
The Card Master System

What happens when you wake up in another world completely different from your own? After committing suicide from being so weak in his past life, Leo woke up in where he thought was the afterlife, except he finds out that he was instead transferred to a new world with a system! ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/s322Qvp This server is a platform that is free to publish your work on and they pay you via website traffic so authors interested in posting on yet another free to use platform should check it out!

OmniFrog · 東方
75 Chs

Chapter 55

"Not… bad…. kid!" with its bodies covered in injuries, the spider unleashed its full power now, and its wounds from the exploding clones healed entirely. However, it now only resembled a monster with spider type characteristics as its eight eyes pierced Leo's soul.

Leo still floating in the air above the spider just continued to look at it with an unshakable killing intent. He was now angry about the foolish choice he made taking his life, and the only relief he could now find, was by slaying the opponent in front of him.

Thanks to his berserk state, Leo felt his power slowly continuing to rise as his consciousness started to slip into a path that he no longer could control. In a steady pace, his mind started to let go as the anger continued to take over.

"You haven't disappointed me, but you must die for injuring me in such a sneaky manner!" the spider shouted out as it quickly unleashed some of its webbing. In only but a moment, the spider created a whole domain using its webbing as the foundation.

There was now nowhere for Leo to run, but what the spider failed to realize, was that Leo's goal was not to escape. Leo's goal was to slay it as quickly as possible before it headed towards the rest of the army to relieve his anger!

Using the webbing as a catapult for its huge body, the spider targeted Leo as it swung itself over to him in midair. Its speed could easily match Leo's even with how massive its body was. However, Leo simply continued to stand his ground as it watched the spider making its move.

With not a single moment of hesitation, Leo threw his sword in a stabbing motion towards the spider's body. This was so unexpected, that the spider had no chance to even try to dodge the sword even with its muscle memory.

The sword completely crippled one of the spider's eight legs as it continued to fall until it reached the floor of the cave. Appearing next to the spider, Leo unleashed a large barrage of punches until he crippled two more of the spider's legs in a very short amount of time.

The spider attempted to bite one of Leo's arms, but it was unsuccessful as it finally gave up on taking Leo's life and started to retreat backwards. With three of its legs completely crippled, the spider was not just in an unbelievable amount of pain, but it also realized the difference in strength between it and Leo.

Unwilling to let the spider retreat, Leo stayed close to it as he continued to land punch after punch with the occasional kick. With this, Leo started to let out an unclear laughter. It was almost as if it became an enraged beast that only wanted to slay its enemies.

After several breaths of time, the spider was finally able to land on the ground and released a deep breath, as if it was finally safe again. Truth be told, the spider saw something appear in the corner of one of its eyes; its sister.

This sister was wearing a light green dress that had red hourglasses placed all around it. In its humanized form, the spider had four of its eyes showing, but no fangs. However, purple poison bubbled in its mouth and seemed extremely toxic.

Unleashing its attack behind Leo in an effort to save its brother, the spider coughed up five purple bubbles that flew towards Leo's body at an unimaginable speed. Leo was unable to realize this, because his mind was still in its berserk state.

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

Once the poisonous bubbles hit Leo's bare skin, it started to release fumes as it tried to burn through. However, to both of his opponent's surprise, his movements did not pause or slow down in the slightest as Leo grabbed the sword that he threw earlier and aimed his next attack towards the injured spider.

Fear started to fill the female spider as it couldn't move its body fast enough to stop Leo's attack upon its brother. With a clean cut, Leo's attack missed the spider's head, and instead of going for the killing move, he crippled yet another leg of the spider.

In this moment, both spiders could feel a level of pressure that they only felt while looking at their mother; the Spider Queen. How can a human release such a vicious aura, yet, choose to make their opponents suffer to such an extent? Only their mother who had a large dose of monster blood in her veins would do this.

Helplessness filled the female spider's heart as her body remained frozen. However, in this moment, Leo finally halted his movements as he spit out a large mouthful of blood. The blood was purple and not red! "I was able to poison him?" the female spider said out loud as she watched Leo collapse onto the ground.

"That kind of wishing will only get you killed that much faster." Feeling a shiver down her spine, the female turned around and what she saw was a sight that she hasn't seen in many years. It was her mother the Spider Queen looking at her with a monstrous and threatening gaze.

"If it was not for me making a move personally, not only would your brother be dead, but you would have followed him to the underworld shortly after." Said the Spider Queen as she dropped down from the air and onto the ground right beside Leo's body that stopped moving.

"Mother I- "before explaining what had occurred and why it was severely injured, the Spider Queen held up a finger to cut it off. She was not in the mood to hear how a simple human child was able to harm one of her most prized children.