
The captive's heart

Revenge and betrayal is the theme of the day.... Will Sandra learn to love again? Will she discover her true potential as a leader? Trust is not an option....

Angel_Ilikah · 都市
22 Chs


"Can you identify the woman in the video?"

"Yes, that's me."

"And the man?"

"That's my husband."

"How many times has your husband Mr Bruce Morgan beaten you up?"

"A couple of times."

"How long has this been going on?"

"A long while."

"Is it true that he makes you sleep with men to blackmail both them and you?"

"No comment."

"What do you know about your husband's company fraud?"

"I know nothing."

"You're the vice president."

"Yes, I just started a few weeks ago."

"You are not going to sue Mr Bruce?"


"Okay Mrs Sandra."

The prosecutor looked back down at the file that he had laid down on the table then back at Sandra. She appeared calm, too calm for a woman married to a man who found pleasure in domestic violence. Her eyes appeared swollen like she had just been beaten of recent, there was a bandage on her nose and a slight cut on her lips.

"Perhaps you could tell us how you got your recent bruises, did Mr Bruce attack you again?"



"She's with child!" Mrs Morgan cried out as Mr Morgan slapped Sandra the fourth time.

"Stay out of this woman!" he barked at his wife. He turned his attention back to Sandra, his eyes blazing with intense anger. "You planned all this?"

She shook her head and it earned her another slap followed by a punch to the nose. She flinched in pain as her hand went to her now broken nose that was bleeding.

"Lord and that damn boy put our fucking houses and estates as collateral, I will kill Bruce with my bare hands. The bank is going to be breathing down our neck!" Mr Morgan complained bitterly as he eyed Sandra with distaste.

"He put our houses as collateral? what do you mean by that? did you give him the papers to our estates and houses?" Mrs Morgan asked. There was fear and worry written in her face.

"Did I fucking stammer?"

"What about the company?"

"I don't know," he turned his attention to Sandra. "Did you talk Bruce into putting the company up for collateral?"

"In fact I actually talked him out of doing so, this was all his idea not mine." Sandra said. She wiped the blood from her nose with the back of her sleeve.

"You..you.. devil you," Mrs Morgan raised her hand and aggressively grabbed a handful of Sandra's hair. "You had better sought this out. Pay off the debt immediately, I don't care if you have to use your blood!"

"I did not create this mess!" She pouted her lips and stared at them with huge cat like eyes.

Mr Morgan pushed his wife aside and yanked Sandra by the hair, turning her face to his.

"Repeat what you just said. I dare you!"

Sandra looked him dead in the eyes, her lips parted.

"I did not create this mess," a wicked smile formed on her lips. "Fangul!" (Fangul-fuck you.)



"It has been three days since I last saw my husband."

"And the bruises?"

"They are all old."

"Mrs Sandra, I might not be a doctor but I think I would be able to distinguish between old and new bruises."

"That's a very nice skill to have outside your profession."

The prosecutor stared at Sandra in disbelief. He chuckled to himself, she was really good with comebacks.

"Mrs Sandra your husband will still be charged with quite alot," he paused to allow the information sink in. "Even if you refuse to sue him for domestic violence, assault and many more, we are still going to be looking at a long long time in prison."

"If I agree, would it lessen his sentence?"

"uhh..no, but what it would do is give you the sweet taste of vengeance."

She placed her elbows on the table and rested her head on her open palms as she stared at the prosecutor with boredom completely visible on her face.

"Don't you know that I love my sweet husband so much."

The prosecutor could swear that there was a hint of sarcasm in her words but he wasn't sure.

"Sandra I am not doubting your affection towards your husband."

She rested an eyebrow.

"Sandra? I didn't know we now had a close relationship. Perhaps instead of referring to you as prosecutor Bill or Mr Bill, I could instead refer to you as just Billy or Billy the goat." Sandra mocked the prosecutor.

"Pardon me, Mrs Sandra," Prosecutor Bill corrected himself, completely ignoring Sandra's remark. "when was the last time you saw Mr Bruce?"

"Three days ago."

"Details please."

"We were heading home from the city hall after the results had been announced. We saw the news, he dropped me off and then drove off to God knows where."

"Okay Mrs Sandra, that will be all."

Prosecutor Bill walked to the door and locked it, he shut off the camera and microphone.

"You're really going to go ahead with this crazy plan of yours?" He asked as he sat on the chair across the table facing her.

"Mhmm." She nodded and tried to suppress a yawn but failed terribly at it.

"You know you can just sue him and move on with your life."

"I know..but what about that sweet vengeance you spoke of?"

"Sandra that was just.." He paused. "That was completely different Sandra."

Sandra stood up and walked to him, she wrapped her hands around him in an embrace and whispered. "Dear sweet sweet cousin, don't bother trying to talk me out of this. I will always do things my way."

She pecked him on the cheek and walked to the door to unlock it.

"Yo Aurora."

she turned to look at him.

"Be careful, I can't always look out for you."

She nodded at him, flashed him her billion dollar smile and walked away.

Bill watched his cousin walk away. He ran his hand through his hair and laughed, he really admired his cousin, his sweet little crazy bestfriend.