
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · 都市
22 Chs


She heard the sound of a window blind being drawn. Her eyes flipped open, where was she. The room slowly came into view and her eyes gradually adjusted to the light. She looked around and sighed, she was at the hospital. She tried to sit up but her head didn't let her. She felt a sharp pain at the back of her head.

"You would be discharged soon. So I suggest you rest as much as you can."

She turned her head slowly to where the voice came from. Her eyes fell on a tall man in suit. His black long hair tied up, but some loose strands fell lazily on his face and neck. The sun made his blue eyes look more blue, he looked like he just walked out of the red carpet or a runway show.

"You...." Sandra said breathlessly.

She remembered him quite well, almost too well. It was about four years ago when she first saw him. He had just been recruited as one of Bruce's body guards. As at that time he was skinny, had short hair and looked nothing less than 18.

Then he had seen Bruce beat Sandra for the first time and when he could not take it any longer, he shoved Bruce away roughly. She heard Bruce had beaten the boy to the brink of death.

She was surprised to see him again. She wondered why he was here. He cleared his throat.

"My name is Gabriel."

"Gabriel what?"

"You don't need to know," he snapped. "Anyways, you will be discharged in about an hour. Boss expects you to attend Mr Williams' 80th birthday holding at his home this evening." He paused and looked at Sandra for any expression but her face was blank and void of any emotions.

"Of cause you are allowed to decline the invitation, any decision you make will work in boss's favor but we all know how he can be."

"I...I.. will have to think about it."

"You don't really have much of a choice here, you see....."

The knock on the door interrupted him. The door opened gently and a doctor walked in.

The doctor had perfect grey hair and looked about the age of 50.

The doctor looked at the pale woman lying helplessly on the bed. He felt pity for her. She was about his daughter's age. She looked at him and gave him a weak smile. He felt ashamed, he averted his eyes and looked instead at the bodyguard standing beside her.

"She's in perfect condition. A little rest and pain killers should do the trick."

She didn't pay attention to them, she saw a pop-up notification on her phone that Bruce was giving an emergency press conference.

"Turn on the television." She murmured . She wanted to know what lies he had come up with now.

Gabriel grabbed the remote and switched on the television.

She watched the press conference attentively like a child who was watching her favorite cartoon. She knew Bruce was good with coming up with things, but this? she smiled. Impressive, she thought he had been cornered and wouldn't be able to come up with any convincing lie. She didn't expect this. He bowed and begged people to stop spreading false rumor that he abuses his wife or the men she cheated with abused her. She tilted her head to the left slowly like she was possessed, what! his wife being in pain hurt him.

She turned slowly to the doctor, her eyes cold and her face emotionless but a small smile played on her lips.

"What? I was diagnosed with Henoch Schonlein Purpura?" she pulled her hospital gown up to reveal bruises and scars on her body. "This are skin disease?"

The doctor avoided her eyes. He nervously cleared his throat.

"Uhmm..I..I will get going now."

He turned and left the room quickly. He felt bad but the pay was good. She was a sacrificial lamb for his own greed, what a shame.

Sandra lay back on the bed. The room was quiet. Gabriel sat on a chair far from her bed and completely ignored her. His attention was on the magazine he was going through.

She felt her phone vibrate, she was going to ignore it but curiosity got the best of her. She picked it up and lazily unlocked it. A message popped up, she sucked in her lower lip, making the dimples at both corners of her mouth more pronounced. She wrinked her nose, she slowly let go of her lower lip as a small smile formed.

"Gabriel, I will like to be discharged now."


"Mm mm I have a party to attend."

Her cold eyes lit up with excitement.

Gabriel nodded and walked out of the room to inform the doctor. He stopped in his track and looked towards her room door. He wondered what was going through her mind. How could she be excited about going to the party after what her husband just said about her during the press conference. He shook his head sadly, she has finally lost her mind.

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