in another world completely different from your own? After committing suicide from being so weak in his past life, Leo woke up in where he thought was the afterlife, except he finds out that he was instead transferred to a new world with a system! ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/s322Qvp This server is a platform that is free to publish your work on and they pay you via website traffic so authors interested in posting on yet another free to use platform should check it out!

OmniFrog · 東方
75 Chs

Chapter 67

"Wow Leo, so many volumes of the wind elemental affinity!" the librarian in charge of keeping track of the skills and techniques that the warriors of the village wanted to pass down to future generations told Leo with wide eyes.

Over the past six months, Leo has contributed quite a bit to the village and at this moment, it was finally time for him to pass down some of his own findings. Although he was no expert by any means, he still produced over twelve different volumes. He had done this in a way to show his kindness to the village, but also as a political tool.

Leo was not the type who was knowledgeable when it came to negotiating or politics, but, the one thing he did know, was that if he was kind enough without expecting anything in return, in the end, it would eventually come full circle. Keeping this in mind, he was already receiving quite a bit in return from the village itself.

As more and more warriors that also had the wind elemental affinity donated their own volumes, he would research and improve his understanding as well. This created a way for Leo to continue training without needing to head back to the city to purchase more books himself. Like this, six months had passed very quickly, and it was time for Leo to gain more experience in real life and death battles.

After donating the volumes, he wanted to donate to the village, Leo left the library and headed back to his residence. Occasionally, he would stop and have some small talk with some of the villagers who he recognized, but he was very hungry today from training so hard in the morning.

Earlier in the day, the Chieftain sent one of his advisors to Leo's current living area right outside of the village to tell him that he wanted to speak to him. Hearing that the Chieftain wanted to speak to him, Leo could only accept the invitation, but chose to finish eating his lunch first.

Finishing his stew and feeding his little tiger companion, Leo left the little tiger cub at his place and swiftly headed towards the Chieftain's new headquarters within the village. After establishing clay buildings for important buildings, the next building which was constructed would of course be the Chieftain's residence.

It did not take very long, as Leo met with several escorts right when he reentered the village. His escorts knew that he was planning on heading to speak to the Chieftain once he finished eating his fill and were told to wait at the village entrance to meet with him. After making some small talk, the escorts brought Leo to the Chieftain's residence.

Once inside the Chieftain's home, Leo sat down cross legged as he allowed the Chieftain to finish his training session. The room was currently boiling, and it was hard for anyone present to breathe, which is why only Leo and the Chieftain was present. Opening his eyes, the Chieftain released his technique and lightning flew from his eyes and smashed against a strange rock within the room that had different inscriptions on it.

"Damn it, I thought that by now, this skill would be strong enough to crush through those inscriptions!" unsatisfied with the power behind his attack, the Chieftain sat down cross legged and looked at Leo. Once he realized that Leo was present, the Chieftain's mood slowly shifted into a more serious look. This caught Leo a little off guard, because the Chieftain would never be this serious during their discussions.

"Over the past six months, you have helped this village become something entirely new. I was wondering how I could possibly even begin to repay your kindness, and that is when I realized that one of my ancestors left something in the treasury." The Chieftain started to explain himself to Leo as he drank some water to refresh himself from his training session.

"That rock has a hidden treasure within, but the only way to get inside of it, is for an Executive level warrior to use their raw power to crack the rock. However, as you can tell, I have tried every method at my disposal to try to just crack open this rock, but these inscriptions are ridiculous!"

"The treasure within is something that can help aid our village in its time of need, and I believe that once we take hold of this treasure, that I can share its findings with you as well. The treasure is a map and key that unlocks an invisible door to a mysterious area near the village."

"This area has been used as a trial area where the warriors who took the test in the area, would be rewarded with power that would be strong enough to protect this village in its time of need. If you and I could come up with how to crack open this damnable rock, I will allow you to take the trails with me, and together, we can hopefully pass and gain new power."

The Chieftain felt very close at this time with Leo and even wanted him to take the mantle of the Chieftain of this village once he died. Therefore, to allow Leo to take the village's trial that his ancestors set up, the Chieftain's mind started to ease up. This was one of the only ways that he would be able to repay Leo in the short term!

"I'm sorry, but I do not know a thing about inscriptions. I might be able to bring an inscription master from the city over to help, but as far as my expertise, I am nowhere close to being able to assist you." Leo told the Chieftain as he started to examine the rock.

"You should know from speaking with so many of the villagers, that we do not have a good relationship with that city where you are from. I understand now that you seem much different than those who tried to cause trouble so many years ago, but as the leader of this village, I am unable to accept any help from anyone but you when it comes to that city."

"Luckily, I feel that there might be a better way to crack open this rock if you were to help me out. Do not take this personally, but I have had several of my men watching you closely from the shadows to watch how you train."

"It was never my intention to deceive you, but one of my warriors reported that you were able to combine some of your elemental power into your sword?" The Chieftain asked Leo as he remained sitting.

Knowing that it would be useless to examine the rock any further, Leo sat down across from the Chieftain. He knew that there were several weaker warriors keeping an eye on him when he was training, and his mind was now at ease since the Chieftain explained himself.

"That is true, I have found a way to not only put my elemental power into my sword, but also a little bit into my body as well, causing my speed to increase drastically during battle." Leo told the Chieftain as he was not quite sure where he was going with asking him such a question.

"Very good." After responding to Leo, the Chieftain started to stand up, he had a shine in his eyes now and he was excited to tell Leo about his new plan.

"Part of being on the Executive level of power, is that I am able to circulate my elemental energy throughout my body with ease. Although I am unable to fully use the power of lightning, I am still able to use a portion of my overall power and place it anywhere on my body as either a form of protection, or to attack."

"That being said, I am only able to circulate a portion of my elemental power throughout my body, and to even try to circulate that power into my weapon is almost an impossible task at this moment. Leo, can I ask you to partake in a small experiment?"

"Since it seems that your weapon is a high grade weapon, and you are able to circulate your elemental power without any type of struggle into that weapon, I believe that if I were to add my lightning elemental power as well into the mix, that you would have enough power to crack open the rock with ease." Now holding nothing back, the Chieftain awaited Leo's answer.

"I might have a better solution." After pondering over this for several minutes, Leo stood up now and started to tell the Chieftain his idea. One hour later, a group of warriors started to form right behind the building of the Chieftain's residence.

Walking over, they saw that both the Chieftain and Leo were standing with a small group of guards beside a big rock with inscriptions covering it. Though they were not told why they were here, they all knew that they all trained using the wind elemental affinity.

"Alright everyone I hope that you can assist me in this mission. It will not be easy, but I know that with all of your help, we can accomplish what we are all here today for." The Chieftain using his noble aura called out to all the warriors who were now standing shoulder to shoulder in a long line.

"For many days now, I have tried to crack open the rock you see in front of you. To my surprise, even with my strength, I have been unable to crack the rock open. Over the many months that Leo has took up his temporary residence here, he has assisted our village in ways that I feel I could never repay him for."

"By using your help to crack this rock open which is full of inscriptions, we will be able to finally repay him for his kindness towards us, as our village works towards the future." After saying this, the Chieftain paused his words, because the warriors started to cheer in confidence. Their leader was not only asking them to help for himself, but for the village as well.

"Now, I will hand over the rest of this mission to Leo. He will be the one to instruct you all accordingly so that we are able to crack open this rock. Please on behalf of everyone here, put your best effort into this, so that we can shoot towards the future with our wings spread open!"