
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · 都市
22 Chs


She hated talk shows and he knew it, still he always dragged her to everyone he was invited to. Of cause to make her look shameless and make him look good.

Like a devoted husband who took his wife everywhere.

Sandra pinched herself to stay awake. This particular talk show was as boring as the others. She tried to suppress a yawn as she adjusted in her seat. The host, Mr Sheldon Mills ignored her and threw more questions at Bruce, just like they always did.

Her mouth felt dry, she needed water. She tilted her body slightly to the right and stretched her hands towards Bruce trying to get the bottled water on the table beside him.

Bruce picked up the water and handed it to her since it was too far from her reach.

He smiled at her. "You are beautiful." he cupped her face in his hands and leaned in for a kiss. She knew it was all for the camera but she let herself want it. She closed her eyes and drew closer to kiss him


Embarrassed, taken by surprise, Sandra and Bruce stared at Sheldon confused.

"The bruise on your body, how did you get it?" Sheldon asked.

With the position she was in, her top and skirt had shifted, revealing a large red bruise on both her back and lap.

Time stopped, Sandra stood up immediately. Every eye was on her. She was enveloped with fear, the bottled water fell from her hand.

She staggered backwards, turned and ran.

She ran as fast as her heels would let her.

She knew what price came with making mistakes. How could she have forgotten.

She had woken up late that morning and forgot to use makeup and cover up the bruises. She had been in a hurry that she had forgotten the most crucial thing.

She heard footsteps following her, she turned back and saw Bruce and Grace running after her. Oh no, all she wanted was time to herself.

She entered an elevator and Bruce and Grace joined her.

"Bruce I'm sorry." She murmured, avoiding his eyes and moving far from him "I was in a hurry and I forgot."

"You're sorry?" he slammed his fist on the wall. "I told you to cover up, you're trying to ruin me right?"

"No Bruce....." he grabbed her face roughly. "You did this intentionally." His eyes were bloodshot.

"Reporters are waiting outside, they're all saying you might be abusing your wife." Grace said, her eyes glued to her phone.

Bruce smirked, he tightened his grip on Sandra's face and slammed her head against the wall. She blacked out.

He watched her unconscious body hit the floor.

"Call an ambulance."He ordered Grace. He bent on one knee, lifted Sandra's body to a sitting position and rested her head on his chest. If he wasn't into politics, he would have made a fine actor.

The elevator opened and reporters rushed with their cameras towards them.

Bruce looked up at them, tears rolled freely down his cheeks. Worry and concern in his eyes.