
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · 都市
22 Chs


"So where were we?"

Sandra asked as she stood up from her current seat and headed to the one her father in-law just got up from. She settled down comfortably on it and returned her gaze to the shareholders.

One of the shareholders, an elegant lady in her forties stood up and cleared her throat.

"Change is constant," She started. "I believe it is time we had a female CEO, the men have brought enough troubles, don't you think so?"

The rest mumbled and nodded in agreement.

"You will support me to become the CEO just because I am a woman?" Sandra asked, there was clear annoyance and disgust in her voice.

The woman stared at her dumbfounded, she had thought she would get on Sandra's good side if she supported her and she had said the only reasonable thing.

"Answer me!"

Sandra slammed her palm on the table, her eyes bloodshot and threatening to bring havoc.

"I..I..was only.." Her voice shook as she bowed to avoid Sandra's intense gaze.

"Answer me." Sandra demanded again.


There was a long nerve wrecking pause, everyone held their breath as their eyes were all focused on Sandra.

Cassie's heart went out to the poor shareholder who had obviously said what she said just so she could gain Sandra's trust and probably be an Ass licker. She was sure that just few minutes ago, the same woman must have been supporting Mr Morgan like she would never switch sides so easily.

"So I should become the CEO because I am a woman? not because I am capable or because I'm the only right person for the job?"

"That's not what I meant..of course you are the perfect person for the job." The woman's voice shook greatly.

"I deserve this regardless of my gender but nevermind that!" Sandra finally broke her gaze on the woman, she waved her hand to Cassie and Cassie quickly ran to the switch off the light in the room. She plugged in a flash drive and turned on the TV and handed the remote to Sandra.

"Thank you Cassie."

Cassie smiled in return, at least she remembered her name.

One click on the TV had the whole shareholders mouth dropping. Sandra had dirt on every single one of them and she did not hesitate to show them. From bribery, to murder to cheating, alot of scandals that could ruin them if revealed to the world.

Cassie was shocked to her bones, she had been with the flash drive for weeks and she didn't even know what was inside. She had not even been tempted to go through it, she just kept it as her boss had instructed. It seemed that her boss knew everything, you definitely could not hide anything from her, she would just ignore you and only strike when needed. She was in awe and her respect for Sandra just increased rapidly.

Sandra moved to the next video and loud moans and sounds of whip coming in contact with flesh filled the conference room.

Sandra rested her chin on her palms with her elbow resting on the table, supporting the weight. She stared at the woman who had wanted to be an ass licker and smiled.

The woman face turned all red as she watched herself moaning shamelessly and getting whipped by a man that was obviously not her husband. How was Sandra able to get this? This was not the kind of evidence you could claim that it was manipulated, her face, body and everything was shamelessly displayed on the screen.

Sandra paused the video and the part she paused in had the woman's face in a weird hilarious angle that the others couldn't help but bite themselves so they wouldn't laugh.

"You see, this right here is why I should be the CEO."

She played the video and the woman in the video screamed 'Yes Daddy!'

She paused it again and burst into laughter, her whole body shook from the effect of the laugh.

"Da-daddy? woww! you are something."

She didn't mind the embarrassment in the woman's face, she was too amused by the video. When she had gone through the flash drive, she had not watched the lady's own.

"Judging from this video, I think you chose the wrong profession, the man in the video is nothing less than twenty four and he's your Daddy? I think I need to search more on the web maybe I grew up with the wrong meaning of the word."

The woman stood up abruptly and rushed towards the door.

"Leave this room and watch how I change your profession before you even get to your car in the parking lot." Sandra threatened quietly.

The woman stopped with her back to Sandra, she was shaking, probably trying to control the tears trying to come out. How could Sandra be so heartless? It was like Sandra was no longer human and was now soulless and only out to destroy to get what she wants.

Sandra got up from her seat and walked towards the door, she stopped close to the woman and leaned close to her ear to whisper to her.

"I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine, the same photographer you recommended for Bruce is the same one that took those videos. Hope it feels great to be on the receiving end."

WIth that she walked out without looking at the now terrified woman.

Cassie who was too busy retrieving the flash drive did not see Sandra whispering to the woman. She got the flash drive and ran after Sandra.

She finally caught up with Sandra and started walking in the same pace with her.

"Go home early today, I have somewhere to be."

Cassie stopped and watched her boss walk away. She wondered where she was going to and why she did not want her to tag along. She shrugged and pushed the thought aside, at least she now has the rest of the day to herself.