
The Card Master System

What happens when you wake up in another world completely different from your own? After committing suicide from being so weak in his past life, Leo woke up in where he thought was the afterlife, except he finds out that he was instead transferred to a new world with a system! ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/s322Qvp This server is a platform that is free to publish your work on and they pay you via website traffic so authors interested in posting on yet another free to use platform should check it out!

OmniFrog · 東方
75 Chs

Chapter 35

"Hehehe!" finally standing back up, Leo started to let out crazed but low chuckles. Withdrawing a potion from his inventory, he drank a sip and was able to fully recover. In the paperwork he looked over stating the rules of the test, a warrior was able to recover themselves a single time using a potion if they had the means to supply it to themselves.

"Hmph?" sort of upset seeing Leo casually using a potion made Gorg feel unsteady. However, he let Leo do as he liked because if he were to recover, Gorg was able to continue beating him down at his leisure. Leo's crazed chuckles started to get to Gorg though and gave off a bit of pressure.

"Now, are you ready to die?" putting the potion away, Leo's stare met with Gorg as his killing intent changed into a more beast like state. Gorg felt his grip on the weapon tighten as he took a step forward while releasing his own killing intent. Leo's personality and aura change made Gorg feel that he needed to fight with all his strength at this point.

As Gorg tried to think of an idea on how to handle Leo, he casually swung his flail around to buy himself some time. What shocked the onlookers, was that Leo did not try to dodge Gorg's weapon as it headed straight towards him. Not hesitating in the slightest, Gorg unleashed all his strength as his flail landed a direct hit onto Leo before he was able to even react!

"If you do not put your back into it, you will die without any honor to your name once I am finished with you." Leo's voice could be heard as Gorg was pulling on his weapon to retract it. Lowering the flail now in his hands, Leo's gaze pierced Gorg like a predator that wanted nothing more but to play with its weak prey.

Letting go of Gorg's weapon, Leo casually decided to put his sword back into his inventory. "To think that maybe you would be able to make me use my own weapon once I became serious. I guess there really is a difference between classes in this society." Without wasting another word, Leo within an instant arrived before Gorg as he let out an extremely powerful punch that had a hint of the wind element in it.

Flying backwards and coughing out a mouthful of blood, Gorg's body began to shake as he finally finished retracting his whole weapon. Using what he grasped over his water elemental affinity, Gorg started to heal his body as Leo shook his hand as if he hit a metal wall.

After several breaths of time, Gorg finally finished healing his body as he lifted off his shirt to reveal a chest plate that seemed to be terrifyingly heavy. "No wonder it felt as if I hit a sturdy mountain, you were wearing such a cheap item." Leo said as he continued chuckling as if he was a demon.

"You should be thankful for this kid. Now that I am taking this off, the warm ups will officially be over, and we can fight to our heart's content!" shouted Gorg as he actually threw the chest plate onto the other side of the room. Once the item hit the ground, it let off a loud boom as a small shockwave appeared.

"Warm ups? I would refer to this as a monster about to eat its dinner!" Leo shouted out as he dashed towards Gorg at full speed yet again. Before Leo could even approach his location, Gorg disappeared and reappeared right next to him before releasing his own punch.

Leo was barely able to block Gorg's sudden punch, but it looked as if Gorg's punch did not do any real damage to him and was only strong enough to send him backwards.

Taking only but a moment to catch his breath, Leo darted towards Gorg a second time hoping that he would be fast enough to land his own blow. To his surprise, Gorg was able to completely avoid him as he tried chasing him around the fighting area.

After only a minute of what seemed to be Leo and Gorg playing a game of tag, Gorg finally halted his movements as he allowed Leo to land several punches and kicks onto his body. Unfortunately for Leo, none of his attacks that landed showed any signs of Gorg taking any type of damage.

"It looks like if either one of us is to hurt the other, that we need to use our weapons again. I could tell that my attacks are hurting you more than yours are hurting me, but in this fight, I want to see your blood shed as I am sure you want mine to as well." Gorg told Leo before they both walked slowly to the opposite ends of the arena yet again.

Thanks to his Bronze Skin skill, Leo was able to receive all Gorg's blows without any worry for his safety, however Gorg was not even using any skills at this point to defend himself against Leo's attacks. "He really lives up to the hero title." He thought as he withdrew his sword once again while facing Gorg who also withdrew his weapon at the same time.

"Come." This single word Gorg said sent a shiver down every onlooker's spine as they saw Gorg becoming serious for the first time during this test. What was even more shocking, was that the crazed look in Leo's eyes vanished as he became very calm and peaceful like a monk.

Without saying another word, Leo started to concentrate as his sword let out a faint glow. Right now, Leo was trying to give himself a skill buff so that his final attack would be as strong as he could make it. Due to Gorg almost having the full basic control over his water element, Leo knew that he could not hold back in the slightest.

It could be said that once a warrior was able to grasp a basic understanding over their elemental affinity, that they would be considered to have reached the executive level of power. To spellcasters such as Natalia, they would be considered to have reached the executive level of power once they were able to cast a high-level spell from just communicating with their element.

Leo up to this point, had only just begun his process of understanding the basics of the wind element and he was still so new to this, that he could only unleash a small portion of the element's powers in his attacks. Compared to someone like Gorg, he was but a little ant facing a giant and had no room to hold back any longer!

Fully charged up, Leo began to make his final strike on Gorg. What seemed as if he was falling forward, Leo's body was now only a foot above the ground as he dashed towards Gorg with his full speed while stabbing his sword out at his opponent's head.

This was a new type of move that Leo had created. By almost falling forward all the way onto the ground, it gave Leo enough momentum to increase his speed past his current limits. This move's weakness was that Leo only knew how to keep this speed by using a stabbing type move instead of a full swing.

"Not bad kid, you pass." As he said this, Leo's attack pierced Gorg's head leaving behind only water. Just as Leo used his clone type technique to dodge his opponent's attack earlier, Gorg had done the same but with his water abilities. This allowed Gorg to not use as much strength to create his clone. This was what separated the warriors who grasped their elements to a certain degree versus those who hadn't.

With a splash of water now covering his hair, Leo withdrew his weapon as he stared at Gorg once again. Coming here at first, Leo felt that he would be able to overpower any of his potential opponents. To him, this was a very humbling experience which he would take with him to continue his path.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Sure enough, the whole crowd made up of guild members started to cheer the two in acceptance. Hearing that Leo was now one of their brothers, the members started to rush forward to greet him with nods of joy. This was short lived though, because Leo wanted to do nothing more than to accept a mission right away.