
The Card Master System

What happens when you wake up in another world completely different from your own? After committing suicide from being so weak in his past life, Leo woke up in where he thought was the afterlife, except he finds out that he was instead transferred to a new world with a system! ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/s322Qvp This server is a platform that is free to publish your work on and they pay you via website traffic so authors interested in posting on yet another free to use platform should check it out!

OmniFrog · 東方
75 Chs

Chapter 62

"It is sad to hear about your fallen brother. I did not grow up with siblings, but please understand my sympathy for you Chieftain." At this moment, Leo spoke up for the first time during this meeting between the two parties.

What was strange, was that Leo chose to now bow towards the Chieftain as his other companions have done previously upon meeting him. Sharp stares that could kill if they were physically shaped objects darted towards Leo from around the whole room.

This did not bother Leo, it only gave him the presence that he wished for his follow up statement. If everyone's focus were to be turned onto him, his plan of becoming closer with the Chieftain would succeed and his goals would be made a reality that much swifter.

Leo's plan was a simple one, he wanted to donate all his books with elemental attacks and techniques to the village so that everyone within could build up their strength faster. At that moment, once he chose to make a move with the backing of the villagers, their side would be able to dominate the Spider Queen and her children.

Since he would lose nothing by donating those books to the village, this plan that he had come up with, would be the most effective. The best way to earn the trust of a stranger, was to show an unyielding amount of kindness while tricking them in believing that you want nothing in return.

"So, tell me, what elemental affinity do you have?" Leo seeing that the Chieftain was unwilling to respond to his outburst, wanted to press his buttons a little more. This way, the real show he wanted to give everyone present, would finally begin.

"A mere child dares to question our Chieftain like this? Do not blame this elder for handing out justice!" after hearing Leo's words and seeing his disrespect towards their leader, several men in the room started to rush towards Leo with their shields in front of them. They were unwilling to withdraw their weapons because Leo to them, was only a small child that had no manners.

"Well, it looks like you are unable to control your subordinates like I would expect a great leader of a village to." Shouted Leo as he began to concentrate as several wind shuriken began to form around his body. Not expecting that Leo had full control over his wind element, the men who were charging him halted their movements in fear.

"No bad kid." Now locking eyes with Leo, the Chieftain stood up with a small smirk appearing on his face. However, what would happen next, was out of Leo's expectations as he saw the Chieftain unleash his own lightning element!

On one side of the room, Leo stood there while utilizing a wind element technique. While on the opposite side, stood the Chieftain who was simply unleashing his power and calling forth his own lightning element. There was no telling what would occur next between the two, and if the room would even survive another moment.

"I think I made my point. I wanted to gift this leader something to help your citizens continue to grow and prosper within this village. I hope that after seeing my gifts, that we can look to each other not as equals, but as close friends." Powering down, Leo withdrew a stack of books as he placed them on the table in front of the Chieftain.

On the top of the pile of books, was of course one of the lightning style techniques that Leo had in his possession. After witnessing that the Chieftain's elemental affinity was with the lightning element, Leo chose to place it as the first book that he would look at. This way, it would convince the Chieftain that Leo had enough personal power and a great backing.

Still unleashing his lightning element without slowing down in the slightest, the Chieftain grabbed the top book to take a quick look. In this moment, he would decide whether he would treat Leo as an ally, or as an enemy that would be kicked out of his territory immediately.

After reading the cover of the book, the Chieftain started to slowly power himself down. Sitting back in his chair, the Chieftain looked as if he was trying to solve a difficult puzzle as he opened the book to read its contents inside. A brightness could be seen within his eyes after only a breath of time before he looked back up at Leo, now smiling.

"You call this a gift, but I see it as if you are trying to set up some type of negotiation with us." The Chieftain now feeling calmer said. Directing the warriors in the room and his family to leave as well, the Chieftain was now in the room alone with Leo.

"You were correct when you noticed that my gift was more than just a gift. I hate the world of politics, but sometimes it can do more good, than evil. My goal coming here with all of those rescued warriors, was because I want to destroy that Spider Queen and her children." Holding nothing back now, Leo was being very blunt with the Chieftain.

"I see, well, there is only one issue with your goal." Hearing Leo speaking openly and truthfully, the Chieftain started to relax a little more as he responded. "If this village is unable to deal with those barbaric outsiders, we may lose everything even before we attack the Spider Queen."

"Now that you have saved so many of our warriors who helped guard our village in the past, this may be our chance to finish things with those outsiders. In this war since both sides are human, the winner would take everything and all we would need to do is kill their leader. If we could dominate the other side, those who survive will most likely join us with open arms."

"The only issue with that, is if I were to battle their leader on a one on one fight, I would have come up short. The only reason for this, is because although I am at the Executive level in strength, I had no real techniques or skills to use with my elemental affinity. Their leader however, had a fire elemental technique passed down to him and with that, our fights would end in a draw."

"When I looked at the skill within that book you gifted to our village, I saw that it was a more elementary type skill that would allow me to use its contents to develop several techniques and attacks for myself. I estimate that very soon, I will be able to completely eradicate their whole camp in the future simply by using my own hands."

"Therefore, I will need to ask you, will you become my brother?" with his final thoughts, the Chieftain pulled out a large barrel and two glasses of similar size. "In our village, to become brothers, two men are to share in a ceremonial gesture a glass of this wine. Once both sides finish their wine, they are to be as close as blood brothers and would help one another."

"Then let me toast to the expansion of this village and the strength that you will gain from my gifts not just now, but also in the future." Raising his glass to tap against the Chieftain's, both drank and finished their wine in a single gulp before laughing and drinking more afterwards.